You won't be alone even if I'm gone - she didn't say that.

And hearing Qiyana's words, Chi Tong and Hei Tong also fell silent, biting their lips lightly, as if they were thinking about something.

Do you choose to leave this world and start your own extraordinary path from now on; or stay in this native world and live the rest of your life like a fallen leaf?

Tatsumi and the others were at a loss.

Everything will eventually come to a different intersection.

Chapter 295 Chapter 280 Chapter [-] The Fork of Fate

The sea has been purified, and the tide of beasts has finally stopped.

When the Republic's support troops arrived one after another, this series of events, which later generations called "The Beast Chaos", officially came to an end.

Not long after, the Simo family was expelled by the Supreme Council of the Republic for treason. There was a wave of suppression of the old nobles and corrupt officials throughout the country, and Najie Xitan, the general of Zhennan who made great contributions to this incident, also In the same year, he announced his resignation and lived in seclusion in the suburbs.

After this incident, human beings and the sea returned to harmony again, and the Republic was on the right track, but there were only a few girls...

But disappeared in this world.


soul space.

"Is this... the other world you guys are talking about, Mei?"

"It's weird."

Looking around, as far as the eye can see, there are flat rivers and overgrown vegetation, and many luminous creatures that have never been seen before are floating around. The whole world seems to have no gravity, full of dreams and wonders.

Looking up, there is no scorching sun and bright moon, only the bright and bright galaxy all over the sky, as if it is within reach.

Being in it, I feel that the whole person is full, all the troubles have disappeared, and the whole body is light, as if it has been reborn.

For the rapid changes in the soul space, Mei has long been familiar with it, but seeing the two girls who chose to abandon the past and set foot on the unknown future with her, her face is full of joy and emotion.

"This is my world... No, there is also Kiyana's world. Welcome, red pupil and black pupil, thank you for your trust."

That's right!Due to their own or other factors, the sisters Chitong and Heitong finally chose to go to another world. Since then, Mei will never travel alone again.

This is a memorable moment!

And hearing Mei's words full of sincerity, the two sisters also recovered from the shock in front of them:

"Hehehe~ I'm really a little embarrassed to be so thanked by you, Mei~."

"You don't need to thank us, Mei, this is our own choice. If we really want to thank you, no matter before or now, we should thank you. Thank you for providing me and Hei Tong with such a shelter, We are very satisfied."

Facing Chitong's sincere gaze, Mei was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, showing a bright smile:

"Well... Anyway, it's really great that I got to know you back then."

At this time, the space beside them rippled again, and Qiyana and Shui? also followed in.

"Wuhu~ Is that the ocean of another world? Surrender to me too!"

As soon as he entered this world, the latter immediately fell in love with the starry sea not far away—that is, the original pond.

It would be hard for ordinary people to imagine that when Mei came to the starting place, the endless sea in sight was only the size of a swimming pool, but now she is favored by the Sea Dragon Emperor...

It can be said to be "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi."

"Mei and I have something to do. During this period, you can explore freely~ You can live wherever you want and do whatever you want. After all, there are only a mother and daughter besides you here, and it is very empty."

After calming down the fluctuations in the space, Kiyana introduced Chitong and the others in this way, as if she regarded herself as a "hostess".

"A mother and daughter?"

"Well, from another world like you."

Mei nodded and added:

"This place is very large. The known area is probably the size of more than a dozen republics. Even if I haven't visited all the places until now, it is unlikely that you will encounter it."


Sure enough, upon hearing Mei's words, Chitong and the others immediately opened their eyes wide with shock.

A dozen republics?Or just a known area?

How big is this world? !

Before they could open their mouths to ask, a certain Dragon Emperor who had rushed to the beach suddenly jumped up with excitement on his face.

"Ha, haha! This, isn't this a world that is in the process of evolution?! The spirit of creation is everywhere... It's really enviable for you to sit on such a precious land!"

In this regard, what is even more surprising is that Qiyana did not deny it.

"Probably. As long as you stay here for a long time, your body and soul will be transformed unconsciously, and it will become extremely simple to become a real god."

"Achieve a real god?! Can you become as powerful as you, Mei?!"

Hei Tong suddenly became a little excited.

Facing her gaze, Mei nodded slowly, looking at Kiyana with subtle eyes.

"Of course. In essence, a real god is an existence that is not restricted by the world and transcends the world and the universe. It is even more powerful than the Dragon King of Shui."

"Really! This is great too!"

With Mei's affirmation, Hei Tong looked extremely excited.

And Chi Tong was a little dazed.

"It turns out that Mei and you have already reached that state..."

"Come on! Girls, it's just that this place is boring. There is basically no concept of time, day after day, year after year."

Kiyana added with a smile.

Hearing this, Chi Tong slowly shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. After all, Hei Tong and I lived in seclusion in the mountains before, and we have long been accustomed to this kind of life. No one can let go of it."

"My sister is right! Didn't Mei just say that this place is very big? My sister and I can explore a little bit, so we won't be bored!"

Hei Tong nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Mei and Kiyana smiled.

"Then I wish you all a good time. If something happens, we will go to you. Please be safe."


After Chitong and the others left happily, Mei and Kiyana stood side by side.

"Don't worry, Mei. The laws of physics in this world are unusual. Even if they play hard, they will not feel tired at all, and they will not suffer from hunger or illness, because their bodies and souls have already entered this world. The upgrade has been completed."


"Yes, they are now similar to 'angels'. The growth of their bodies has been fixed, and they will never age or die..."


Hearing these astonishing words, Mei suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"This... Kiyana, why didn't you tell me this before? And I've always wanted to ask, where did you know this? Why did I meet them when I tried to pull them in here? Strange obstacle, but you can do it with ease?"

At this time, the doubts in Mei's heart were like a flood that opened the gate, one after another, one after another.

"Mei, don't you understand?"

Regarding this, Qiyana just smiled, seemingly "indifferent".

"Once they choose to embark on this path, they are doomed to have no end. There is no end to becoming stronger. In order to explore the concept of 'immortality', countless worlds and countless creatures, no matter what difficulties they encounter and no matter what the cost, will Find ways to do it.”

"And we..."

Kiyana took the initiative to hold Mei's hand, her eyes were full of light that Mei couldn't understand.

"Very lucky, very lucky, countless times luckier than them. This world... this [primordial chaos] you call the 'soul world' is our treasure. As long as you are in it, even if the outside world ushers in destruction, It will be all right here."

Having said that, Kiyana's tone changed.

"I think Mei, you should also be aware of it? Before achieving the Realm of God, I can only enter here in the state of soul, but now I can completely transfer myself in... This is the threshold and a qualification. You already have it, Mei."

"You... how do you know this? I should have never mentioned it to you..."

Looking at the extremely familiar face in front of her, Mei suddenly felt that she was extremely strange for some reason.

But when Mei was about to pull her hands back, the girl in front of her seemed to see through her thoughts, and suddenly hugged her first.


At this moment, Mei tried to break free, but was hugged even tighter, even a little suffocated.

At the same time, the familiar voice came again:

"Don't be afraid, Mei. I am still that Kiyana Kaslana without a doubt, but you will know about these things later, let's quickly open the passage to the next world..."


Unexpectedly, Mei's reaction this time was particularly intense, and she was not fooled by these words like before.

"I have already figured it out. Every time we go to a world, even if we don't want to, the rest of the things will revolve around us. Whether it's the last world or the last world...we all unconsciously or more Or slightly change the development of that world... This is not good!"

Hearing this, Kiyana showed a faint smile.

"This is luck...Mei. With so much luck, you will involuntarily stir up the situation no matter which world you go to. Even the child of luck will become a foil by your side. You are the real one. The main character... always will be."

Hearing what Kiyana said, Mei was stunned for a moment, then slowly lowered her head, her chin resting on that thin shoulder.

felt it……

Until now, she seemed to feel that she was close to a certain truth, but the things and even the price behind the truth were not what she was willing to bear...

Now before Mei, there are only two choices:

One, treat all this as if it never happened, and continue to accompany the girl in her arms to the next world;

Two, tear off this layer of hypocrisy, abandon the mediocre peace in my heart, and go deep into and understand the truth of all this.

How to choose?

In fact, the answer has already been determined:

If it were Mei in the past, in order to maintain the warmth of this moment, the cowardly and fragile girl would definitely do whatever it takes to pretend to be stupid, and completely abandon the thoughts in her mind and the gradually clearing fog.


She is different now.

Having experienced so many worlds and witnessed countless people or things, Mei deeply understands a truth:

The things that have to be faced can never be escaped. Instead of regretting one's incompetence at that time, it is better to smash all these and usher in transformation!

"Is that so... There is no need for us to go back. I don't want to see my former partners being implicated by me again. Let them develop freely in their own world."

"Right now, I just want to hear what you said about 'the future', Kiyana."

Hearing this, Qiyana's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Then he smiled.

" are really gentle, Mei, exactly the same as before."

At this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, Mei suddenly felt that the girl in her arms became lighter.

Starlight, so shining...

No, it's the girl in her arms... Kiana is shining!

"Qiana, you...?!"

Mei suddenly opened her eyes wide, and a strong uneasiness emerged in her heart.

"Never mind."

Kiyana closed her eyes, and a reassuring smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"If this is what you really think, Mei, then I don't need to force myself to hold on anymore. Goodbye Mei, please forgive me for breaking my promise..."

The girl in her arms became lighter and lighter, her whole body became transparent again, and her snow-white hair turned into dots of golden light and dissipated.

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