At that time, Mei realized something:

It turns out that traveling through various worlds and changing the trajectory of destiny is not only to collect the power of luck, but also to gain faith.

If we extend this way of thinking down, many doubts in the past may be answered:

"The reason why Cunyu and Bafang soaked in this pool of water can be repaired or even unbelievably strengthened is probably because of faith..."

At the beginning, she had heard Qiyana talk about that the gods in some worlds live by faith, and regard improving the number and quality of believers as their top priority.

Collecting beliefs, igniting the fire, exalting the kingdom of God... These behaviors more or less prove one point:

Faith is also a valuable resource.

But the soul world can collect beliefs by itself, store them in a liquid state, and use the power of luck to break through the walls of the world...

There are various indications that [Original Chaos]—that is, the world she holds is a treasure of inestimable value. If it is exposed to the chaotic world, it may be enough to make countless gods and demons faint. Fight to the death!

"It turns out that I have always been a tortoise with a heavy treasure on my back!"

While feeling so emotional, Mei continued to dive, and her heart was also filled with monstrous waves due to various thoughts, just like the water of faith that was pushed away by her in front of her eyes.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed...

Mei once again felt the confusion before!

"Why haven't you gone down to the bottom of the sea yet?"

Yes, she has been diving for a long time at an extremely terrifying speed, but she still has not reached the bottom of the sea, and the same scene is just repeated in front of her eyes.

How could this be?

Before flying tens of billions of kilometers on the earth, nothing was gained, but now it will be the same result under the sea?

Obviously, I have seen hope...

Mei couldn't accept it.

"Please, give me an answer!"

Mei shouted unwillingly, and at the same time accelerated her dive speed again, her whole body was transformed into a flash of lightning... no, even surpassed the lightning, and turned into light!

But still no result.

This seawater... or this abyss seems to have no end at all, no matter how fast Mei's speed increases, there is still no end in sight.

Water, water, water... it's all water as far as the eye can see!It is still so clear, glowing with golden light, without a trace of turbidity.

Not only can't see the sand and gravel, there's not even a rock wall!

Is this really reasonable?

Gradually, Mei even forgot her original purpose, and just kept diving, diving, and diving again, and her whole body became numb.

The concept of time has completely disappeared, she doesn't know how long it has passed, the golden glow is like fragments of space in her eyes, she seems to have become a real "swimming fish", and the "world" she lives in is this piece of sea.

Is it really over?

The answer is of course no.

With the blessing of luck, all chances will become inevitable, and the law of causality will be distorted.

at last……

Just when Mei's self-awareness was about to get lost in this abyss, there was finally light in front of her eyes!

It is no longer the golden light from the water of faith itself, but the clear and natural light that is as blue and flawless as the sky!


The sound of water splashes rang in my ears.

Mei instantly entered the medium of "air" from the medium of "liquid".

It's like entering another world!

The bottom of the Sea of ​​Faith, below the starting place, turned out to be another "sea surface"!

At this moment, Mei only felt that she was flying towards the "sky", but she lowered her head to see...the land below was shrinking continuously.

— The opposite of the world.

For a moment, this passage appeared in her mind.

This scene is really shocking, like a two-dimensional creature penetrating the plane and coming to the back of the coin!Mei didn't even react.

And when she gradually couldn't see the earth below clearly and wanted to stop belatedly, a call from the heart and resonant soul suddenly made her raise her head.

In an instant, Mei's purple-red eyes widened to the extreme.

——It was like a magnificent palace standing in the void, which resonated deeply with her soul.

Mei is sure that she has never seen such a building before.

It turns out that the soul space is not as desolate and primitive as she imagined. Not only is the underground world another upside-down world, but there are even buildings!

"The Temple of Luck..."

Like a ghost, Mei spit out these words from his mouth.


At the same time, on the "front" of the world, stands in the Temple of Time and Space in the void on the other side.


The figure on the throne suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light flashed away, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

Then, the moment Mei touched the Temple of Luck, the twin Temple of Time and Space also resonated.

"Is this fate?"

The white-haired divine master murmured, his golden eyes with mysterious lines were full of complexity, and the final crown floating above his head was also shining brightly.

Back then, when she woke up from this world and returned to her body, she felt deeply regretful for what she had done, and was even crazy about it...

However, when she inadvertently raised her head and saw the majestic temple standing in the void, her eyes... the eyes that once shone with stubbornness and hope had a bright light again.

She sees hope, and thus has more powerful power to control this primordial chaotic time and space, see through her past and future, and achieve the most powerful realm of God...

She became "Qiana Kaslana" again, and explored this world with her own power, knowing the biggest secret in the chaotic world from ancient times to the present.

In contrast, after Mei came to this world at that time, she chose to focus on the starting place and open up the field in the opposite direction...

Ever since, they embarked on two completely different paths, all stemming from different choices at the beginning.

And now it's finally on the right track again!

This means that the fates of her, Kiana Kaslana, and Raiden Mei will once again overlap and merge into one, and they will never be separated forever!

"Since that's the case, then I can't let you succeed!"

The divine master stood up, his white skirt glowing with golden light.

Outside the temple, the ground below has been eroded by endless darkness, and a large number of afterimages of human figures maintain the gesture of reaching out, constantly expanding their domain...

The breath emitted from them has the lowest level of upper gods (high-level true gods)!If it appeared in the chaotic world, it would be enough to cause a disaster of the destruction of the world and the extinction of all races!

It's not over yet...

"Dong dong dong...!"

Accompanied by a loud noise like landslides and ground cracks, an extremely huge black shadow came to the bottom of the temple, raised its head, and looked at the girl who stepped down from the throne through countless voids.


At that moment, the majestic body like an ancient Titan exuded a majestic aura that could destroy the world and bring everything back to zero!Its strength has reached an unprecedented level...

Half step god king level!

I can,

Take back... it all!

At this moment, the whole world trembled under the coercion of 【King】.

Chapter 299 Chapter 280

This is the story of a fallen [King]:

He was just an ordinary assembly line worker.

I stuttered when I was a child, and when I met the opposite sex, my palms would sweat, my heart would be nervous, I didn’t know where to look, and I couldn’t speak a word... Over time, I developed an extremely introverted character, and I usually dare not talk to others. Met a girl and walked around.

Because in the third year of high school, he became a coward and gave up the opportunity to change the destiny for most people-the college entrance examination. After graduation, he needed education but no education, skills and no skills. The road ahead was uncertain and he closed himself even more.

However, "grow up" and "adulthood" will come after all.

No matter how dull and ignorant you are, when one day you see your father's increasingly rickety back and the snow-white hairs on your mother's head, something will always awaken in your heart at some point.

So, in order not to be a useless person, he entered an assembly line factory under the "friendly" introduction of his relatives, and went to work and off work repeatedly every day, like a robot, in the factory building where the incandescent lights never go out, and the noisy machines day and night for company.

Gradually, he began to find that his dreams were no longer in his head, and his memory began to decline. Every time he saw the graduation photos in the past, he felt strange.

Every morning when I look in the mirror, I will find that my original immature cheeks have red pimples that cannot be removed; thick and dark eyelids seem to have become the norm, just like when I was a student. Occasionally, when combing the hair, one or two gray hairs can be found.

At that time, he realized that he had really changed, becoming like the walking dead in the movie, living the two-point and one-line life that he hated most, and at the same time, he couldn't help but start to miss home...

Why did I escape in the first place?

As he grows older and gets busy every day, he even forgets the reason for giving up, the passage of time, and the life he once lived...

When you come back to your senses, where is the so-called "youth"?

However, even if you notice these, so what?

If it is said that when he entered the factory, he still had the optimistic idea of ​​"changing jobs if he can't do it", but now...

Once you quit your job, you will lose your source of income. Your parents, your younger sister who is still in school, your own daily expenses... Where does the money come from?

He has no way out.

The factory is like this. Once the "screw" of oneself is tightened by a fixed salary and becomes a member of the big machine called "company", it is almost impossible to quit.

He's just a normal guy.

In this way, the former young boy has passed away, and the enthusiasm for the world at the beginning has cooled, and now there are only migrant workers who are chased by the monster "life".

And what supported him to persevere all the way was the "youth" on the other side of the screen:

Whether it's anime or novels, as long as it can "activate" his cold heart again...even if it's just for a moment, even if it's just a fake, it's enough.

The warm campus and sweet love in the anime;

The passionate plot and magnificent mountains and rivers in the novel;

The extraordinary life and unique abilities in the movie...

Wait, wait, these have become his memories... even another form of "youth"!

As a result, he, who was not good at socializing at all, spent the rest of his time in bed, watching movies, reading novels, except for the day-to-day assembly line work... he became an "otaku" in a certain sense.

This life until...

That day, when he worked overtime until late at night under the unreasonable request of the manager, his heart suddenly hurt so badly that he convulsed all over his body, and then his eyes went dark.

Yes, he died.

But he was born again.

When he woke up, he found that he was reborn in a "paradise" called [Transcendence Space]!

Just like the infinite stream novels he usually read, the detached people here come from the "three-dimensional" like him, carrying the memories of their lives, and retaining their appearances before their lives...

The most important thing is that they can also go to the world of various novels, movies and even animations with the help of [Lord God]!Intersect with those natives and even bring them back to otherworldly space!

But, here is also "hell":

Hell for the weak.

Leaving aside those quests of the main god who lick blood with the tip of a knife and survive a desperate situation, even vendors who usually set up stalls, companions in teams, and NPCs on missions may suddenly plot and harm you at some point!

Here, you can trust no one but yourself, not even your partner—this is a famous saying circulated in the circle of senior detached people.

No doubt!In order to become the strongest and survive, they can do anything you can imagine or imagine, no matter how dirty.

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