
The Tokyo area is back to normal again, at least on the surface.

Even though the shadows in people's hearts still exist, under the full protection of the Self-Defense Forces and the police, the rampant mobs were quickly suppressed, and some people who gathered at the airport and tried to escape the Tokyo area by plane also returned home one after another. .

In this case, the most crowded place is the hospital besides the prison.

Many people were beaten, stepped on, stabbed with knives and wounded by guns in this sudden riot...

Obviously gastritis never appeared during the whole process, but the sky above the inner city was always filled with the slightest smell of blood.

In the hospital, the wailing of the wounded, the mournful cries of the family members of the deceased, the struggle and silence of the mentally deranged... It was as if a human tragedy was being staged. can smell.

Human beings have two sides, light and dark, from the moment they are born, and they, who have seen the evil of human nature, may find it difficult to get rid of this eternal nightmare in this lifetime.

"Is this human?"

With a sigh from the bottom of his heart, the savior named Leiden Mei quietly left this place full of joy and sorrow.

Along the way, she passed the outlying area destroyed by the debris flow brought by the tsunami, the skyscrapers that collapsed due to the earthquake, the roads that were completely paralyzed by traffic, the streets and shops that were destroyed by man-made...

At the same time, she has also seen middle-level white-collar workers who collapsed and cried because of the loss of property, mothers who knelt and begged for help because of the loss of their daughters, brothers and sisters who hugged each other and cried bitterly because of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe...

Under the influence of various emotions, the joy of victory that remained in the girl's heart has completely disappeared, replaced by a faint sadness and a little bit of confusion that inexplicably emerged.

"Am I still human?"

With such doubts and puzzles, Mei did not go to the holy residence to reap the glory and praise that belonged to her, but walked aimlessly.

The more she experienced those countless sorrows and joys, the more the girl's heart fluctuated, and at the same time, the questions in her mind became bigger and bigger.

Humanity?Of course not.

Everything she's doing now—whether it's passing through the crowd without a sound, jumping over a broken bridge with ease, or jumping over a tall building...no matter what, it's not something that humans can do, right?

What's more, the girl is the savior!

It was she who defeated the five gastratus representing the doomsday and prevented the "mass extinction" from happening; it was she who guarded the Tokyo area and saved countless lives...

She, Raiden Mei, may have been the Herrscher who brought the Houkai before, but now, she is the hero of the entire Tokyo area!

There is no doubt about that.


Why can't she be happy in her heart?

Clearly winning the battle, not only has he once again enhanced his mastery of the power of the Herrscher, enriched his combat experience, but also added an extremely powerful support puppet to Hachifang...

It didn't cost much, but got a lot of rewards. This matter can be said to be a "big profit"!

Although the voice in her heart has been so comforting, Mei still didn't get the answer she wanted.

With such a mood of "concerning gain and loss", she came to the front of Lei Dian's house unknowingly.


The servants guarding the gate are still in the same attire, but they have more guns in their hands.At the same time, the surrounding air also smelled of gunpowder smoke and blood more than usual, and the invisible killing atmosphere continued to spread.

"What happened?" Mei raised an eyebrow and asked unhurriedly.

"Back to Miss, there was a group of thugs who wanted to force their way in before, but we shot to death, and the body was dragged away by the Self-Defense Forces just now." Faced with her question, the servant replied truthfully.

"Really?" Hearing this, Mei's expression was normal, and after she nodded slowly, she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Caikui..."

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the house and rushed towards her.


Hearing this familiar address, Mei's nerves that had just tensed up immediately relaxed, and at the same time, she stagnated after taking half a step, and caught the opponent firmly.

Under the warm sunshine, the two sisters hugged each other, and the atmosphere of the farewell reunion made people's noses ache.

"My lord, you are finally... Finally back... I've been waiting for you... My mother said you haven't heard from me, and it's so chaotic outside... I'm afraid to hear you... But I can't help but keep going I was thinking, if my sis, you really... what should I do?"

At the end of the words, the girl's sobbing tone could not be concealed no matter what, Mei even felt the petite body in her arms trembling, and there was a wet touch on her chest.

Slightly taken aback, Mei stretched out her hand to caress the thin back of the girl in her arms, and the corners of her mouth curled up at the same time, revealing a beautiful smile like a sunny day after rain.

The silent expression maintained along the way was finally broken at this moment.

"Okay~ Didn't I come back safely? Don't cry, Caikui, you are the second lady of Lei Dian's family, it won't look good to cry anymore~"

"Will my lord despise me?"

"How could it be? It's just that if Aoi continues to cry like this, they will laugh at you~"

"Really?" Hearing this, the girl was finally willing to lift her head, and looked at the two servants standing behind her.

However, the two domestic servants stood upright at this time, without squinting, their extremely serious expressions seemed to say "you go on, we are just statues", which made people laugh.

"Why, Caikui really believes it?" Seeing this, Mei showed a smirk that had succeeded.

Immediately, the girl with black hair and pink eyes uttered a mournful sound like a small animal, and her pretty face was full of grievances.

"Sister, you bullied me!" The girl complained in a dissatisfied tone, and at the same time stretched out her small fist to beat her.

"Okay~ okay~ don't be angry, it's my fault." Catching the pair of soft and weak fists, Mei calmed down with a gentle and watery tone, while gently wiping away the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes with the other hand, His face gradually became serious.

"Caikui, did you not have a good rest last night?"

Although it was a question, Mei's tone was clearly tinged with blame.

There was no other reason, only because the girl with black hair and pink eyes was haggard, with swollen eye bags and obvious dark circles, which was obviously caused by staying up late.

Caikui is not like her, she has an incomparably powerful body of a Herrscher, and is extremely energetic, even if she does not rest for a few days and nights, she will be fine...

Caikui is just an ordinary person!Her behavior of torturing her body like this made Mei a little angry and... a little distressed.

Recognizing the blame contained in her sister's words, Aoi blinked and smiled flatteringly.

"Sister, elder sister! You can't blame me...you went to an unexplored area full of monsters last night! As a younger sister, how could I sleep at home with peace of mind? I just didn't sleep all night, I, I'm fine of……"

As she talked, she felt that Mei's gaze became more and more fierce, and Caikui's voice became smaller and smaller, until she finally bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Seeing this, Mei didn't push her any further, after all, her younger sister was there to spoil her, so she couldn't bear to reprimand her.

"Okay, I'll let you go this time, and never do this again next time! Do you understand?"


Seeing her sister's frustrated look, Mei sighed, then took her hand and walked into the house.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Um...no, no."

"You——! Huh... well, you go to wash up first, I'll make you breakfast, and go to bed after eating, you know?"

"Yes, but going to school..."

"There's no need to go! Just give me a peaceful night's sleep! With such a big event happening in Tokyo today, it's impossible for the academy to continue to open. For the past few days, you'll just stay in the house honestly, and you're not allowed to go anywhere! Take good care of yourself Does your body know?"

"Woo... I see, my lord sister is really murderous."


Seeing her sister's reluctance, Mei opened her mouth, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart, and the previous confusion had long been gone.

Yes, even though my body is no longer a human being, my heart has never changed, and it is still beating because of being a "human being".

That's enough, isn't it?

Chapter 56 Chapter 55 Twilight at Tendo's House

The next day, an award ceremony was held in the Holy House to honor the hard work of the policemen in this mission—in fact, they were all the lucky ones who survived the hands of Zhizi Yingyin and the mouth of gastrulation.

When we found Zhizi Yingyin, many groups of police did not receive the relevant communication, or got lost in the unexplored area, and did not go to the coastal town because of other reasons, so they survived .

Of course, there is one set of exceptions...

That is Rentaro and Aihara Enju.

In view of their outstanding performance in this mission, Sheng Tianzi raised their ranking from 12 to [-] with the privilege of the head of the Tokyo District. The president's Mu Geng smiled from ear to ear.

However, in this banquet, from the beginning to the end, no one saw the person who was recorded as the first-class meritorious service. This made many people feel puzzled, and even speculated whether the person with the greatest contribution had already died.

At the same time, this also made Rentaro, who received the quasi-first-class merit, once again the focus of the scene, but he himself didn't seem to like the feeling of being surrounded by spectators, and he withdrew from the banquet early on the grounds of physical discomfort.


"Phew~ It's obvious that the missing Miss Leiden is the recipient of the greatest credit, right? Why are you all looking at me? I don't know why."

Running out of the resplendent holy residence, away from the sight of those people, Rentaro was visibly relieved, and tugged on his tie.

He understood that being too conspicuous was not a good thing.

Looking at the sky above his head that was no different from usual, Rentaro always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't say it.

Is such a peaceful daily life really good?

"Slap!" Thinking so, he suddenly slapped himself.

"Isn't this good? Don't you have to see the dead every day to count as life? Isn't this the day before Zhizi Yingyin appeared? Plain and peaceful, this is what I expect..."

After a wry smile, Rentaro shook his head, threw out those unrealistic assumptions in his mind, and started walking on the way home.

With Yeon-joo still at home, it seems that such a banquet is only allowed for the facilitator...of course, there are representatives of the Civil Police Company among them.Only the Tiantong Civil Security Company where he worked at the scene invited the president to go out in person, which was too shameless.

After all, it is a little-known small company. Besides him and Yenju, the only president is Ki Geng, who seems to think this is a good opportunity to build up the company's reputation and win over other policemen, so he is busy socializing until now. I don't care about him.

"Hey, it's so relaxing." Whenever he thought of this, Rentaro would have the urge to feel emotional.

Walking alone on the road, watching the Tokyo area gradually recovering from yesterday's catastrophe, he suddenly remembered the umbrella sentence that Mu Geng had shown him.

The footsteps stopped immediately.

Rentaro suddenly knew where he was going.


Ten minutes later, in front of Tiantong's house.

This is a luxurious mansion located in the most exclusive part of the first district of Tokyo. From the outside, it looks like a huge western country building.

Today is the end of the world, and all citizens are facing the problem of land shortage, but this mansion easily exceeds [-] meters from the main entrance to the building entrance, it seems to be provoking everyone.

At the same time, the trees in the garden are trimmed very neatly by the gardener, presenting a perfect left-right symmetry; the fountain imitates the shape of a bathing angel, which is very beautiful, and it is also inlaid with many shell decorations.

Just from the house itself and its location, it can be seen how powerful the Tendo House is in the entire Tokyo area today. It firmly grasps the politics and economy, and it is undoubtedly a giant in the eyes of ordinary people.

"I'm back again." Looking at the luxurious mansion in front of him, Rentaro couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and walked into it along the familiar road.

He lived here with Mu Geng when he was a child, so he is no stranger to the mansion in his memory.

But this time I'm not here to reminisce, but to seek the truth.What's more, he, who has already left here with Mu Geng, is undoubtedly a traitor to the entire Tiantong family, and he might be expelled if he is discovered.

Fortunately, there didn't seem to be many people in Tiantong's house at this time, and the servants hired by the family had no right to control his nominal "young master".

In this way, Rentaro entered the house very smoothly, opened the door with the spare key, and went directly to the second floor after entering the house.

In the middle of the trip, he passed by the old butler.

"Is it the young master?" Seeing him, the other party couldn't help muttering.

Although Rentaro wanted to catch up with her who had not been seen for a long time, but when he thought of what he was about to do, he lowered his head and pretended not to know her, and left quickly.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the destination, Rentaro took out his pistol, put on the silencer and fired several shots at the door lock, breaking the hinge of the door, then picked up the shell casings on the ground, opened the door and walked in.

In front of him is a very spacious study room. The floor at the entrance is covered with warm-colored carpets, and there is a bookshelf that occupies half of the wall. In the center of the room is a huge rosewood desk.

"Let's act quickly." Having made up his mind, he immediately walked to the desk and began to rummage through the drawers to review the documents.


He kept flipping through stacks of documents, most of which were the financial statements of the Tiantong family and the construction documents he had handled over the years. These things were incomprehensible and worthless to him, and that was not what he wanted.

"Where is it?"

After flipping through a drawer, Rentaro bent down and opened the drawer on the next level.

He admitted that he was starting to feel a little anxious.

"What are you looking for?" Suddenly, a thick and majestic voice came.

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