"Brother, I hate being on this ship, should we get out of here?"

"At that time, I can fly directly to Yuchong City with my brother."

"Kaos has a specific map, which was copied from the captain's control room just now."

Natsume really shook his head, after all, it will not take long for this ship to travel to Tamamug City, and it will arrive soon after another four or five hours.

And if Natsume disappeared on the boat halfway, it is estimated that there will be a lot of rumors by then.

At that time, Natsume would have caused a fuss in vain, so he just continued to take the boat to Yuchong City.

"Forget it, Kaos."

"For the rest of the time, you should stay quietly in the room with my brother and me."

"By the way, Kaos has been out for so long, are you interested in subduing or what kind of elves do you want?"

To be honest, Natsume has brought Kaos out for a while. Kaos didn't know much about the world here before, so he never had a concept of what kind of elves he likes.

And now after going through so much, Kaos also understands that this world is a world where humans and elves are highly integrated.

Basically everyone carries an elf with them when they go out.

Not only his fighting partner, but also his family, so Natsume also wanted to ask Kaos if there is any elf he likes.

Otherwise, it would be a little irresponsible for Natsume to leave Kaos alone when Natsume went out to do errands.

If the other party has an elf, Kaos can also choose to stay with the elf at ordinary times.

Kaos also tilted his head cutely, and his little brain turned quickly. "My lord, I want an elf as cute as Victini."

Natsume also nodded, there are still many cute elves like Victini in this world.

And it's also fortunate that Kaos didn't directly say that he wanted a Victini, otherwise, where would Natsume go to find another such beast. .

Chapter 231: Xiaozhi and the others arrive (1 more)

"Okay then, after we get off the boat, let's go to the Alliance's Elf Center to take a look."

"If there is an elf egg for sale, just buy an elf egg, and Kaos will hatch it yourself." Kaos also nodded happily, not worried about this project at all.

Don't look at the other party as a child, but the other party is also an artificial angel after all, and she has all the knowledge she should know in her memory database.

Even sometimes it is even more perfect than these professionals.

So Natsume is not worried at all that the other party will not be able to take care of the elves.

And there are many types of small and cute elves like Victini, and Natsume has a lot of choices for this.

But in the end, Natsume locked the target on Pippi, Pokby, Fat Ding, and Foam Chinchilla.

After all, these elves are all cute and powerful.

And in Natsume's feeling, these experiences are more in line with Kaos' collocation.

Just when Natsume was quietly thinking about what kind of elves to buy for Kaos, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Natsume also frowned, and even Kaos' good mood just now completely dissipated.

However, in order not to cause any big trouble, Natsume also comforted Kaos when he came to the door and looked through the cat's eye to see who was outside the door.

It turned out that after Xiaozhi and some of them came over, they also opened the door to let them in.

At the same time, I looked left and right with my head open, and found that there was no one, and the others closed the door again afterward.

"By the way, how did the three of you come here? I heard that the three of you made great efforts in the battle on the deck before." "Now your elves should be receiving treatment in the medical room on the bed."

Natsume also looked at the three people present and didn't know how they came here. Although everyone was acquainted, there was no need to rush to his room.

And Xiaozhi and the others were quite familiar with each other, they found a suitable seat and sat down, Xiaozhi also spoke. "Don't worry about the elves."

"Everyone pays attention when fighting. After all, there are a lot of people and elves on the deck just now."

"Everyone didn't really do it. They were all tricks with relatively low power. In the end, they were won by the members of Qin Xia's opponent." "So everyone's elves basically only suffered a little skin trauma. The physical fitness and resilience." "After a little treatment of the injury, it will basically recover." "But Natsume, I didn't expect this incident to have anything to do with you."

"When we were all sleeping last night, why didn't we notice this?"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also nodded. Last night, they also didn't notice the small actions of these people from the Rockets.

Actually, when they were sleeping soundly, a large number of time bombs were installed in various places on the San Annuo.

Of course, Natsume couldn't tell the truth about this, but he just said casually that he saw a sneaky person when he got up at night to help Kaos go to the bathroom.

Afterwards, he let his super-power elf follow the past to check secretly.

After the other party came back, he told Natsume that someone had planted a bomb on the ship.

As for the fact that Natsume possesses superpowers, although Xiaogang and Xiaoxia don’t know about it, Xiaozhi usually communicates with Dr. Oki a lot, so he has already learned from Dr. Oki that Natsume has superpowers. By.

So I don't feel very curious about the fact that Natsume can communicate with elves.

Just a little bit envious and Natsume just almost slapped him angrily and wanted to exhale.

After all, this guy Xiaozhi has awakened the power of waveguide since he was a child, but this guy doesn't have this awareness in his heart.

Especially when he got older and older, he forgot that he could communicate with elves since he was a child.

This is also an extremely embarrassing thing, after all, this child is really not ordinary stupid.

"Forget it, when the time comes when the ship docks, what are your plans?"

Natsume also asked everyone present, while Xiaogang and Xiaoxia present looked at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi also tugged at the hat on his head.

"Well, let's go to the elf center first, and go there to check the elf's physical condition."

"Let's talk about other things later."

"If conditions permit, I will get a new badge in the gymnasium here in Yuchong City."

"Natsume, what about you?"

Natsume also nodded, which is very Xiaozhi's style.

"My words are similar to yours. I am also eyeing the badge of Yuchong City Gymnasium."

"However, after I get the badge, my travels must be suspended for a while. I plan to conduct a short training around Tamago City."

"I still have some newly subdued elves on hand, and their strength is still a bit behind my main elves."

"So when the time and the conditions are right, I want these little guys to train and train."

Natsume also put forward his own idea, after he got the grass-type gemstone badge of Yuchong City Gymnasium.

Natsume intends to train his own elves in the secret place in the city and the surrounding forests, and by the way, find the grass-type elves that suit his liking.

And adding more elves with other attributes will also benefit Natsume's future development.

After all, after a few more challenges in the gem-level gym, the project does not have so many other attributes of the king-level elves.

.seeking flowers 0··

In the future, the strength of these gym masters will only become stronger and stronger, and they will take out their real main elves, instead of just taking out elves who have just stepped into the level of heavenly kings like before.

And the meaning behind this, only Xiaoxia and Xiaogang understood.

After all, with Natsume's strength, if he really wanted to get the badge, it would be very easy.

But if you want to get all the gem-level badges, it's not enough just to rely on the elves with the strength of the king level.

Like those gym masters, who don't have a few elves with the strength of heavenly kings in their hands, and some elves are already quite close to the champion level.

If those guys really use their main elves, then Natsume will definitely not be able to beat them.

After all, the challenge requirement of the gem badge is to challenge the true strength of the gym master.

Like those weak gyms, even if the opponent has the combat power of a king-level trainer, it is estimated that all the elves in the opponent's hands have just been promoted, or have entered the training of the king-level domain not long ago


0 0 ..

But for those old-fashioned gymnasiums, their interiors are not lacking in heritage, and even champion-level elves must have them.

At that time, if the other party really gets serious and takes out those elves at the peak of the king level, it is estimated that the project will suffer at that time.

Therefore, multi-faceted development has become what Natsume needs to do most at present.

Whether it is improving the strength of elves or improving the types and attributes of elves, it is something that Natsume must do at present.

So much so that Natsume wants to use 8 gem-level badges to participate in the league competition at the end of this year, which is also very difficult.

Unless Natsume himself lowers the requirements, use those ordinary badges to participate in the alliance's competition.

"Mr. Natsume is really amazing."

"If you have the opportunity to go to Nibi City to challenge the Nibi Gym in the future, I suggest you go to our secret place in Nibi City to exercise well."

"When the time comes, go to the gymnasium and report my name. Those younger brothers and sisters in my family and my father Wu Neng will definitely entertain you well."

Xiaogang is also good towards Natsume, after all, an outstanding talent like Natsume is of course not something to be proud of.

The same Xiaoxia also put forward some experiences related to her cultivation of elves.

This time Xiaoxia also took out some dry ingredients from her family.

After all, Natsume had just left Hualan City, and had also obtained the gem-level badge of the Hualan City Gymnasium. It is estimated that Xiaoxia felt that she could not entertain Natsume as well as Xiaogang, so she also expressed a little bit.

And Xiaozhi didn't understand what the elder sister meant by inviting Natsume to the secret realm. After all, he had two secret realms at home, both of which were used to raise his own elves, and there was nothing interesting in them.Eight.

Reward share report

Chapter 232: Xiao Gang's Hometown City (2 more)

So Xiaozhi has always thought that the existence of the secret realm is not very important, but if his thoughts are really revealed, there are probably a lot of trainers who want to beat him to death.

"That's pretty good, too."

"It just so happens that I haven't been to that city, and I heard that all kinds of strange stones can be dug there."

"Even Mr. Dawu, the former champion of Fangyuan area, likes it very much and stays in Nibi City."

"Even the secret realms in your city often appear, with some special evolutionary stones, super-evolutionary stones, and fossils."

"I'm more interested in those ultra-ancient elves, and the current science can also restore these fossils into fossil elves."

"At that time, if there is a chance, I will definitely try my luck in the past."

Natsume and Xiaogang also had a heated chat about this. After all, no one would make people happier than anyone who praises their hometown.

And Xiaozhi was not interested in their conversation just now, but after hearing the fossil elf, he suddenly became interested.

Regarding the concept and term of the fossil spirit "zero two three", although he had learned it from textbooks and books when he was in school, he had already returned all this knowledge to the teacher.

Now that I heard that those painters in the museum could actually use those fossil machines to resurrect into fossil elves, they immediately became interested and asked Xiao Gang to ask.

(,;6;:?) "Xiao Gang, is what you said true?"

"When using those words, it is really possible to resurrect the elves from the super ancient times."

Xiao Gang also nodded, feeling rather curious that Xiao Zhi didn't know about it.

After all, when every trainer travels to a city to obtain a badge, he must have a certain understanding of the city.

It's a pity that Xiaogang really missed his point this time, and Xiaozhi was an exception.

He is basically a guy who goes wherever he thinks, and he doesn't even have a clear goal for his travels.

This is why every time Xiaozhi leads the way in the wild, he often takes the two of them to other places, and often gets lost on the road.

It's also these two guys who have big hearts and have always given the right to take the lead to Xiaozhi.

Moreover, items such as these evolutionary stones, super evolutionary stones and fossils produced in the secret realm of Nibi City have always been the symbol of Nibi City.

Basically, a qualified trainer knows about this, and only an idiot like Xiaozhi would not understand such a thing.

Xiaoxia, who was sitting on the side, also covered her head and sighed.

"Xiaozhi doesn't even know what to say about you, anyway, we have been there together, don't you even know these basic things in Nibi City?"

Xiaozhi was also very embarrassed, and turned his hat around to cover his own face, and now no one could see the blushing expression under his face.

Naturally, Natsume also saw that the situation was a bit awkward, so he also revealed this topic with a haha.

"By the way, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia will ask you to help my silly brother a lot in the future journey."

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