"What are you talking about! Kiyana! Where are you going?! Don't leave me!"

Mei desperately wanted to hug her tightly, but found in despair that the familiar warmth was gradually disappearing...

"Go and find the Temple of Luck, Mei, it's in this world. It's your throne, no one has the qualifications except you..."

The girl has completely turned into light, and even her appearance is blurred.

"No! Don't leave! Kiyana, I promise you whatever you say! Don't leave, okay!"

Mei's arms were already empty, she could only raise her head and watch the ray of light dissipate.

"It's time for this trip to end."

"I'll always be waiting for you."

As the last word fell, Kiyana...


At this moment, Mei only felt that the world was spinning for a while.Obviously he has regained his "freedom", but his chest is still so painful that he can't breathe, almost really suffocating.

"The Temple of Luck..."

Muttering these four words in his mouth, Mei suppressed his heart that was about to burst in pain, regardless of any plans or thoughts, and immediately unfolded the form of the Herrscher of God, turning into a bloody thunderbolt and piercing the sky.

All the reasons and the truth officially began to surface.

The wheel of fortune has turned to the most critical fork.

Chapter 296 Chapter 280 [-] Hope has a long history


Above the endless snow field, a blood-colored thunder flashed past, leaving behind a scarlet rainbow that pierced the sky and the earth. The loud noise that followed caused the snow to fly and the cliffs to collapse.




Mei has been flying, exhausting all her strength, unfolding her perception, scanning every corner of the entire world.

But, neither.

The so-called "Luck Temple", the figure of the white-haired girl never appeared in the field of perception from the beginning to the end.

In fact, she didn't know how long she had been flying.

one day?a month?a year?Or ten years?

It's all possible.

"Since Kiyana disappeared from the soul space, even if we turn this place upside down, we must find her"—even with such determination and belief, but so far nothing has been found.

In addition, there is always a voice in Mei's heart that is calculating the distance she flies.

Obviously it was nothing at first, but now this number has shocked her:

138 billion kilometers.

If converted into a diameter, it is about three quarters of the solar system.

Mei knew very well that she was not rotating around a certain sphere, and the places she passed were slightly different each time.

And judging from the current results, the area of ​​this world has exceeded a thousand earths combined!This is only the known range!

"How big is the soul world?"

——Everything is back to the initial doubts.

"[Original Chaos]..."

Mei began to chew on the words, expressions, and actions of Kiana before she disappeared in the memory...

With more and more doubts, more and more anxiety... Gradually, even despair began to breed in my heart.


The world in front of me is so lonely and lonely. Mei originally thought that she was strong enough, but she never thought that when the girl disappeared, she would feel such pain and suffering in her heart, as if the two had already become one, and no one could do without who.

- Do you regret it?

Another voice in my heart complained so quietly.


Mei didn't reply.

——Why cling to the truth?

"Yeah, maybe I'm doomed to be hopeless."

Enduring the severe pain in her heart, Mei smiled wryly.

——It's so stupid, you should have felt it beforehand... The result is simply not something you can bear, why did you choose to do it anyway?

Mei suddenly stopped flying.

Below is a lake that is as tranquil as a mirror, and the snow-white lake surface reflects her haggard look at this moment.

But soon...


When the gust of wind "chasing" Mei all the way swept in, the reflection on the lake was instantly torn to pieces, and the waves rolled and washed the shore like a broken heart.

Suddenly, Mei smiled.

"Yes, I regret it. If I knew that Kiyana would disappear, I should have hugged her tightly and never let go... The me now is still too weak after all."


At the same time, the years of unmelted snow on the snow mountain also began to peel off layer by layer, accompanied by a chain reaction and a series of loud noises, forming an avalanche that destroyed everything.

Not surprisingly, lakes formed by snowmelt water were buried in this way.

Mei watched all this helplessly, and the arc of the corner of her mouth gradually narrowed.

The forces of nature are so cruel, merciless, and sudden, as is this damned fate.

Whether it is a human or a god, there is no power to resist in the face of fate, no different from ants.


Looking down at the white "grave" in front of her, Mei suddenly burst out laughing, her heart full of sadness.

A string of teardrops slipped from the corner of his eyes.

Judging from the distance, she has already flown out of the "solar system", but how many solar systems are there in front?ten?Hundred?Or did the so-called "Luck Temple" not exist at all?

This series of questions is so desperate that Mei doesn't dare to think about it, nor does she want to think about it.

What Qiyana said is right, in this world, the energy of the body is in a state of fullness all the time, and one hardly feels tired.


The body does not, but the mind does.

In this world without Kiyana, Mei only feels that every moment is a kind of torment.

She suddenly wanted to be buried like this, to sleep forever, and to regard all this as a dream.

Just when Mei was gradually engulfed by the negative and dark emotions in her heart, the touch of "absolute reason" left by Dr. MEI came into play:

"You can't give up yet! Raiden Mei! Have you forgotten your original goal? Have you forgotten those partners who have formed various bonds with you?"

"Even if Kiyana has disappeared, your fate is just back to the original inflection point, keep going! The journey is not over yet!"

"Don't live up to your past, don't give up your future!"

These words from Dr. MEI exploded in his mind like thunder, causing Mei to fall into a stupor.

At this moment, she seemed to see the thin and thin figure who never gave up even at the last moment and fought desperately for the possibility of human civilization...

MEI, her "previous life" in a certain sense of Raiden Mei.

Before that, Mei never felt how great she was, and even after knowing some kind of transmission and death between the stigmata, Mei even had an instinctive distrust of her.

Yes, from an objective point of view, MEI single-handedly created the first half of "Raiden Mei"'s life, and the stigmata plan she left behind caused the young Mei to lose the affection and family that ordinary people have:

The mother died early due to the erosion of Houkai energy;

In order to seal Mei's natural stigmata, her father Raiden Ryoma even confined her at home since she was a child, preventing her from communicating and playing with her peers.And I stay in the laboratory of ME Club all day long, sometimes I don't go home for days or even weeks, and let the housekeeper take care of my daughter.

Yes, Mei’s childhood was almost full of loneliness and loneliness. She wanted to have that warmth, but at the same time she was afraid of losing it...

All this is thanks to the stigmata!

If she, Leiden Mei, was just an ordinary young lady from a famous family, she would definitely be loved by thousands of people, and she would not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of her life, so she could live the life she wanted, and live the life she wanted!

"Dr. Mei..."

Looking at the human phantom in a white coat and glasses, Mei didn't know how to express her heart for a while.

"Be yourself, Raiden Mei. Kiana is right, you are a unique existence, you are the eternal protagonist, please don't give up..."

"No matter how long it has passed, I believe that you and Qiyana will meet again in the end. Please believe that the sins I have committed and the regrets I have left..."

"It will never happen to you again."

As soon as the words fell, the phantom disappeared with the wind.

These words were like enlightenment, which extinguished the sadness and revived a ray of clarity.

Rationality has once again triumphed over sensibility.

"I understand."

At this moment, there was no confusion and pain in Mei's eyes, and the tears that passed away also took away the despair.

"Thank you, Mei."

Snowflakes fell and lightning flashed.

By the lake that was submerged by the avalanche, a trickle was soaked in white snow, flowing silently and gurgling.

When the ice and snow melt, there will probably be another clear lake at the foot of the mountain.

Hope goes a long way.


After reorganizing her mood, Mei set off again, moving straight forward as usual, spreading her perception to search everywhere along the way.

But this time, there was no anxiety and confusion in her heart.

"The Temple of Luck...Since there is no one on the ground, is it possible that it is in the sky or..."

Just when Mei was thinking this way, a familiar voice suddenly came from her mind:

"Mei? Where are you, Mei!"

"Red eyes?!"

Chapter 297 Chapter 280 Five The Wind Will Change

"Red eyes?!"

Flying and flying, Chitong's voice actually appeared in Mei's mind!

You know, her location at this time is a "galaxy" away from the place where Qiyana disappeared in the first place!

No wonder Mei was so shocked.

"It's really Mei! Mei, can you hear me? Where are you now, Mei? My sister and I haven't seen you and Kiyana for a long time!"

——This is Hei Tong's voice.

The two sisters actually have telepathic abilities at the inter-galaxy level...

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