"By the way! Miss, when Xia Shijiang and I came back, Mrs. Sheng Tianzi asked you to go to the Holy Residence when you have time. She has something important to discuss with you... Sorry! Miss, Lei Yi just thought Wake up, it's a real failure."

"It's okay." Seeing Lei Yi's guilty look, Mei waved her hand to express her indifference, then turned around and looked in the direction of the first district of Tokyo.

"Holy residence? It's been quiet at home for a few days, and it's time to go."


Chapter 58 Chapter 57 Gunshots in the Holy House

Tokyo's first district, Holy House.

When Mei came here again, she didn't inform anyone... that is, she didn't let anyone inform, but walked around the holy residence under the leadership of a staff member who knew her.

The people inside, including Shengtianzi, didn't know she was coming, and Mei herself didn't intend to enter the venue with a high profile, even if her credit was enough to make her reputation spread all over the world, and she became a hero praised by people in the entire Tokyo area.

Girls can't show their faces before they get married—of course, Mei doesn't have such a traditional thought, but she just subconsciously doesn't want to be too deeply involved with the world.


From the moment she defeated the gastroenterata of the zodiac, Scorpio, the energy collected by her pointer pendant to break the boundary... that is, the energy to go to the next world has soared from less than one-third of the previous one. — a little more than two-thirds!

This means that the day when Mei will leave this world is not far away.

In the past few days, she stayed at home and got along with her younger sister Caikui day and night, ignoring everything that happened outside, maybe it was this mentality of wanting to cherish before leaving...

Well, only Mei herself knows the real idea, right?


"Miss Lei Dian, Lord Sheng Tianzi is being interviewed in the press reception room, do you want me to go..."

"No need." Looking at the respectful middle-aged staff, Mei slowly shook her head, "There is no need to bother His Highness Sheng Tianzi because of me. Anyway, it's still early, you can take me around in the Holy Residence. I was too anxious to go last time, and I haven’t been to many places yet.”

"I understand." Hearing this, the middle-aged employee in black uniform nodded quickly, walked quickly to the front of Mei, bowed slightly and made a "please" gesture, just like a tour guide, "Thunderbolt Miss, please follow me."

After Mei nodded, the middle-aged staff led the way and began to explain the history of the holy house and the artworks placed there, as if they knew everything about it.

"Looks like he's an old employee." Seeing the kind smile on the face of the middle-aged man in front of him and the faint pride emanating from his eyebrows, Mei thought so in his heart.

Along the way, they stopped and stopped in this labyrinth-like holy residence. Most of the time, the middle-aged staff were explaining, and Mei occasionally interjected a few words.

The content of the exchanges between the two covered almost everything from the construction of the holy residence to the repair of the holy residence, to the origin and placement of the artworks, and so on.No matter what field, Mei can express unique insights from an alternative perspective, which greatly amazes the middle-aged staff.

"Miss Lei Dian has such a wealth of knowledge at such a young age, it is really surprising."

"Thank you. I just dabbled in various aspects out of interest. I really don't dare to be proud. There are still many things I need to learn."

"You are so humble..."

Under the conversation between the two of you and me, the time passed quickly, but no one felt a little impatient, and instead had a very happy conversation, as if meeting a confidant who has forgotten the year.

However, when they passed a corridor, a frivolous voice suddenly destroyed the harmonious atmosphere.

"Hey! Old man Zetian, why don't you be your watchdog at the gate, and why are you sneaking into the inner house without authorization? Who is that bitch next to you? Could it be a poor relative you brought in secretly? You What do you take this sacred place for?"

Hearing this, the slight smile on Mei's face disappeared immediately, and an imperceptible sharpness flashed in her purplish black eyes.

Anyone who is suddenly called a "slut" will not have a good face.

The middle-aged staff member in front of her, known as "Old Zetian", trembled all over, with an unnatural expression and even a hint of fear. It was obvious that he had some kind of psychological shadow on the owner of this frivolous voice.

"Dong dong dong..." There was the sound of hard footsteps, as if the other party was wearing some kind of hard-soled shoes, like sleeves or leather boots.

"Hmph! Why don't you talk? Did I guess it? You old man, I have long disliked you. It's disgusting to be smiling all day long..."

"That's all right, we caught you right away! When I tell Captain Baoyue about this, you old man secretly brought a spy in, trying to harm Lord Shengtianzi! At that time, you old man The guy just waits to go to jail! Hehe~"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about." Hearing that extremely arrogant voice, Mei suddenly understood what this sentence meant.

One second she was a "slut, a poor relative", and the next second she was a "spy who wanted to harm the Holy Son of Heaven". It was obvious that she hadn't done anything from the beginning to the end, and she didn't even move much.

"Interesting" Regarding this, not only did Mei not turn her head to look at the other party, nor did she intend to stand up to prove her identity, but deliberately turned her face to the other side, pretending to be guilty after being found out.

The other party didn't seem to recognize her as the eldest lady of the Lei Dian family, so Mei wanted to take this opportunity to see how arrogant that person can be in the holy residence.

In fact, this is not the other party's fault.

Today, for some unknown reason, Mei changed her previous style and changed into a dark blue long-sleeved dress.

Although there are no patterns or ornaments on the skirt, it looks simple and unpretentious, but there is a circle of delicate lace borders on the cuffs, skirt corners and neck, and a white ribbon is also wrapped around the waist and collarbone of the neck. into a bow style.

At the same time, her long hair was also tied into a single ponytail with a purple bow hairpin, and the bangs on her forehead hung down naturally, making her look heroic, graceful and charming.

Although Mei didn't deliberately dress herself up, her beautiful and outstanding appearance and elegant temperament made this ordinary dress look like a banquet dress, which made people's eyes shine.

"True beauties are born hangers" seems to be describing Mei, who looks good no matter what she wears.

It is worth mentioning that although the dress on Yai is simple in style, the fabrics used are really high-quality goods, and the visitor does not seem to have the vision to see it.

As for the evasion clothes... Ever since I saw the terrifying improvement brought about by the strengthening of Murasame and Bafang, Mei put it in the ever-expanding pond in the soul world as early as a few days ago, and I believe it will soon Can usher in transformation.


"Master Kinosaki, she, she is..." Hearing that the other party was going to send him to jail, the middle-aged staff member was obviously panicked, and he couldn't even speak fluently.

"There is no need to explain anymore! Don't you old man know that 'explaining is covering up'? After you go to prison, you will have plenty of time to explain to the interrogator!" Seeing the timid look of the middle-aged staff, the other party spoke confidently Obviously more.

"Wait, Dahu, do you think the guy next to the old man Zetian looks familiar?" At this moment, another person spoke.

Finally noticed it?

The corner of Mei's mouth curved into a mocking arc.

"Familiar? After Tatsumi you said that, I also feel a little bit. Is she a popular female star? Tsk tsk, did you find it? Tatsumi. Although the woman didn't show her face, her figure and skin are really good what!"

"That's right, the place that should be upturned is upturned, the place that should be convex is convex, the body is well-proportioned, the hands and feet are slender... these alone are much more punctual than the supermodels in those magazines! Could she be the mistress secretly kept by a minister? ?”

"So it's not the original product. If you put it this way... Hey! Beauty, as long as you stay with us brothers for one night, how about we pretend that what happened today never happened?"

"Dahu... aren't you afraid of offending a certain minister?"

"What the hell! Where is this place? Holy House! Our site. As long as we both believe that she is a spy who sneaked in, even if she is really a minister's little lover, that minister will be arrested for one A current 'spy' turning against us?"

"What you said... makes a lot of sense!" His remaining rationality was obviously defeated by lust.

"Hey! Girl, did you hear that? You'd better think about it clearly. Should you just follow us honestly, or be taken into prison as an enemy spy and be interrogated? I advise you to be more acquainted, otherwise you will suffer of!"


"Hey! Are you deaf? Quickly answer my words!"

At some point, the middle-aged employee stopped talking, but looked at the two with pity in his eyes.

Although those two couldn't see the girl's expression, how could he, who was closest to the latter, not see it?

When he saw that Mei didn't intend to stand up, but instead had a calm expression, he already knew what the girl was going to do.

The ridiculous thing is that the two parties are still daydreaming, not knowing what kind of existence they have provoked.

"Hey! You bastard! Turn me over quickly! Otherwise, I'll shoot!" The other party was obviously impatient, and his tone became more irritable.

Knowing that there is no point in pretending any more, the corners of Mei's mouth curled up slightly, and finally said:

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! Come here!"

Hearing this, the girl turned around slowly, and the scene was enough to make people's heart skip a beat.

However, when that beautiful face appeared in the line of sight of the two, the entire corridor could be heard immediately.

"So... is it the guards? Hehe~ I didn't expect there to be people like you in the guards responsible for the daily safety of His Highness the Holy Son of Heaven. This really opened my eyes~"

Looking at the two guards wearing white uniforms, Mei's tone was full of sarcasm, and her eyes were so cold that there was no warmth at all.

The so-called "human looks like a dog" refers to the guy in front of you, right?

"You, you, you are...how, how is it possible?!"

The moment they saw Mei's face, the two of them fell into a complete stupor; when they heard the incomparably indifferent words, their hearts fell into collapse.

The "spy" and "mistress" they had always thought of from the beginning... turned out to be the biological daughter of the current Patriarch of the Lei Dian family?The famous eldest lady of Lei Dian family?The guard directly under the head of state, Sheng Tianzi?The titular top boss of their guards! ?

"What? Didn't you just tell me to turn around? Now that I've turned around, why are you dumb? By the way, didn't you say you're going to send me to prison? And let me stay with you all night, yes! I'm right here, you come and catch me~"

While speaking, Yai stretched out her bright wrist, looking cute and pitiful.

However, the faces of the two people on the opposite side were already pale, and their whole bodies were on the verge of collapse.

Maybe it was stimulated to the extreme, and one of the guards even pulled out the pistol at his waist!

"No! This is not true! You are faked by someone else! Go to hell with me!"


The gunshot rang, but it was the opponent who fell down.

At some point, on the other side of the corridor, a familiar figure was standing there, holding a smoking pistol in his hand.

Seeing that figure, Mei's eyes lit up.



Chapter 59 Chapter 58


Looking at the familiar figure in the uniform of a self-defense officer, Mei looked a little surprised.

She was about to make a move just now, but she didn't expect someone to be one step ahead of her... The most important person was her father!

Sensing her daughter's surprised gaze, Lei Dianjing nodded slightly, with a calm expression on her face, "Mei, go and meet with the Holy Son of Heaven, she is waiting for you in the main living room, and I will leave it to you here." Let's deal with it."

Seeing this, Mei thought for a while and understood what her father meant.

She had long heard that the guards around Sheng Tianzi seemed to be all high-achieving students from the National Defense University, and they belonged to the self-defense force in name...

I'm afraid that my father, who values ​​his reputation very much, can't bear such a scandal to be made public, which will discredit the image of the Self-Defense Forces in the hearts of ordinary people, right?

Since my father wanted to deal with it himself, there was no need to worry about it anymore. Anyway, these two scumbags should disappear from this world after today...

Thinking of this, Mei nodded slowly.

"Okay, my father."

But before leaving, she said goodbye to the middle-aged staff.

"Let you accompany this junior for so long, and this kind of thing... I'm really sorry, Senior Zetian."

"This... Lei, Miss Lei Dian, I dare not be a senior!"

Seeing his flattered look, Mei smiled and started walking towards her father.

The main living room where the Holy Son of Heaven is located is exactly in the direction where Lei Dian Jingtai came.

"Father, Senior Sawada is a very knowledgeable and polite person. He is really too talented to guard the gate. Mei wants to promote him to His Highness the Son of Heaven."

Hearing his daughter's suggestion, Keita Leiden nodded slowly after looking at the middle-aged employee who was standing still.

"Your vision has never been bad. Since you have this intention, then go and propose to Lord Shengtianzi. I believe she will agree."

"Yeah!" Mei nodded and quickened her pace.

"Deng dong dong..." At this time, dense footsteps came from the corridors on all sides, obviously it was the staff of the Holy House who were alarmed by the gunshots just now.

However, the people present... except for the guard who was paralyzed on the ground with the smell of urine, another guard who was shot down by Keita Lei and his life and death is unknown, and the middle-aged staff who was blinded by a happy event There was no response.

"Don't worry about today's matter. I heard all your previous conversations. From now on, you only need to concentrate on protecting Lord Shengtian... By the way, regarding the incident of the stage five invasion a few days ago, my father will always be proud of you, Mei .”

When Mei passed by Keita Raiden, these words full of faint pride reached her ears.

Turning her head to look at the back that had never wavered from the beginning to the end, Mei was stunned for a while, then saluted silently.

"Mei knows...macho father."

Of course, she only said the second half of the sentence in her heart.

After getting along with each other these days, Mei also knows how deeply the "self" in memory has misunderstood this soldier's father.

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