Why doesn't she know?

Mei suddenly stopped moving forward, and instead focused on communication.

"It's me! It's me! I can hear you, Hei Tong, how did you contact me?"

"...To be honest, we don't know, Mei."

"Yeah, at first, my sister and I just haven't seen you, Mei, for a long time, so we tried to call you in our hearts. After all, the voices of you and Kiana appeared in our heads last time. But it was a long time ago You didn't respond in time, we thought it was impossible!"

Red pupil and black pupil's replies appeared successively.

In this regard, Mei suddenly remembered something.

"Because their bodies and souls have been upgraded as early as the moment they stepped into this world." "Yes, they are now similar to 'angels'"-the above are the words spoken by Kiyana herself.

Could this be the ability they obtained after "upgrading"?

Just when Mei was wondering about this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind:

"By the way! Water? Where is she?"

Mei suddenly asked the sisters in her heart.

This time, it was the younger sister Heitong who replied to her first:

"Water? Sister, she's always been with us, but she doesn't usually go ashore..."

"Then please ask her for me, can you contact Qiyana in this way? Or try to sense her location!"

Mei hurriedly expressed her request, her tone was rather anxious and even excited.

As an ordinary person, of course, it is inevitable to have misunderstandings and doubts about this request, but...

"Looking for... Kiyana? Alright, we got it!"

Without procrastinating or asking questions, Chitong responded immediately.

At the same time, the doubts in her heart were transmitted along with the telepathy, which was sensed by Mei.But even so, the red-eyed girl who has always been known for her calmness obviously guessed something, and didn't waste time asking, but chose to agree first.

In this regard, Mei felt deeply comforted and moved.

Fortunately, I have such a considerate partner as them...

At the same time, Mei also seems to understand Kiyana's uncharacteristic behavior in the period before disappearing, trying to "pull the Chitong sisters into the thief's boat":

Because friends are like this, when you feel helpless alone, they can provide you with some help and a haven of rest.


Chi Tong finally replied:

"Mei, water? She said she couldn't communicate with Kiana."

"no way……?"

Mei was stunned for a moment.

"Well, it's the same as your previous state, no matter how we call in our hearts, there is no response, and the same is true for Kiyana."

"Is it……"

Mei sighed slightly.

This is unilateral shielding, or the other party is in a state of being unable to separate.

Just like her before, if it wasn't for the help left by Dr. MEI, she would not be able to respond to the telepathy of the Chitong sisters as she is now.

Everything seems to be back to the original point.

And as if sensing the depression in Mei's heart, a message came from Chitong again:

"By the way, Mei, Shui? She also said that she can sense that Kiyana is located far, far away. The connection between them is very weak, and she can't locate it with her current perception level. But it is certain. Yes, Kiyana is still in this world."

"Yes, thank you."

Mei smiled from the bottom of her heart.

"Mei-chan, Kiyana, she..."

Only then did Heitong dare to ask, his tone was full of caution, and that anxious face seemed to appear directly in Mei's mind.

At this, Mei smiled relievedly.

"Well, she disappeared suddenly. I think... With that idiot's character, from the current point of view, she should be deliberately playing disappearance for fear of implicating us."

At this moment, she opened her heart and chose to share her troubles with her friends.

Hearing Mei's answer, there was silence for a while.


"That's right, no wonder you, Mei-chan... Well, it's nothing. You must cheer up, Mei-chan, don't worry about me and my sister, we're fine, we can take care of ourselves."

Feeling the worry contained in these words, a warm feeling suddenly appeared in Mei's heart.

"Thank you, Heitong, I'm fine now. You are right, I will never give up until I find that idiot."

At this moment, Mei already felt that she was full of courage to act, and with this fetter of friends, she began to search forward.


"By the way, Mei, before Kiana disappeared, did she stay... well, I mean, did she tell you anything, or leave any clues?"

As if thinking of something, Chi Tong asked suddenly.


After a short thought, Mei finally chose to confess, and told about Qiyana's strange words and deeds before she disappeared.

"The Temple of Luck... Kiyana asked you to find the Temple of Luck, does that mean she is there?"

After listening, Chitong immediately gave his guess.

In this regard, Mei is noncommittal:

"It's possible, but I don't think it's possible. That guy must have made such a fuss on purpose because he didn't want to implicate us. If we found her so soon... it would be a bit inconsistent."

"You're right, Mei."

Chi Tong suddenly said.

Then, Hei Tong complained:

"But where is the Temple of Luck? Why does Qiyana always like to be so mysterious? Is guessing riddles so fun?"

"Since you haven't found Mei for so long, could it be that there is a problem with the search direction? Another possibility is that it is in the 'nearest' place to you?"

Chi Tong suddenly said something surprising.

"Nearest place?"

For this guess, Mei suddenly felt a ripple in her heart.

Akahito then explained:

"I still remember that when Hei Tong and I were living in seclusion in the mountains, we lost our keys when we went out hunting. We searched all over the mountains and plains that day, but when we couldn't find them and planned to break the door forcibly, we found that the key was hanging on the door and forgot. Take..."

"Chitong, what do you mean...my thinking is limited?"

"This is also a possibility, isn't it? Sometimes things that seem far away may be nearby. After all, there is a saying called 'far away in the sky, close in front of you'. I just provided another possibility."

Chitong's words are still full of calmness, which makes people feel at ease.

After listening to her story, Mei always felt that she seemed to grasp something, but she couldn't see its true face.

A light flashed by.

"Far in the sky, close in front of your eyes...Could it be?!"

Suddenly, a place appeared in her mind.

Immediately, Mei made a 180-degree turn without hesitation, and flew in the opposite direction with all her strength.


At this moment, whether it was due to fate or luck, everything deviated from Qiyana's original prediction.

Perhaps in her view, her departure just brought everything back to the original point. Even though this behavior deeply hurt Mei, it also gave the latter the motivation to work hard to become stronger.


The direction of the wind will change, and one day it will blow in a brighter direction.

Due to the superposition of various unexpected factors, Mei has since embarked on an unknown road.

In fact, Qiyana didn't know about the location of the Temple of Fortune.She originally thought that Mei would cheer up like before after the unsuccessful search, and embark on the journey of time travel again...

But this time she was clearly wrong.

She underestimated Mei's determination...and that passionate love.

Chapter 298 Chapter 280

The place of beginning.

As mentioned earlier, the original pond in the soul space has now evolved into a sea, endless and glowing with golden light; the vegetable garden next door has also been moved to a safe location with the help of Qiyana.

Now, Mei tried her best to fly back to the place where the soul world first descended, looking down at the golden ocean below.

She has searched the ground and the sky for a long, long distance, but the underground...is an unknown.

Just like what Chitong said, Mei also thinks that her thinking is limited.

She began to imagine: sometimes the so-called temple may not be in the distance or in the sky, but in the underground "close at hand"—that is, under what she calls the "starting place".

Whether it exists or not is worthy of her verification.

"I'm going down."

"Mei, good luck."

"Come on! Mei-chan!"

On the plain in the distance, Chitong sisters, whom she had not seen for a long time, were looking at her from a distance, cheering her up through telepathy.

"We will stay here and wait for your return!"

On the surface of the sea, a sea-blue dragon poked its head out.


After Yiyi nodded to them, Mei dived into the sea without hesitation.


Accompanied by golden splashes, Mei disappeared from the sight of the two sisters.

You must succeed, Mei!

The girls prayed heartily.



The golden water flow was squeezed away by the barrier, and Mei kept diving, faster than any swimming fish, like a "submarine lightning".

Although there is no light source underwater, this strange sea itself seems to be glowing, and there are no fish or plankton, which looks very strange.

"Is it because these golden liquids are not "water"?"

During the dive, Mei couldn't help but wonder about this.

I still remember that at that time, she asked Kiyana specifically about this, asking why the pond expanded so rapidly, but the latter gave a strange answer:

"Because of people's beliefs, Mei."

If it is said that this source of water is strong because of faith, then whose faith is it?

The only answer is her Raiden Mei.

Because only she has been traveling non-stop in various worlds and met all kinds of people, but at the same time, the power of the Herrscher also makes most people feel afraid.

On the contrary, faith is also born from it.

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