"Evidence..." Rentaro just subconsciously replied two words, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

Slowly raising his head, he saw the burly figure nearly 1.8 meters tall and wearing a traditional white kimono.Although the other party has gray hair and beard, the sharp eyes inherited from Kisara are genuine.

The contemporary head of the Tendo family - Tendo Kikunojo.

"Are you sneaking around as a thief? Rentaro" the old man said in a flat tone, but pointed the two-shot pistol loaded with Magnum bullets at Rentaro's eyebrows.

But Rentaro did not sit still.

He had already activated his mechanical prosthetic eye, and was concentrating on the pistol. As long as the opponent wanted to pull the trigger, he would quickly counterattack with the black XD pistol in his hand.

At this distance, neither side has the possibility to dodge.

"...You're back. I thought you wouldn't show up until night, Your Excellency Tendo." Rentaro replied in the same calm tone as possible, but the cold sweat kept dripping from his head.

"What evidence are you looking for here?"

"Come to find... Forget it, if I am here, I will ask directly. I have read the sentence of Umbrella Company, secretly hired Hiruko Yingyin, ordered him to take away Qixing's inheritance, and almost caused the Tokyo area to suffer a 'mass extinction' The real murderer is actually you! Tendo Kikunojo!"

Hearing this, although Tendo Kikunojo didn't speak, the finger holding the trigger slightly strengthened, which made Rentaro's heart beat faster.

"Is it Mu Geng's idea?"

"Just my personal judgment."

Hearing Rentaro's words, the other party obviously scoffed.

"Hmph, how did you suspect me?"

Rentaro was stunned for a moment.

"You, don't you deny it?"

"Will you believe me if I deny it?"

"No..." Due to his status as an adopted son, Rentaro really hoped to hear a negative answer, but now the other party's appearance... made him very disappointed.

"The Chief Cabinet Secretary is dead, hanged at home while on bail!"

"I know, so what?"

Hearing the other party's unusually calm answer, Rentaro became even more angry.

"Is he your student?! Except for him, the guys arrested on the Umbrella Company's judgment are either members of your faction, or the faction that once belonged to you..."

"Do you remember a banquet held in this mansion when I was a child? They all greeted me at that time! Everyone is obviously a good person and respects you... But now they are replacing you because of what you have done. You took the blame and went to jail for you!"

Speaking of this, recalling those people who looked at him in the past and said, "It seems that he is a smart boy, he really deserves to be the adopted son of Mr. Tendo", "Ren Taro will definitely become a great politician in the future", etc. Rentaro couldn't help it want to cry.

However, seeing that the other party was still calm and bland, without a trace of remorse or even self-blame, he wished he could shoot him immediately.

"Why? They volunteered to be this scapegoat in order to keep you, whether it's the Chief Cabinet Secretary or those people... Why? Why are they all so dedicated, and you are still cheeky now! Don't you feel ashamed? ! Tendo Kikunojo!"

Hearing this, Tendo Kikunojo's expression became distorted due to self-mockery.

"Why do I have to do this? What good does it do me to destroy the Tokyo area? You stupid guy."

"It's because of the "New Gastrea Law"!" Rentaro gritted his teeth and spit out these words.


Seeing the flash of astonishment on the opponent's face, Rentaro became more convinced of his own judgment.

"The "New Gastrea Law", this is a bill proposed by the Holy Son of Heaven to improve the social status of the cursed sons. But you are... a stubborn discriminator!"

"You announced to the public that Zhizi Yingyin and his daughter Zhizi Xiaobinai were related to this incident. In fact, you want people to hate the cursed son! In order to prevent the implementation of this bill, even the stage five They all want to be summoned, and they are not afraid of causing a 'mass extinction' in the Tokyo area!"

"I'm right! Despicable and shameless Lord Tendo!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Rentaro was suddenly kicked in the abdomen without warning, and before he could react, he had already knocked down on the bookshelf, with his throat blocked by a pistol.

"You're right! But so what?!" Kikunojo pointed a gun at him, the anger on his face hard to hide, "Why can you forget that ten years ago, my wife and everyone were killed? Days? Those bugs also took away your hands, feet and parents, but now you want to give human rights to those little devils with bug blood?"

Speaking of this, his cloudy eyes were full of hatred.

"Those guys are the demons who destroy everything in this world!"

At this time, Rentaro saw the gap in the moment, and waved away the opponent's hand holding the gun. The gunshot sounded, and the bullet grazed his cheek.And Rentaro took this opportunity to sweep Kikunojo down with his feet, hit the opponent's abdomen with his knee, and raised his gun to reverse the situation!

"They are human beings! I, Satomi Rentaro, will always believe in Aihara Enju!" Looking at Kikunojo who was half kneeling on the ground, Rentaro raised his gun and issued a declaration of the winner (lolicon).

"Thump, thump, thump..." At this moment, there were suddenly dense footsteps outside the door.

Then, in the wide eyes of Rentaro and Kikunojo, a group of well-equipped self-defense forces suddenly rushed in and surrounded the two of them.

"Hehe~" With a chuckle, a black-haired girl in a gorgeous evening dress appeared in front of Rentaro.

"Mu, Miss Mu Geng?! Why do you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the black-haired girl waved the recorder in her hand, with a charming smile on her face.

"Thank you, Satomi-kun~ Thanks to you, I finally have the most crucial evidence. Tendo Kikunojo, I have recorded every word and every sentence you said before, and made it Back up. This time, I want to see how your Tiantong family can turn around!"

At the end, the girl's eyes showed an extremely refreshing smile.

The great hatred has been avenged, and the biggest enemy is about to be pushed into the abyss by herself, falling into a place where there will be no redemption, how can she, Tiantongmu, be unhappy?

Seeing this, Rentaro seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly rolled up his cuffs, revealing an inconspicuous tracker.

"Sister Kigen, don't you..." Rentaro showed a hurt expression as he looked at the black-haired girl who was focused on revenge.

He was actually used!Being used as a tool for revenge by the person I trust and like the most!

Seeing this scene, Tendo Kikunojo stood up slowly, dropped the pistol, and started laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The laughter was full of sarcasm and unwillingness, as if he was jealous of everything in this world.

The huge Tiantong family stepped into destruction amidst his laughter.

Chapter 57 Chapter 56 Little Maid Xia Shichan

A few days later.

For the award ceremony, Mei had expected such a scene a long time ago, so she turned it down because she didn't like flattery.

Mei had also heard about the incident in the Tendo family and the earthquake in the political arena in Tokyo, but she was a little emotional. After all, she had already expected Kikunojo's fate, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

So what is she doing now?


In the third district of Tokyo, inside Raiden House.

Mei looked at the little maid in front of her who was dressed in a small maid outfit, with her hands crossed on her abdomen, her short yellowish hair was combed meticulously, her eyebrows were lowered and her eyes looked very quiet, and she had a subtle expression on her face.

"You... this is?"

Facing her gaze, the little maid bowed slightly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing an unskilled, standardized smile.

"Master, my name is Qianshou Natsushi, I am ten years old this year, please give me your advice."

Regarding this, as if she didn't see the bristling hair on Mei's head, Lei Yi, the exclusive maid standing beside her, smiled slightly.

"How is it? Miss, Lei Yi's teaching is not bad, right? Xia Shichan is very smart~ I learned it all at once."

"You..." After holding the words in her throat for a long time, Mei finally said: "I said that I would keep her by my side, but I didn't say that I would train her to be a maid, right?"

Of course, Xia Shi at this time is indeed very cute...

The loli maid with a deadpan face but a super high IQ is simply a girl's heart bursting!

However, after hearing Mei's words, Xia Shi took the initiative to speak.

"It's my choice, master."

"What?!" Mei thought she had heard wrong, and blinked her eyes.

In this regard, Xia Shi began to explain very patiently:

"Since the death of the general prisoner, I have become the private property of the supervisory agency. Thanks to the help of the master and the emperor, I was saved from being reassigned to others. But because of this, I also lost the authority of the police. identity……"

Having said that, her face remained calm.

"For starters, if they lose their status as a civilian police, it means losing the protection of the law and the relevant privileges they hold, as well as the qualifications for erosion inhibitors. Supervisory agencies are not charitable organizations, and they will not Help the cursed son of the wild."

"Erosion inhibitor?" Hearing this term, Mei frowned.

"Miss, the erosion inhibitor is a kind of injectable drug regularly issued by the International Initiator Supervisory Agency to the police. It can effectively inhibit the activity of the original enterovirus and delay the increase of the erosion rate in the cursed child." Lei Yishi explained.

Hearing this, Mei frowned slightly.

"I see, once you leave the police, you won't be able to get the inhibitor...Lei Yi, can our Lei Dian family get it from other sources?"

"Yes, miss." Lei nodded and added: "It's just that the price is very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it. Because the supervisory agency has very strict control over this drug, it is not allowed to circulate in large quantities on the market. .”

"Because this will shake its position? Huh, a bunch of stinking monopoly capitalists" Mei said with a gloomy face, clenched her fists and snorted coldly.

Regarding this, Lei Yi was also a little silent.

"...Yes, miss. As long as you control the production method and distribution channels of this drug, it is equivalent to controlling the cursed son and even the entire police system."

Once the cursed child uses his ability, the protovirus in his body will accelerate the erosion of its host.

As long as the virus erosion rate in the body exceeds 50.00%, the human form can no longer be maintained. At that time, the cute little loli will turn into a terrifying gastratus in public...

This is one of the main reasons why the plundered generations loathe and hate the cursed son, and it is also the biggest Achilles' heel of all civilian police.

As long as the supervisory agency firmly grasps all the information on the drug of corrosion inhibitors, the cursed children will be able to come to their door obediently, take the initiative to put down their posture and sign a prostitution contract with them, and become the policemen under their management.

This is also the reason why the deformed civilian police system can continue to exist in the world and continue to develop and grow.

Existence is reasonable.


Faced with this reality, even if Mei has the strength to defeat the fifth stage, he can't come up with any countermeasures for the time being.

Capital has already spread to all parts of the society. This is no longer something that can be solved by external forces alone.

"Lei Yi, I order you to buy corrosion inhibitors on the market at all costs, in my name! Don't worry about Father and His Highness the Son of Heaven, they will sell me." After a long silence, Mei ordered with a serious face.

"Lei Yi understands, miss." Lei nodded, showing a faint smile.

She knew that her eldest lady would not sit idly by.With the permission of Lei Dian Jingtai and Sheng Tianzi, it is equivalent to opening up the contacts in the military and political circles, and unnecessary troubles will be saved a lot.

"Thank you, master." At this time, Xia Shi saluted Mei again with a sincere face.

Regarding this, Mei patted her head affectionately, and comforted her: "There's no need for this, Xia Shi. I decided to keep you in the first place on my own, and I didn't ask you to reciprocate in this way..."

"No." To her surprise, Xia Shi seemed very stubborn about this, "Inhibitors are very expensive, I already knew that. Master, you will make such a decision, and I guessed it before I came, so I Only then will I take the initiative to ask Sister Lei Yi for advice..."

Facing Mei's slightly surprised gaze, Xia Shi was serious, and even pleaded in his tone.

"I did it voluntarily, master. To receive favors for no reason, but to accept something for granted... I can't do it! From the moment my police status was cancelled, everything about me has already belonged to you, master." ! If you want to abandon me, I can only accept..."

Hearing this, Mei didn't know what to say.

Obviously, for Xia Shi, the comfortable environment he is currently in and the erosion inhibitor Mei just promised are actually a great boon.

Having seen all kinds of darkness in the world, she thinks that enjoying this kind of favor with peace of mind is actually a kind of sin. The conscience and guilt in her heart do not allow it!

And if you hand over everything about yourself, all of this can be regarded as an equal transaction, you love me, and you don't need to have a psychological burden, so that she will feel better in Qianshou Xiashi's heart.

This is her realization, and it seems to be the best ending so far.

"Miss, this is Xia Shichan's own decision~ And since becoming an intelligence officer, Lei Yi also knows that he may not be able to be by your side all the time like before. Xia Shichan is very smart and sensible, I will definitely be able to serve the eldest lady well for Lei Yi!"

Hearing Lei Yi's words from the heart, and seeing the firmness overflowing from Xia Shi's black and white eyes, Mei finally compromised.

"Well, since Xia Shi is your decision, then I respect it. But have you really made a decision? You may regret it in the future~" Out of a responsible attitude, Mei asked again carefully.

In this regard, Xia Shi nodded without hesitation.

"Well! Master, this is a decision I made myself, no matter what happens in the future, I will not regret it! Please give me your advice for the rest of my life."

After finishing speaking, the little maid bent down and bowed again.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, and straightened her braids like ears of rice.

"Similarly, please give me your advice, Xia Shi."

At this time, Lei Yi, who was standing quietly and smiling at the two, suddenly changed his expression, as if he remembered something.

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