At this moment, Qiyana's eyes crossed the void, ignoring the distance, and stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar black-haired girl. The face that had been gloomy since the beginning of the battle finally showed a smile.

"Qiana, here I come."

In response, Mei also raised her head and returned a faint smile.

Mei finally arrived!

The situation on the field suddenly changed.

At the same time, Mei, who had completely liberated the god-level power, raised her hand and gently swung the demon sword Bafang down.


The light of the knife flashed by.

Boom! ! !

Lei Guang followed closely.

The humanoid spirit that originally wanted to launch a surprise attack was instantly split into two, and the remaining corpses were smashed to pieces in the falling thunder, destroying both body and spirit.

Instantly killing a true god—this is the strength of a divine master.

But Kiyana and the others are not happy yet...

——The core of my soul finally appeared!

The black giant suddenly uttered a strange scream, those trembling eyes fixed on Mei, and the aura exuding from his body was as mighty as the deep sea.

Seeing this scene, Qiyana's face suddenly changed:

"Be careful, Mei!!!"

In a blink of an eye, the black giant suddenly gave up the time-space temple that had been unable to attack for a long time, and turned around and ran towards Mei.

In this regard, Mei swung a knife again, and attached the newly advanced law of thunder.


Boom! ! !

It is also the saber energy that is wrapped in thunder, but this time compared with just now, even the existence that has just entered the god master level cannot resist it, and the power can be said to be very different.

Because the law of thunder is a law that focuses on destruction and destruction, and with the blessing of the unique energy of the primordial chaos - origin qi, the power of Mei's knife can be called invincible at the same level!


--it's useless!

While screaming strangely, the giant maintained a running posture, just crossed the pair of thick arms in front of his chest, and unexpectedly resisted Mei's blow!

—Hand over your soul honestly!Then I'm perfect!

Hearing the giant's words of encouragement, Mei slowly shook her head.

"Mu Qingjian, your soul fragments have been completely fused with me, they cannot be separated, give up."

Hearing this long-lost name, the black giant stopped immediately.

That's right!

"Mu Qingjian"——it was the real name of that unknown assembly line worker, and later the God King who shocked the chaos!It belongs to the taboo among the taboos, and anyone who knows its existence except the dead is a peerless powerhouse!

However, this name appeared from Mei's mouth...

Even Qiyana hadn't expected this moment.

Seeing that the giant did not move, Mei continued to speak:

"Sorry, I know all about your past. Give up, your era is long over, this world is not as simple as you imagined, it is dangerous and mysterious."

At this moment, although the chances are slim, she still tries to convince the former God King.

Because now the answers to all these are gradually being revealed, unnecessary battles can be avoided if possible, and more importantly...

Since knowing everything about "Mu Qingjian", Mei deeply admires and understands this legendary existence.

Climbing from a mere mortal to the most powerful god king... I am afraid that no one other than her knows the hardships and sufferings involved.


The giant raised his head again.

——A mere ants, do you think I will believe it?Even if I do merge, I still have other ways to return to the top!

As soon as his words fell, the attack from the half-step god-king level smashed towards Mei.

At that moment, Mei really felt the long-lost breath of death!

If you get hit, you will definitely die...

Thinking of this, she subconsciously took a step back.

Sensing the coming danger, the Temple of Luck bound to Mei took the initiative to activate the mode of protecting the lord, and the outer layers of law barriers were instantly deployed, and the core located under the throne exuded mysterious rule fluctuations...


As in the previous situation, the spirit's attack was once again resisted by the temple, but this time it was replaced by a different one.

——Uh ah ah ah!Damn temple!

The giant almost went mad.

In his opinion, the gap between a god-lord and a god-king is exactly the difference between a grain of sand and a galaxy, and the two are not in the same order of magnitude at all!Even though he is only at the half-step god king level at this time, every attack contains the chaotic rules that are enough to instantly kill the god master realm!


Because of that strange temple, he couldn't do anything to a young girl who had just entered the God Master class!

How aggrieved?

Ever since, the battlefield has fallen into a strange stalemate:

Right now, even if Mei and Kiyana join forces, they can't effectively damage the half-step god king-level black giant, and the latter can't break the two "turtle shells" of time and space and the Temple of Luck...

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

On the battlefield at the level of a god-lord, the True God of Chaos, who was powerful enough to easily destroy civilization, was completely reduced to "cannon fodder", falling one by one under the aftermath of Mei's attack, without the dignity of a god at all.

All of this is completely unimaginable in the eyes of mortals. It turns out that the gap between the extraordinary and the extraordinary can be so exaggerated!

know a moment...

The regular fluctuations emanating from the Temple of Luck and the Temple of Time and Space suddenly resonated!

"what happened?"

From Mei and the others' point of view, the world that had been beaten into fragments and disordered in time was suddenly "reshaped" by a mighty force, and the originally invisible and colorless source energy gathered together to form a colorful light ball!

The most important thing is...

This ball of light seems to be condensed by the rules of chaos!Every moment, the regular fluctuations emanating from it are echoing with other places in this world.

This is……

Chaos Core! ! !

"Mei! Let's go!"

At this moment, Qiyana didn't care about her own safety anymore, and used the law to build a space-time tunnel leading to the Temple of Luck, and invited Mei to win the treasure together.

"Huh?! Good!"

But after Mei just reacted and flashed into the tunnel, Qiyana found that the teleportation point she had originally set had failed!

——Hahaha, you want to grab me?You are not far behind!

The giant turned around and laughed mockingly, before stretching out his hand to grab the ball of light.

It turned out that he had blocked time and space with the law of chaos as soon as the ball of light appeared!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Qiyana's face suddenly turned pale, desperately trying to break the time-space blockade.

"What the hell is that?"

After stepping into the Temple of Time and Space, Mei was immediately attracted by Kiana's drastically changed face.

"The core of chaos... After we have it, we can control the entire primordial chaos logically...Damn it! Open time and space for me!!!"

Hearing Kiana's words, Mei also changed her face.

"That's the core of chaos?! I thought it was still evolving, but I didn't expect that because of us... I came to help!"


It's too late.

The black giant has already taken the lead in coming to the front of the ball of light.

——The core of this world is mine!The rules of chaos are mine too!With it, I will definitely be able to return to the top... No!Take it to the next level!

The ball of light was immediately caught in his hand.

"It's over."

Kiyana's face turned pale immediately, and Mei also fell into a daze.

Chapter 301 Chapter 280 IX [The Flames] Lin Yi


When the Chaos Core fell into the giant's hands, Kiyana felt deeply hopeless.

Because in her perception, that ball of light is the true law of chaos, intact, once the former [King] fuses it...

It will surely return to the posture of coercion and chaos in the peak period!

Although she didn't fuse Mu Qingjian's soul fragments like Mei, and knew his life trajectory, but about the various deeds of that [King], she still searched for the chaotic world in the Temple of Time and Space for thousands of years. Understand seven seven eight eight...

Because of this, Qiyana deeply understands that the core of chaos must not fall into his hands!

If not...

"Mei! Let's get out of here! Hide in the sea of ​​origin! Even the god king will get lost there!"

In desperation, Kiyana took Mei's hand and wanted to take her to "elope" to the origin of the world of chaos-the Sea of ​​Origin.

Once Mu Qingjian advances to the rank of God King again, the primordial chaos that is still growing here may no longer be able to restrict him, and they must give up here.

The Sea of ​​Origin is a place of great evil, located in the deepest part of all chaotic universes.The laws inside are disordered, the time and space are disordered, and the fragments of the world are everywhere. Once lost in it, even the gods will gradually perish...

But now Qiyana can't control so much anymore, staying here is tantamount to waiting for death!She didn't think the two temples could stop the attack of the God King.


Compared to Kiana who was full of despair, Mei at this moment seemed to be in a daze, her eyes staring straight ahead.

"Wait, Kiana."

Mei seems to be indifferent to this "elopement plan".


Kiyana was puzzled.

However, when she followed Mei's line of sight and looked forward...

She also fell into a daze.

the reason is……

The black giant who successfully grasped the core of chaos not only did not change in any way, but stood still in place, motionless.

No, there was still movement.

I saw that in his huge palm that covered the sky, the colorful ball of light had gradually lost its color, and turned into an indescribable paleness.

That's right, pale.

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