Fortunately, the god of fate favored him.

He who was reborn here struggled step by step, experienced countless betrayals and desperate situations, relying on his initial unwillingness to the situation and love of fantasy, he finally overcame obstacles all the way, stained the starry sky with blood, and achieved the most powerful God Lord Realm , ranked as the [strongest] among the twelve god masters.


Although he became the veritable strongest detached person, and his reputation resounded throughout the chaotic world, making even the oldest race fear him, but he was still not reconciled.

That's right, just not reconciled.

"There is no end to the road to becoming stronger" "There is no strongest but stronger" - these famous sayings that he regards as the most reasonable are always alerting him in his heart:

Never give up on continuing to get stronger.

However, there is an absolutely irresistible Buddha on the top of their gods:

【Lord God】.

Or the "device spirit" that transcends space, or the "pan-consciousness" that is chaotic and boundless.

In fact, their twelve god masters have long understood that the so-called "lord god" is actually the chaos consciousness itself. Although it does not possess personality and humanity, it possesses unimaginable intelligence and the supreme power to manipulate the laws of chaos.

In the beginning, when they first entered the transcendent space and were still weak, the 【Lord God】was the protector in their hearts.

It was the [Lord God] who suppressed and deceived the consciousness of the world time and time again, helped them complete their tasks, and became stronger step by step to the point where they are today. Without the [Lord God], they would not be where they are now.

But now, just like "raising Gu", their twelve god masters have become the strongest "Gu worms"...

In this case, there will be no progress except by killing each other.

However, how can a person be qualified to fight against the sky?

Most of the twelve god masters dispelled the thought in their hearts when they realized the mighty power of the [Lord God]. Only he...

He was not reconciled to being restricted, and his road to becoming stronger was blocked by the "Lord God", so he kept secretly accumulating and examining himself, and finally found the truth from his own soul—the three-dimensional soul that came across the border. A touch of heaven.

He comprehended the essence of the dimension, fused all the power he possessed with his soul, and gave birth to the supreme thing that shouldn't exist in this world - the rules of chaos.

In the end, he penetrated the mystery of the realm of advanced god-kings, joined forces with several god-lords to launch a rebellion with lightning speed, erased the consciousness of the god-lord with a trace of chaotic rules he had comprehended, seized the power of the god-lord, and integrated it into his life Among the stars!

How crazy?How bold?

【King】, thus born.

After that shocking rebellion, the transcendent space was almost completely destroyed, the twelve god masters were killed and wounded, and an unprecedented supreme god king appeared in the chaotic world.

In that era, all the races of Chaos surrendered, countless universes were played by him, and his majestic power resounded inside and outside of Chaos, and all the existences that were enemies, whether gods or demons, were uprooted by him.

He is the 【King】!Lord of Chaos!

However, the glory did not last long...

Having achieved the realm of the god-king, he vaguely sensed the truth of this world, and resolutely embarked on the road to find the [Boundary Beyond].In the end, after the truth was discovered and the false world was torn apart, it was erased by the [unknown thing] from outside the chaos.

Since then, this era has become a [taboo] in the history of chaos.

However, no one knew that the soul of [King] did not dissipate because of this, but attached to that [unknown thing], and recovered itself as time went by, preparing to make a comeback...



In the Temple of Luck, Mei opened her eyes instantly.


The aura that belonged to the divine lord emanated from her.

However, Mei himself didn't care about these things.

"[King]...the realm of the god king...transcendent space...were those just his memories?"

When she found herself sitting on the throne, her expression still had lingering fear.

All the fog was gradually lifted, and countless doubts were answered.

But the more she knew, the more frightened Mei became.

"It turns out that the 'prophet memory' I have always been given by him...a memory from another dimension...the 'fate' I always thought was the so-called 'drama'..."

With the memory of [Wang], she is essentially a combination of "Two-dimensional" and "Three-Dimensional", right?


"Are Qiyana and I really just virtual characters in the picture?"

Rubbing her head, Mei still couldn't believe it.

At the moment when she stepped into the Temple of Luck and bound to her core, her whole body and soul underwent a "qualitative change" again, and the law of thunder that she had mastered had also broken through to a level that was difficult to achieve in the past under the blessing of "Origin Qi". The realm of imagination.

She could feel that the Temple of Luck had merged with her, and the general situation of this world was finally revealed:

It turned out that the tens of billions of kilometers she flew day and night before was no more than the size of a "broad bean" in this world!It's even worse from the border!

Fortunately, I didn't go all the way to the dark...

At this moment, Mei deeply thanked the Chitong sisters, it was they who changed their thinking in time and recalled places like the starting place.

On the other side of the world, except for a golden light curtain that is enveloping an apple-sized location, more than 90.00% of the area is actually still unknown, and the border is still expanding endlessly in general!

And that golden light curtain...


Mei finally understood.

The golden light curtain was obviously created by Qiyana, and the power circulating on it was from the same source as the Temple of Luck. She sealed herself off from that area, just because she was afraid that something inside would come out.

In the past, Mei, who was in the realm of the true gods, didn't understand it, but now...

God King.

The original owner of "Prophetic Memory" came from another dimension.


"If I'm not mistaken, the [unknown object] that came from beyond the chaos and obliterated the king of gods..."

"It turned out to be the soul space (primordial chaos)."

Looking around, Mei suddenly felt absurd.

What level of existence is the God King?Crush the overlord of the chaotic world!Enough to obliterate her now!

But such a terrifying existence was actually wiped out by a [primordial chaos] of unknown origin...


The so-called chaos refers to the universe outside the universe, the outer realm that wraps the vast world and hundreds of millions of races.

What is the unknown thing from the "outside of the outside world"-the soul world?

"How did this world bind me and Kiyana? Why did it come to our world?"

"Why choose us?"

Too many, too many doubts...

Even knowing so much, Mei is still confused.

But now, there is no time for her to think about these...

There are more important things to do!


At this moment, Mei's eyes were full of complexity, and there were too many things in her heart that she wanted to confide to that girl.

But in the end she stepped down from the throne.

"I am coming!"


Chapter 300 Chapter 280 Chapter [-] All things rest?

The perspective turns to the Temple of Time and Space.

The battle has been going on for a while.

Under the bombardment of the two god masters, the area under the temple with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers collapsed completely, and even the elements themselves fell into chaos.


It is clear at a glance which of the two sides is strong and which is weak.


The black soul impact hit the Temple of Time and Space, causing the law barriers around it to be shattered inch by inch, and the surrounding void was even more turbulent.

On the other hand, on Qiyana's side, the power of law from the final form enveloped her, except for turning the surrounding true god-level soul spirits into ashes in an instant, she couldn't do anything to the giant!

The soul essence of the half-step god king level is so terrifying!

"Ho ho ho!"

The giant screamed strangely, stepping on the void with its feet like giant pillars, its two slit-like eyes narrowed slightly, mocking.

——Without the protection of that temple, you are just an ant under my feet!

I didn't see him speak... No, he didn't have a "mouth" in the first place. This sudden and eerie voice resounded strangely through time and space, making people tremble all over.

In response, Qiyana, who was located in the temple, clenched the Honkai gun tightly, her face turned slightly pale.

Facing the other party's provocation, she had no way to refute.

— because it is true.

In fact, the Temple of Time and Space is an accompaniment of this primordial chaos, a manifestation of rules.It has a complete law of time and space, and its skeleton is forged by the legendary chaos rules. Even if the opponent's strength reaches the peak of the God Master Realm, it will not be able to deal with it for a while.

However, she also has some concerns.

What if the opponent suddenly regained his full strength?

Right now, that giant possesses the strength of a half-step god-king just by virtue of his soul essence. If he recasts his body and combines his body with his soul, then...

Can the Temple of Time and Space really withstand the Xeon God King who controls the rules of chaos?

"In the end, I'm just an 'indigenous'...a higher-dimensional soul, a higher growth can I compare? Even with this primordial's even more difficult to change your life against the sky .”

Facing this cruel fact, Qiyana couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

The other party is a higher-dimensional existence. Although the temple can protect her for a while, if the entire primordial chaos is eroded by the other party's soul essence, the consequences will be disastrous!

"We can only continue to procrastinate, but fortunately, he doesn't seem to have discovered Mei's existence..."

With such determination, Kiyana raised her sharp spear again.

And at this moment...


With a sudden ripple in the void on the battlefield, another magnificent temple appeared.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"Could it be that..."

Kiyana slowly opened her eyes wide.Underfoot, the Temple of Time and Space is trembling faintly, as if it has entered a "state of joy"?

"The Temple of Luck."

Boom! ! !

In an instant, thousands of thunderbolts fell from the sky, and countless small spirits were annihilated by divine punishment. Most of the originally dense black tide was emptied, and the speed of outward erosion suddenly fell to the bottom.

When the newly-appeared temple stood firmly in the void, as the huge stone gate moved away abruptly, a never-before-seen fluctuation of the Divine Master Realm spread to the audience.

Immediately after...

"Da da da!"

The lotus steps move lightly, and the jade feet bloom.A beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes slowly appeared at the door, with thunder wings on her back, a divine ring on her feet, and a pair of swords in her hand, with an awe-inspiring expression.


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