On the other hand, Mei immediately put on a straight face after hearing the title of "big sister", and chose to shift her gaze to the pink-haired girl who stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Long time no see, Maine."

"Mei...?! Well, it's really been a long time since I saw you."

The girl with pink hair and two ponytails named Ma Yin nodded and crossed her arms. Although her tone was cold and her expression was arrogant on the surface, her excited pink eyes could not deceive anyone.


"Brand? How do you...?"

What Chi Tong looked at was a muscular man who looked like a "Mr. Bodybuilder", tall and tall, with a strange "airplane hairstyle".

"Do soldiers need a reason to defend the country? Chi Tong."

Brand smiled with his mouth crooked. At the same time, he took a look at his unique hairstyle very coquettishly. Most of the time, his eyes were on Shui?'s body, as if he had noticed something.

As for the last one...

Before Mei and the others asked, Tatsumi took the lead in introducing:

"Ah, she's Chelsea. This time she helped us put on makeup and successfully sneaked into the Republic army. I heard that the BOSS is responsible for leading the troops to resist the beast tide this time. We also want to help, so we came here."

"But from the current point of view, the beast tide has been resolved, and there is no need for my lady's pumpkin cannon."

Ma Yin went on to say, with her arms folded on her chest, her expression bored.

"Rainbow Assassin Raiden Mei, I've known you for a long time~ I'm Chelsea, we should have met once in the imperial capital."

Not to mention Ma Yin who interrupted, the orange-haired girl with a lollipop (?) in her mouth and headphones (?) on her head waved her hand and introduced herself like this.

To this, Mei nodded slightly.

"Chelsea, the cross-dressing witch, Teigu is [Transformation Gaia Foundation] that can change into various things. Well, when the revolutionary army attacked the imperial capital in the last battle, she disguised herself as the imperial general Esther Si helped us open the city gate, nice to see you again."

Mei's remarks were mainly addressed to the Chitong sisters who hadn't had much contact with each other.

After listening to her words, the two sisters greeted Chelsea one after another:

"I'm Chitong, nice to meet you."

"My name is Black Eye~!"

Facing the warm and friendly eyes of the Chitong sisters, Chelsea also smiled back.

It's just that when looking at Heitong, the short-haired girl's eyes gave her an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations, and even her neck felt a little cold...

what happened?

Touching the back of her neck, Chelsea was full of doubts, and couldn't even taste the taste of the lollipop in her mouth for a while.

After exchanging pleasantries, the former [Night Raid] partners reunited in this magnificent living room, telling each other about their changes in the past few years and the development of the Republic, etc., but their eyes would always look at the three present from time to time. Gather on an "outsider":

Kiana, Water? and Chelsea.

"But Miss Shui..."

Finally, when the topic moved closer to him several times, a certain Sea Dragon Emperor broke out:

"Mere human beings, hurry up and kneel down to me, the Sea Dragon Emperor who controls the sea!"


Everyone immediately looked at each other.

"Water, my sister and I are also human beings, what you said is too..."

Black pupil was a little dissatisfied.

But Shui? shook his head.

"No, you are different. You hold the token of signing the contract with the human beings in the sea. You are the emperor of the human race that I recognize. Different from ants like them, you have the qualifications to be equal to me."

"Hey! What a piece of shit, Sea Dragon Emperor, who are you looking down on!"

Ma Yin also has a violent temper, and immediately confronted Shui?

Seeing this, Tatsumi, who is "strictly controlled by his wife", wanted to persuade but dared not persuade, with a helpless face.

But Najie Xitan's expression changed instantly.

"Sea Dragon Emperor... the contract... the emperor of the human race... Could it be...?!"


Hearing her voice, Teigu the Doll made his move immediately, knocking out the soldier standing guard at the door, and made a quick move.


Everyone was stunned by this accident.

Temporarily ignoring Tazmi and the others, Najie Xitan looked seriously at Shui? who was furious by Maine.

"Could it be that your Excellency is the Emperor of the Sea who signed a two-clan contract with the First Emperor thousands of years ago?"

"Oh? Finally, some human beings know my honorable name? Humph~ That's right! I am the Sea Dragon Emperor! The innate supreme who has controlled the sea since the creation of the ancient times!"

Seemingly too complacent, the power of the water leaked out inadvertently, causing the surrounding air to drop to freezing point in an instant.

It wasn't until this moment that Tazmi and the others took this "weird woman" seriously.


Ma Yin sneezed, shrank her body, leaned against Tazmi, and stopped talking.

After hearing the words "a thousand years ago" and "the emperor of the sea" from Najie Hitan, even she realized something.

But when the atmosphere fell into a stalemate, a hand knife fell on the head of a certain proud Dragon Emperor.

"Ouch! Who is...?!"

Shui? Just when she was about to get angry, she met Mei's indifferent eyes.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak casually?"

The former stopped immediately.


This series of twists and turns stunned Tazmi and others.

"Mei, you..."

Najie Xitan wanted to say something with a complicated face.

As a former general of the revolutionary army and now a senior official of the Republic, she also had some knowledge of the ancient books and relics left by the old empire, so she also understands what the title "Sea Dragon Emperor" means...

In her opinion, if the woman named Shui in front of her is really the Sea Dragon Emperor, then she represents the ruler of the sea, a terrifying existence that can easily destroy the Republic!

But now, what did she see?

The majestic Sea Dragon Emperor was actually controlled to death by a human, and he didn't even dare to resist?

At this moment, Najie Xitan's heart has fallen into self-doubt.

"She is just a magician who calls herself 'Sea Dragon Emperor', you don't have to take what she said just now."

Mei explained it this way.


Tatsumi and Main chose to believe it.

But Brand and Chelsea were full of subtlety.

As for Najahitan...

"No, you don't understand, Mei, what does the emperor of the human race mean..."

Not paying attention to everyone's surprised gazes, Najie Xitan just looked at the Chitong sisters with a solemn face.

"Recognized by the emperor of the sea, holding the sword of contract... Red pupils, black pupils, you are undoubtedly equivalent to the existence of the first emperor. Although the republic is a republic, there are still a large part of it that believe in nobles and bloodlines The officials of the system..."

"If the news that you are the emperor of the human race leaks out, they will definitely put you on the throne. At that time, even though the republic is still a republic, the system will no longer be the current one."

"By then it will be a 'constitutional monarchy'."

Kiyana nodded, with a strange expression on her face.

"What's worse is that the war will break out again because of this, and the high-level republic will be divided."

Najie Xitan added so.

Hearing this, Tatsumi stood up with a face full of shock.

"Then our previous efforts in night raids will be in vain?!"


Everyone suddenly fell into silence.

"Is it really possible for this kind of thing to happen? Hei Tong and I never chose to become the so-called 'Human Emperor', not to mention that the empire has long been destroyed, trying to restore the monarchy or something..."

Akihito shook his head.

"I can't believe it."

"My sister is right! We are not interested in the position of the emperor at all. Instead of staying in the cold palace all day listening to those nagging ministers, it is better to go to the wild to hunt a long-toothed pig to satisfy our greed. Woolen cloth!"

Hei Tong agreed in this way.

As expected of you...

Tatsumi and others couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Hearing what the two sisters said, the atmosphere on the court was somewhat relaxed.

Most of everyone's eyes focused on Shui? and Najie Hitan.

However, after Mei's warning, the former calmed down and did not intend to put on airs at all.

As for Najahitan...

"Things are not as simple as you think. In this world, some things will not happen if you don't want to."

Her face was still a little dignified.

"That's right. Those old nobles just want an excuse, a puppet to get back what they lost. It doesn't matter whether Chi Tong and Hei Tong are the real emperors of the human race."

Brand nodded in agreement, his tone serious.

As a soldier of the empire, he knew the darkness of the officialdom very well, and it was for this reason that he chose to side with Najahitan's faction.

At this time, Qiyana suddenly said:

"Then why don't we leave this world?"


Everyone looked over immediately.

Meeting the gazes of her former partners, Mei also nodded slightly.

"You don't have to worry about this anymore. In fact, we came this time to say goodbye to you. Originally, we planned to visit you one by one. I didn't expect that now... it can be regarded as fate."


Tatsumi and the others suddenly opened their eyes wide.

"What Mei said is correct, it is a farewell. Since being the emperor of the human race is bound to have differences with the Republic, then as long as you leave this world, all problems will be solved?"

Kiyana continued, looking straight at the Chitong sisters.

"It's time to give your answers, Chi Tong and Hei Tong."


Seeing Kiana who behaved a little abnormally, Mei frowned.

Didn't you say in advance that you don't want to force people?

What does this feeling of being forced to pull someone mean?

And the water before? That time...

Sensing Mei's suspicious gaze, Kiana smiled slightly.

"Mei, wouldn't it be good to have more companions? In this case even..."

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