
The thunderstorm fell from the sky.

The black giant dragon pushed through the clouds, poked out a huge head, and let out a terrifying roar to the world!

Chapter 291Chapter 280 Do you like the Dragon King who is also Yujie and arrogant? (Five thousand words!)

"It's just...?!"


In the eyes of the Chitong sisters, although the black dragon called "Kurigara" by Mei is not as huge as Hailonghuang, its momentum is like a meteorite falling from the sky or the sun falling, and the shock it brings is not low.

What's more, in the impression of the two of them, the puppet named "Destaguru" was just a skeleton.And the black dragon in front of him not only has wings that can cover the sky, but also has thick scales and a strong body. Compared with the two, it is simply a rebirth-like evolution!

How exactly is this done?

What has it been through?

Now, the sisters are both shocked and curious.

In fact, apart from them, another existence present was also stunned.

It is Sea Dragon Emperor.

"Finally... finally found it. My fellow clan. Since the end of ancient times, after the heavenly phoenix ascended and the black tortoise fell, I finally found my destined companion..."

At this moment, Sea Dragon Emperor seems to have entered a strange state, muttering to himself constantly, the whole world is undergoing a series of changes due to its current state:

Have you ever seen that the rain falling from the sky turns into foam and floats back to the sky; the sea level keeps rippling with heart-shaped ripples, and countless dangerous species poke their heads out of the water and spit bubbles; the cloud is like a veil Generally shrouded in the Dragon Emperor's body, looming...

When an incomparably gorgeous rainbow appeared above the sea, the Dragon Emperor suddenly changed his attitude:

"No! Even if you kill me, the continent will still be destroyed, and human beings will definitely be destroyed."


"How could this be?"

To this, the ones who reacted the most were Chi Tong and Hei Tong.

And Mei also frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple." The Dragon King circled his body again, but his eyes stayed on Kurikaro's body, "My will is the will of the sea. As long as I order the sea to destroy the continent at the moment you attack, it will It can set off a huge wave of destruction in an instant."

"Are you threatening me?"

Mei narrowed her eyes.

Almost at the same time, Kurigara also let out a threatening growl at the Dragon Emperor.


The long dragon's cry resounded through the sky, accompanied by red thunder.

"Of course not, it's not my intention!"

For some reason, the Dragon Emperor's body suddenly became hesitant, and his body kept circling, as if revealing a humane tweaking appearance!

"Then what do you mean?"

Mei continued to press and asked, and was ready to make a move at any time.

But the Dragon Emperor's next answer made them think they heard it wrong:

"It's just... well, I'm planning to give up attacking the mainland."


"Oh, why are you so stupid? I, I..."

Seeing the puzzled faces of Mei and the others, the Dragon Emperor was obviously a little anxious, and his sharp claws kept bending.

In the end, it bumped headlong into the sea!

"Want to escape?"

At this moment, Mei subconsciously wanted to launch a slash.

But the next second she froze.

Under the sea-blue magical glow, the divine dragon that originally covered the sky suddenly began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a big breasted sister with fluttering blue hair and dragon horns.

And the most, most... the most important thing is!

There is no wisp on her body.

"You are this?"

Mei was really shocked this time.

The long-haired Yujie in front of her was stepping barefoot on the rough sea, her white and plump body was enough to make any man salivate!Even she couldn't help exclaiming in her heart, "It's so fierce!".


Facing Mei's question, Sister Yu raised her head and looked at the black dragon surrounded by thunder above her head, holding her flushed cheeks with a shy and timid look.


Some white-haired freak standing on a rock wall can't help but have a nosebleed.

Mei, on the other hand, seemed to understand something.

"You don't want to see Kurigara, do you?"

Hearing this sentence, Yu Jie suddenly became furious.

"Woo...! Man, full of nonsense! I am the master of water, and I have been... hum! When you humans are just strands of hair on the body of a black turtle, I have already achieved the strongest in the world! ! How could it be like a female beast... Ru don't want to say any more!"

Typical "tired"...

Mei couldn't complain anymore.

"Then what do you want to do?"

This question obviously stumped the Dragon Emperor.

Seeing that Sister Yu was naked like this, after thinking for a while on the sea, she hesitated and gave a proposal:

"Well... make a deal with me."

But Mei refused without hesitation:

"No. The transaction has always been based on the equal strength of both parties. I don't think you have the qualifications to be equal to me. What's more... Your threat just now is meaningless to us."

At the end, her face became indifferent again.

" are so annoying! I... I have lowered my posture like this, just wait for you to accept it gratefully! Why do you have to force me..."

The dignified Dragon Emperor actually started to play around like a little girl.

And Mei obviously doesn't like this set.

"So you still choose to fight? Well then, Kurikara!"

As soon as the words fell, the black dragon took the initiative to lower his head and let Mei stand on his head.


One god and one dragon, the momentum suddenly reached its peak.

At this moment, under the pressure of Mei's aura, the dark cloud aroused by the Dragon King was dispelled again, and even the sea itself was turned upside down.

But the eye-popping thing is...

"You... how dare you?! That position should belong to me!"

Even though the body had to bow up under the pressure of the true god, the sea dragon emperor with the appearance of Yujie only cared about puffing up his cheeks, with a look of "I'm jealous", and the sea around him entered the ice age.

To this, Mei had no expression on his face.

"What belongs to you? Kurigara is my puppet and mount, and has nothing to do with you. Prepare to be punished!"

Faced with an increasingly heavy body, the Dragon Emperor, who was struggling on the verge of death, seemed to have gotten into a dead end.

"Of course it matters! Because it's's me..."


"It's the spouse in my eyes!"


The whole place was silent.

Mei looked suspiciously at the mount dragon under her feet, and had doubts about the word "charm" for the first time.

The current situation is like when the two armies are confronting each other, the enemy marshal suddenly said "I have taken a fancy to your horse, please give it to me" and so on. This sentence itself is enough to make people stunned from beginning to end Its solution.

But the Dragon Emperor still did not give up and explained:

"Don't you think that I and it are a destined couple? Its strength is worthy of me, and it belongs to the dragon clan with me. This is a perfect match! As long as I can combine with it, I will definitely be able to give birth to the best Heir! This is something that is difficult to encounter in thousands of years!"

"I have decided not to retaliate against humans, because the remaining blood of the eroding dragon will eventually be purified by the sea water. Although it may take longer than human reproduction, no matter thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, for me It makes no difference."

"No matter what, I must not let go of this unique opportunity!"

At this moment, Hai Longhuang's rationality seems to have completely disappeared. In order to become a mother and successfully reproduce offspring, he even did not hesitate to abandon his country and people.

In this regard, Mei just wants to ask:

What about your manners?

"As long as you agree to terminate the contract with it and fulfill my long-cherished wish for thousands of years, the grievances between humans and the sea will be eliminated. I am willing to swear by my own soul."

At the end, the Dragon Emperor's expression was very serious, and his tone was sincere.

Mei and the others could feel the sincere heart behind her words.

In this regard, Kurikara, who had just been reborn and was unable to think independently, of course did not express any emotion, and chose to follow Mei's order from the beginning to the end.

And Mei, who is the master...

Then, after looking at Qiyana and asking each other's opinions, he slowly gave his own answer:

"No, you must come with us."

"What? Let me give up everything in this world and leave? It's impossible!"

This is Hai Longhuang's first reaction.

However, Mei had no intention of giving in.

"Don't you understand? According to our human customs, relatively weak women must marry into a strong man's family. We are stronger than you, so why should we let Kurigara 'marry'?"


Hai Longhuang still hesitated.

"This is our bottom line! If you don't accept it, there will only be one battle! Don't worry, I will be merciful and let Kurigara know you personally."

Mei raised the corners of her lips.

And Hai Longhuang obviously went berserk.

"So vicious! Are you some kind of devil from outside the world?!"

"what do you think?"

Mei clings to the bottom line tightly and does not let go, just like an unscrupulous vendor at a street stall who sits on the ground and raises prices.

Facts have proved that compared with cunning human beings, the Sea Dragon Emperor, who is the supreme being in this world, has lived a long time, but he is very simple.

"...this world, this sea, is with me all my life..."

Looking at the vast ocean, the Dragon Emperor was still full of entanglement and reluctance, and his tone was full of melancholy.

This scene hit the softest part of Mei's heart.

She is also a woman, and her sensibility is often greater than her rationality. For all kinds of things in her hometown...

I also have feelings that I can't let go of.

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