
The waves hit again as usual, caressing the sand.


The sea, which has experienced several accidents, has already changed greatly. Since the end of the battle, the corpses of dangerous species have been washed ashore one after another, looking particularly miserable.

"Rest in peace, my people, the sea will purify all of this."

Shui? Opened his hands, closed his eyes, summoned huge waves with the power of the Dragon King, and rolled those corpses back into the sea, so that they would not be exposed to the scorching sun or pecked by birds and beasts.

For a moment, a faint blue spot of light rose from the sea, as if the soul of the dead answered the call.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana took a step forward resolutely.


Mei cast a puzzled look.

In response, the white-haired girl showed a wry smile.

"Mei, no matter what, we are at fault this time, so we also have the responsibility to deal with the pollution of the sea."

Hearing this, Mei was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

"……how do you want to do it?"

"give it to me."

After replying, Kiyana came to the two sisters, smiled and stretched out her hand:

"Chitong, can you lend me your weapon?"

Sister Chitong nodded without hesitation.

"of course can."

"take it!"

After receiving the second sword, Qiyana immediately inserted it into the soil, holding the black obsidian and white jade hilts with her left and right hands respectively, chanting words:

"Initiate an order in the name of [Honkai]..."

Her voice was so low that even the nearest Chitong sisters couldn't make out the general idea, only to find that her body and the twin swords inserted into the soil suddenly glowed!

Then, the ground began to vibrate slightly, and the air became more and more fresh, giving people a refreshing and unique feeling... In fact, a similar situation happened just once a few days ago!

And the location is - the ancient battlefield!

"Magic eruption again?!"

Even though they didn't understand this kind of power beyond ordinary people's cognition, the two sisters still opened their eyes wide at the same time.

Just Mei and water on the side? See what's going on:

"She actually used the contract token as a medium and her own body as a channel to connect to the earth's veins! It's unbelievable, isn't she afraid of the magic power flowing backwards and exploding to death?!"

As the Dragon King of the Sea, Shui could see through the essence at a glance, and because of this, she was shocked by Qiyana's behavior.

How big is the leyline network that claims to be all over the world?I'm afraid no one knows, but...

Using itself to connect to the ground is no different from directly connecting a light bulb to the high-voltage power grid in series!

The voltage (magic power) transmitted by the latter every second is enough to short-circuit the bulb (itself) instantly or even explode!It is comparable to the death-death behavior of drinking magma as hot water!

Can a human being alone really withstand the magical influx from the earth's veins?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this question is as absurd as trying to hold the ocean in paper cups.


In this regard, Mei pursed her lips, stared at the girl who was facing her sideways, and remained silent.

No one present knew Qiyana's strength better than her, and so did her character.In her opinion, if she was not sure, the latter would never try to purify the ocean in such a dangerous way.

This time, she still chose to believe.

It didn't take long before more and more magic power was released from the ground, and flowers of magic power began to emerge from the surrounding soil, and the sky above also showed a colorful "omen of auspicious clouds".

Gradually, the light on Kiyana's body became more and more dazzling, and she herself seemed to become a part of it...


When the mysterious power of time flowed around the girl, extremely heterogeneous and filthy black magic power suddenly gushed out from the ground!

"It's the power of the polluted leylines!"

Water? Can't help exclaiming.

Seeing this, Mei finally understood:

Obviously, after Qiyana connected to the ley line network, she used the power of time to reverse the time of the tributary leading to the South China Sea, so that the dragon's blood that had spread wantonly and polluted the sea "returned" to the bottom again, and finally pulled it out Earth veins, to complete the purification.

This is a purification method unique to those with time ability.

"As expected of Kiyana."

After sighing with emotion, Mei smiled and inserted the Hachifang in her hand into the ground.

Immediately, as if being pulled by some kind, the overflowing filthy magic power began to actively wrap around Hachifang's blade and was absorbed by it, without causing too much harm to the surrounding environment or even the air.

In this way, Kiyana "pumps" while Mei "sucks". The tacit understanding between the two does not need words, until the dirty magic power no longer gushes out from the ground.

When the sea returned to the purity of the past, the expression on Shui's face could not be described in words.

"You... you are really extraordinary! I admire you!"

"Mei, you are really amazing!"

In this regard, the sisters also smiled from the bottom of their hearts.

This trip not only solved the crisis, but also purified the ocean... It can be called "the best of both worlds"!

"It's nothing, it's all thanks to Qiyana."

Shaking her head, Mei looked at the white-haired girl who slowly opened her eyes.


Something about the latter seems a little off.

The body is almost transparent, and the breath is like a candle in the wind, like a dying old man...

"Qiana, you...?!"

Feeling Mei's surprised gaze, the golden light in Kiyana's dull eyes flashed away, and then she immediately came back to her senses, with a panicked expression like "the secret has been exposed", and waved her hands.

"I, I'm fine!"

Her body solidified again.

Of course, Mei would not believe it, and immediately rushed over to grab her hand tightly, and quickly scanned the body, as if wanting to confirm whether the girl really existed.

Fortunately, it is still the familiar warmth...

Feeling the warmth from the palm of her hand, Mei breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and looked at the girl, her face still solemn.

"What happened to your state just now? Did you consume too much energy? Why did you force yourself so hard?"

Facing Mei's question like a cannonball, Kiyana slowly lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to meet her eyes.

"It's okay. Mei, I'm fine, I'm just too tired..."

Having said that, Kiyana raised her head, staggered her eyes from Mei's, and looked at the golden sunset on the horizon alone, her eyes flickered slightly, and there seemed to be an indescribable sadness in her eyes.

"If possible, please go to the next world as soon as possible... This trip is not over yet."

Just too tired?

Mei's heart was full of doubts.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but Mei always feels that her last sentence seems to be said to herself.

Regarding this, although her heart was full of doubts, and even a trace of inexplicable anxiety, Mei still nodded.

"I see...then let's go back and say goodbye to Najie Xitan and the others."


Kiyana nodded slowly.


not much anymore...

Chapter 294 Chapter 280 Chapter 4000 Separate intersections ([-])

After a while, Seamo Town.

In the former Seamus family's manor.

Without any resistance from Kurigara, Shui? used the world's genesis magic (ancient dragon language) to successfully shrink her into her arms, and the pair of conspicuous dragon horns on her head were also in Mei's arms. The deliberate request is hidden.

But even so, with her overly exaggerated figure, she still attracted the attention of almost the whole audience by herself at this time.

"Who is that person?"

"Don't tell me, her figure is the most punctual I've ever seen in my life...!"

The guard guarding the door kept whispering, scanning the sofa from the corner of his eye, his throat rolled, and he looked restless.

But Shui? himself didn't care about this, and concentrated on teasing the pocket black dragon in his arms, sometimes even puffing out his chest and moving his hips, which made the men in the living room "chicken".

Mei and the others didn't have to wait long, and Najie Xitan, who was notified by the guards, came down from the second floor.

"Mei, where did you go...? And who is she?"

Taking a focused look at the big-breasted Yujie who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, Najie Xitan's face was full of doubts.

In response, Mei put down her teacup and stood up from the sofa.

"We have already solved the cause of the beast horde. She is a friend we met on the way, named Shui Yu."


Not paying attention to another question, the word "beast tide" touched Najie Xitan's nerves.

Mei nodded without changing her face:

"Yes, if there are no accidents in the future, there should be no more beast tides in the Harry Gott Mountain Range."

Since the appearance of Najehitan, the guards' eyes suddenly became "serious" again, without squinting.

This made Shui, who was somewhat complacent, pursed his mouth, and even fake coughed twice, trying to attract his attention back.

But whether it was Mei or Najie Hitan, their eyes were all on each other, and they didn't notice this.

"Won't it happen again..." Looking at Mei's plain face, Najie Xitan seemed to understand something, and suddenly turned sideways, facing the stairs, "By the way, there are a few people I think you should meet one time."


After realizing that he seemed to be ignored by the majestic Sea Dragon Emperor, Shui's face suddenly became a little ugly.

But when Mei turned her head and glanced at it, she immediately calmed down again, obediently becoming Kurigara's "owner".

Seeing this scene, Najie Xitan was about to ask something, but was interrupted by a voice coming downstairs:


Looking in the direction of the voice, Mei saw several familiar figures.

The Chitong sisters also stood up almost at the same time.

"No way……"

"Long time no see, Chi Tong, Hei Tong, and Sister Mei's head."

The first person to greet Mei and the others was a short-haired boy with brown hair and green eyes. Although the smile on his face looked silly and silly, it gave off a fresh and sunny handsomeness.


"It's really Tatsumi! Sister!"

The two sisters couldn't help crying out.

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