This is the brilliance that cannot be concealed by divinity and belongs to human beings, just like Mei has never denied that she is a human being after becoming a true god for so long.

At this moment, when she saw Hai Longhuang who was difficult to say goodbye to this world, her heart suddenly softened, and she even had the urge to let go.

Because she understands that although Kurigaro is the most powerful puppet in Hachifang, whose strength is comparable to that of a demigod, for future travel...especially when facing enemies above the god level, it still cannot play a big role .

How about giving it to the sea dragon emperor who has been lonely for thousands of years in front of him, in exchange for a contract between human beings and the sea that will never invade, and the comfort of his motherhood?

However, the moment she was about to translate the thoughts in her heart into words...

Kiana spoke.

"It's time to make a change, isn't it? Otherwise, why are you so anxious to find a spouse?"

Hearing this, the Dragon Emperor was stunned for a moment...

Then nodded slowly.

"Your words...are justified. I...forget it, forget it, I'll go with you."

At this moment, she seemed to have figured something out, raised her head and faced Mei directly.

"But in exchange, you must release my spouse from the domination!"

For this, Mei was stunned for a moment, and then readily agreed.

In fact, what the Dragon Emperor doesn't know is that Kurigara was originally a necromancer that relied on Bafang, and his current new posture was reborn under the nourishment of Bafang's upgraded power. Even if the puppet contract is lifted, it still The brand of Bafang is still engraved in the newborn soul.

This is a mark that can never be erased.

Unless one day Mei, who is the lord of the Eight Households, dies in form and spirit, this brand will make it impossible for Kurigaro to do things that violate or hurt Mei.


In the end, under the witness of the laws of this world, Mei signed a master-slave contract with the soul of Hailonghuang with her own soul:

The latter will obey Mei's orders in the future, provided that the principle of the latter is not violated.

"Why did you finally accept it?"

After all the dust settled, Mei suddenly asked.

Regarding this, the Dragon Emperor looked displeased.

"So what if you don't accept it? Do you choose to die? I don't want to die! Don't think I don't know, compared to you, the guy behind is the strongest enemy!"

Following her gaze, Mei saw Kiana holding her nose.

Then, the Dragon Emperor's tone turned serious:

"Besides, the strong are respected since ancient times. This is an eternal law in the universe...even I have to accept it."


Mei was thoughtful.

The strong are respected.

That's right, if she and Qiyana were not present today, the entire Republic would be in a catastrophe!At that time, even if Chitong, who is the child of luck, can finally lead mankind to victory, the price will definitely be much higher than now!

The strong are respected.

Fortunately, I am strong enough, otherwise...

Mei clenched her fists and secretly engraved these words in her heart.

In addition, Hai Longhuang's values ​​also reminded her of someone who once existed in this world.

When Mei was lost in thought, the Dragon Emperor standing on the sea suddenly waved his hand in the distance.

"Go! From now on, you are the king of the ocean! Don't miss me!"

As soon as her words fell, a giant whale that looked like a "continent in the sea" turned over the waves and dived into the bottom of the sea.

"it is?"

A look of surprise flashed across Mei's face.

"It has nothing to do with you, does it?"

The Dragon Emperor crossed his arms and said angrily with a puffed face.

For this, Mei was helpless.

"Okay, let me ask you, what's your name?"

"Name? Just call me Sea Dragon Emperor."

The Dragon Emperor crossed his waist, with a natural look on his face.

Mei once again supported her forehead, feeling a little regretful in her heart.

"I said the name, not the title!"


Seemingly dissatisfied with Mei's tone, the Dragon Emperor frowned, but still answered truthfully:

"I am the innate spirit, conceived and born by the spirit of creation, without a name."

And Mei had expected this result long ago.

"Really, then..."

After thinking over and over again, she suddenly remembered the body of the five-clawed dragon in front of Sister Yu, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and a name blurted out:

"Shui? (man)! Well, the five claws correspond to the five waters, and you are the Sea Dragon King who controls the sea... you will be called Shui from now on!"


Dragon Emperor... Oh, Shui Miao waved her hand with an indifferent expression on her face.

Maybe the name is just a title to her, and it doesn't mean much.

By comparison...

"Since the contract is complete, can you promise me my spouse now?"

Looking at the huge and mighty black dragon above her head, her face flushed with excitement again.

"Of course." Mei nodded, and then seemed to think of something, "It just so happens that you can teach it how to control its own power when you have time. Because before... Although it has a new body now, its self-awareness is still blank One piece, not good at flexibility."

"Isn't it just right? Aren't you humans good at 'nurturing'? Being able to raise your spouse step by step with your own also a pleasure for me!"

Shui? rubbed his hands excitedly, looking like a slut.

Along with her movements, the two indescribable lumps on her chest also jumped up and down, like a "white-haired and red-eyed" bunny.

Then Mei remembered such a big thing:

"By the way, put some clothes on yourself."


Regarding Mei's words, Shui? looked contemptuous and couldn't help but sneered:

"What do you mean? Is this what you humans call 'shame'? No, no, no, the noble dragons never care about the opinions of ants. Our natural scales are the most beautiful decorations, and we never need to hide them. "

Hearing this, a "well" character appeared on Mei's head.

"Put it on for me. Do you want to be regarded as an exhibitionist? If you take you with you in the future, we will be affected wherever we go. There is a saying called 'do as the Romans do', do you understand?"

In fact, the word "big breasts and wide buttocks" seems to be tailor-made for Shui at this time. If she is allowed to return to Simo Town with her current will definitely be a "disaster".

Feeling Mei's serious tone, Shui? nodded reluctantly.

"Since you've already said that...that's fine."

While speaking, she stretched out her hand and twirled it around, and the surrounding water elements actively gathered and wrapped around those white and slender fingers.

Then, with a slight flick of the water, the water suddenly flew up and circled her body, turning into a water-blue robe.

Although there is a vacuum inside and even two suspicious bulges can be seen, it is already a great improvement compared to the previous naked outfit.

Seeing this, Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, why are you able to transform into a human form?"

"As early as when human beings multiplied, I cast my eyes on it. After all, a race with advanced intelligence and creativity... I was a little interested at the time, so I shaped this body for myself according to your appearance, so as to Come and communicate with you humans."

Water? While answering Mei's question, he twisted his body in dissatisfaction, as if he was not used to the feeling of the clothes sticking to his body.

But Mei thought of something else.

"The time of Emperor Shihuang thousands of years ago..."

"Of course it's this body."

Shui? replied as a matter of course, frowning, with an expression of "Is your head okay?"

Hearing this, Mei was stunned, and then began to walk to the shore.

"No wonder."

"No wonder what?"

Water? Followed curiously.

"It is recorded in ancient books that there were three thousand beauties in the harem of the first emperor, all of them were of various ages and looks, but he only loved mature and beautiful women... It seems that it has something to do with you."


Accompanied by the back of Mei and Shui? going away,

Everything finally came to an end.


For the first time, a single chapter broke through [-] words! ! !

I'm so dizzy, I won't say much, good night everyone!

Chapter 292 Pushing the book "Girls' Doomsday Happiness Theory"

After a long time, Xue Ying can proudly say that she has two things to be proud of in her life:

One, "I have dedicated my whole life and all my energies to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of mankind."

Second, I personally proved that half-machine girls can also have children with human girls.


This is a wasteland love story about a girl who was transformed into a half-machine girl because of the war.

The portal is here: "A Girl's Doomsday Happiness Theory"

This is a book of pure genre, small and fresh style, and well-written. Readers, if you are interested, you can poke it~


Finally, finally... before the end of Mei's book, I got a chance to PY.This is the first time and probably the last time in this book, and I am quite excited.

Chapter 293 Chapter 280 One Purification, First Omen

"Rumble rumble..."

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

The miraculous rock wall disintegrated with a bang.

The only thing left on the shoreline afterwards is a circle of rock foundations standing silently.

"it is finally over."


Looking at the sunset that was gradually slanting to the west, Chi Tong and Hei Tong couldn't help feeling so emotional, their expressions were rather complicated.

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