The female giant Scorpio silently netted the giant shark and stood on the other side, waiting for Mei's new instructions.

It was very quiet.Looking at it at a glance, there is not even a single wave on the boundless sea, and the clouds in the sky are no longer moving, as if the whole world has come to a standstill.

— This situation is obviously not normal at the moment.


Mei slightly raised the corners of her lips.

And the Chitong sisters standing at the rear also seemed to be infected by this mysterious and tense atmosphere, holding their breath and looking left and right, looking nervous.

After being silent for a while, Mei turned her head and looked at Kiana beside her.

"Mei, let's start."

"Well, it looks like an arrogant guy, let's force it out."

After nodding, Mei looked up at Scorpio.

And the latter also seemed to understand something, and took the initiative to entrust the giant shark caught in the net to the girls.


Feeling the aura emanating from the two behemoths at such a close distance, the sisters couldn't help taking a step back, their expressions slightly changed.

"do not worry."

Kiyana smiled, and took the initiative to walk to their side to comfort them.

Mei, on the other hand, held up the eight chambers on her own:

"Contract, start."

As soon as her words fell, ominous black air emerged from the knife again.

At the same time, the "hand net" and hair of Scorpio gradually loosened and pulled away, so the giant shark was able to slowly recover its strength and began to sway its body,

"This time, let's try to directly transform the living creature into a puppet."

Not paying attention to the giant shark's struggle, Mei raised Hachifang above his head.

Immediately, the escaping black air began to gather consciously, and together they enveloped the entire body of the giant shark.


The black air poured in, and the giant shark struggled more violently, opening and closing its big mouth, as if it was panting or roaring.

The moment the two came into contact, the latter's body trembled violently under the erosion of black air, and the smooth surface began to become dull, with wrinkles appearing, like cracked and aged bark.

Gradually, the life force of the giant shark began to drain rapidly, the swing of the fins became weaker and weaker, and the cloudy eyeballs kept spinning...until it died.

A dignified super dangerous species, majestic and majestic, crossing the sea during his lifetime, he did not expect to fall in this way.

For some reason, the sisters suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill.

Finally, when the giant shark stopped moving and its body became bumpy and even exposed the pale fish bones inside, Mei finally took Hachifang off the top of his head.

"The contract is complete!"

While speaking, she threw the demon knife at the corpse.

When the tip of the knife was inserted into the corpse, and the black air inside and outside merged, a new puppet was made—of course, this was their ideal situation.

But the fact is...


A strange voice came...

Looking up, I saw at some time, the female giant holding the giant shark...

It has become an ice sculpture! ! !


The cold wind howled.

The sky above the head and the land behind were dyed white, even the rock wall under the feet.


The two sisters glanced left and right, only to realize that they and the others were within a golden barrier at some point, while Qiyana beside them and Mei in front of them were staring straight ahead.

"It's finally here."

"The strongest in this world."

As soon as Kiana and Mei's words fell, the Scorpio that turned into an ice sculpture collapsed, together with the frozen giant frog lying on the beach, causing the ground to vibrate violently.

Accompanied by the bone-piercing cold, the vision suddenly opened up.

The sea has become a glacier;

Caesar's Giant Frog and Scorpio were instantly killed by a face-to-face...

What's more noteworthy than these is that huge sky-like...even a snake-shaped creature that obscures the sky in a certain sense——

Dragon, Shenlong, the sea-blue Shenlong, with one, two, three...five claws!

"Foreign powerhouse, why would you abandon your own nobility and condescend to disturb the fate of this world?"

Shenlong didn't even open his mouth, and a lazy voice appeared directly in the Chitong sisters... No, the hearts of all creatures in the whole world!Its unique actually a woman!

"What is 'disturbance'? We were planning to leave, but the ocean under your rule took the lead in launching the attack, intending to destroy the creatures on the mainland. We can't just sit idly by."

Mei retorted without changing his expression, stretched out his hand, and attracted the Bafang inserted in the giant shark's body, smashing the frost on it, and the blood-colored electric light surrounded the whole body.

"That's right! How did humans offend you! Don't think that being big is a big deal! We are not afraid of you!"

Seeing that Mei and Qiyana looked calm and indifferent, Heitong also boldly shouted, which is a typical wave of "fox pretending to be tiger".

In response, the sea-blue dragon hovered around its body, staring at Mei and the others with sapphire-like eyes.

"I am the Dragon King of the Sea, and I hold the water of the five elements. You humans violated the contract made thousands of years ago, killed the eroded dragon without authorization, and drained its blood containing the filth of the world into the sea, causing chaos in the land of my country and the loss of life. It's really unreasonable to bite back!"

Then, without seeing any movement from it, the temperature in the entire world suddenly dropped again, and even the rock wall itself gradually began to freeze, and the cold air blurred the vision.

Seeing this scene, even through the barrier, Heitong couldn't help shrinking his body, with a look of fear on his face.

Faced with such an offensive, Mei also responded with a knife.


The blood-colored sword light disappeared in a flash, and the white ice field was divided into two, forming a deep canyon, and even the dragon above the sky was broken into several pieces.


Seeing this, the Chitong sisters suddenly opened their eyes wide.

Is this the end?

"It's not that simple~." As if seeing through their thoughts, Qiyana smiled and shook her head, "That guy is also the strongest in this world after all, an existence at the level of a false god, it won't be so easy Dead. What's more, Mei didn't use all her strength at all."

In the next second, as if to verify her words, those broken limbs in the sky were not captured by gravity, but instead floated in mid-air like foam, automatically splicing back together!

"Is that just a phantom?!"

In this regard, the sisters were dumbfounded.

Mei, on the other hand, shook his head.

"No, that's true... as expected of Sea Dragon Emperor."

"Hehe, I just laughed. Although Your Excellency's strength has once again refreshed my understanding of outsiders, but..."

Shenlong swayed its body, and the entire ice field suddenly melted into liquid water, and slowly floated up, exposing the soft and messy seabed below.

It actually "supported" the sea easily!

"I am water! Water is me! As long as the water in this world never runs dry, I will never die!"

Accompanied by the domineering declaration of the Sea Dragon Emperor, half of the water melted from the ice sheet returned to the sea, and the other half evaporated into a gaseous state, which either surrounded the Shenlong's body or covered the sky, and it began to rain.

In such a short period of time, it demonstrates the three forms of water to the girls and reveals its essence without fear.

As long as the water does not dry up, I will live forever!

How arrogant?

The sisters were beyond shocked by this.

The existence in front of him is obviously not something humans can fight against, and it is no exaggeration to even call it the "God of Water"!Not only humans, but any creatures they know are not qualified to be enemies.

Of course, except for these two around.

"Has humans signed a contract with you thousands of years ago?"

Mei suddenly frowned and asked.

"Don't try to deceive me anymore, aren't those two humans behind you carrying the token of the contract that the Emperor made with us back then?"

The Dragon Emperor replied like this.

The two sisters immediately became the focus of the audience.

"Could it be the White Jade Sword and the Obsidian Sword?!"

He himself reacted immediately.


The Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, and began to speak in a vicissitudes of life:

"The corroding dragon was born from the seed of filth, and it is immortal itself. Thousands of years ago, it woke up from a long sleep and caused chaos on the continent where you live. It was the first emperor of mankind to ask for help from the sea, begging us s help."

"At that time, I just woke up in a shallow sleep, and I mercifully agreed to his request, separated part of the power, combined with the essence of the earth veins, and jointly forged two swords for the Emperor, which made him kill the dragon. Suppress and quell the chaos."

Shenlong hovered around his body, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

"At the beginning, we swore on the shores of the South China Sea that there would be no aggression between the human empire and the ocean kingdom. We allowed humans to fish and would not bring disasters at will, but we would never allow humans to destroy the tranquility of the underwater kingdom, let alone humans Pollution of the ocean!"

"This is a contract. Human beings have now violated the contract and should be punished! Today, my people voluntarily assembled to purify human beings with anger. I have long understood this. Anyway, for you, it is only a thousand years, and human beings It will multiply and grow again, so why care?"


This flat and indifferent tone is already a kind of naked contempt.It seems that in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor in front of him, the thousands of years of human civilization are not worth mentioning, and "cleaning human beings" is no different from "destroying ant nests" in its values.

No matter what other people think about this matter, Sister Chitong is already furious.

"What a 'thousands of years', it seems that His Excellency the Dragon Emperor doesn't take us human beings seriously at all."

At this moment, knowing that there was no chance of winning, Chitong still drew his weapon and assumed a fighting stance.

Hai Longhuang didn't care about this.

"It's a pity, but it's a fact. According to you humans, I've lived for at least 3000 million years. Do you think I care about this mere thousand years? That's just the time for me to sleep once."

"3000 million years... What exactly are we facing!"

Hei Tong looked a little excited.

"Don't worry, look at Mei."

Kiyana comforted at the right time.

Hearing this, the sisters immediately looked forward.

"Nothing is immortal."

Yai held the knife in both hands, her eyes were sharp.

"Your body can regenerate infinitely, but your soul...I can cut it off!"

As soon as the words fell, arm armor appeared on both sides of her, a divine ring rose from her back, and she stepped on the empty space, showing her full glory!

At this moment, her eyes were hotter and brighter than the stars, and the Bafang in her hand hummed with joy under the wrapping of the power of the gods. sword!


Thunder and lightning easily pierced through the clouds, bringing light to the dark world.

Feeling the fluctuation of the law just now, the expression of Hai Longhuang, who was originally leisurely, suddenly changed drastically.

"Wait! You, you actually have the power to create the world?! Who are you?!"

In this regard, Mei, who was glowing with lightning and with an indifferent and firm expression, shook her head and held her eighth room high.

"What is that, I don't care. It's too late to regret. After killing you, the sea in this world will be completely calm. Then... come out! Kurigara!"

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