"As you can see, he's an elf-blooded fool who doesn't know anything basic about what an elf should know."

"I hope you can take care of this idiot more during your future trips, and even teach him about elves." "There are still some things about Xiao Gang that I really have to thank you for." Xiao Gang also opened his eyes. He opened his squinted eyes.

"Most of the elf food you arranged for Xiaozhi's elf is to make up for the flawed potential of Xiaozhi's elf."

"Others may not be able to see it, but an experienced trainer like me can tell at a glance that the elf food you arranged for Xiaozhi's elves is all to make up for the lack of these elves living in the wild for a long time. Lost some potential."

While saying this, Natsume also took out some rock-type natural materials and earth treasures that he had obtained on the San Anu in the past few days, and handed them over to Xiaogang. "Take these things as my thank you, Xiaozhi is also very reckless when he does things rashly."

"I have taught him a lesson in advance, and I don't know what he will choose in the future, but these things should be regarded as thanks." Not a lot." After Xiaogang looked at the treasures of heaven and earth that Natsume brought over, he accepted them without any hesitation or entanglement.

Don't look at him as a child of a gym trainer, but there are many brothers and sisters in his family. Although he is the eldest, the family's resources must be allocated reasonably.

So it's not that his big rock snake hasn't evolved into a big steel snake until now, it's because he thinks his big rock snake still has the potential to be tapped.

And more importantly, lack of resources.

Otherwise, if he is only the only child of the gym master, he probably already has countless powerful elves in his hand.

It's not like traveling with Xiaozhi. "Mr. Natsume, I will not thank you for your kindness."

"These things happen to be what I need right now, so I'm not being polite." "As for taking care of Xiaozhi, it's something that a traveling companion should do."

"However, about reminding him of the problems with elves, I actually mentioned it before, but I'm not a professional trainer, so I don't dare to be too sure." "I can only follow my own The idea is to configure some elf food recipes."

Natsume also nodded. In his memory, Xiaogang's father Wu Neng also seemed to like being an elf breeder...

But it may be because of the specialization of the rock-type elves, no matter how much effort the opponent puts in in this area, the harvest has always been very little.

But his love for elf breeders also affected the children in the family.

This is why Xiao Gang is obviously the first direct heir of the gym trainer, but he is cultivating in the direction of an elf cultivator.

Although Xiaoxia was a little jealous looking at those treasures, she knew that this was a little compensation from Natsume.

After all, from the conversation just now, he could also hear that Xiaozhi's method of cultivating elves was a bit reckless and reckless.

Also, most of the elves in his hands were obtained by subduing himself in the wild, not elves cultivated by himself.

Although their aptitude is also very good, living in the wild for a long time also wastes a large part of their own potential.

Therefore, acquired nutrition is needed to make up for this aspect. After Xiaogang officially saw it, he continued to silently support Xiaozhi's back.

It was only after Natsume saw this that he took out these rock-type natural materials and earth treasures as compensation for the other party.

But Xiao Gang really didn't see that the elves like Xiao Zhi actually had serious hidden wounds.

Things like these can't be seen without a serious inspection using the detection equipment of the elf center.

Even when Miss Joy treats these elves, she usually only treats their injuries without deeply examining the specific conditions of these elves.

After all, the trainers in the elf center have a high flow of people every day, and everyone needs to heal their own elves. If there is no special request, then those Miss Joy will not take special care of which elves.

So until now, Xiaozhi doesn't know his elves very well, what is the specific situation.

If he hadn't met Natsume this time, it is estimated that Xiaozhi would still continue to travel according to his own ideas.

Soon, the San Annuo gradually began to drive in the direction of Yuchong City, and even the guests standing on the deck gradually saw the shadow of the land in the distance.

At the same time, the captain of the San Annuo ship was also in command, and began to contact the prosecutors in Yuchong City, hoping that the prosecutors would escort the Rockets members away as soon as they landed.

And those rich and powerful officials also used the landline phones on the ship to contact their family members.

After all, they can be regarded as high-end people in society, and they are also related people, and they all started to support this incident.

At the same time, it will definitely not let the members of Team Rocket on this ship have a good time.

And Natsume's name gradually spread in their circle. .

Reward share report

Chapter 233: Registration Challenge (3 more)

Although in a short period of time, he only has a certain reputation in this small circle, but after watching Natsume for a long time, he is destined to become famous in the upper echelons of the alliance in the future. "Finally docked."

The long-lost Natsume also pulled Kaos to stand on the land. Although it was only a short two-day sea journey, the two-day thrilling journey also gave Natsume a different feeling. "I don't want to take a boat again next time, even if I take a fire-breathing dragon." "Such a thrilling thing, I still don't want to experience it again next time."

In fact, if relying on the speed of the fire-breathing dragon, it is estimated that it will take half a day to reach Yuchong City from the port of Kuye City.

At the beginning, Natsume saw the ticket in his hand, and thought it would be a waste if he didn't use it, so he took the San Anu.

But I didn't expect that such a big trouble would be caused along the way. "Then Natsume and we will part ways temporarily from here."

"The next thing you should do is to find a suitable place to live. Remember to give me a contact information when the time comes." "Xiao Gang and I are going to the Elf Center."

Xiaozhi also bid farewell to Natsume, after all, he is now anxious to go to the elf center to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth inspection of his elves.

And Xiaogang and the others also learned about Xiaozhi's elves from Xiaozhi's chat after they parted ways with Natsume. At the same time, they are also very concerned about their own elves. Will the same problem occur during this long journey? .

So they also planned to follow Xiaozhi to the Elf Center first, and then do a specific physical examination. "It's okay, you guys go to the elf center first."

"It is estimated that after I find a place to stay, I will also go to the mission center of the alliance first."

"After all, I will probably stay in this city during this period of time. I still have some elves who have just been subdued under my hands, so I need to exercise." "I just want to see if there are any suitable places in the surrounding secret realm task, and then you can also earn some Union Coins along the way."

"I don't have the alliance illustrated book like you guys. Going to the alliance's elf center to heal the elves doesn't need to spend alliance coins at all." Natsume also beckoned, took Kaos, and started to move towards himself Go in the direction of the hotel that has been booked.

In fact, when he was on the San Annuo, Natsume began to check the specific situation about Tamamug City through the alliance's communicator.

Similarly, for several high-end hotels in Yuchong City, I also found a hotel that fit my heart and booked a room.

Natsume first planned to take his luggage to the hotel first, although there are not many, and Natsume's system space is also very large.

But Natsume can't put things in the system space all the time, it's easy to be suspected by others.

So more often, the project will casually take out some of its own clothes and toiletries, and put a tent in its own space backpack for show.

When Natsume came to the Lawn Hotel, he also talked to the staff at the counter, and then received his room key.

Natsume, who is rich now, of course chooses to order those high-end private rooms, although it costs a high price of 10 alliance coins a night.

But for today's Natsume, it's all drizzle.

Natsume also ordered for a week at a time, and they also have a discount, which only costs 50 alliance coins.

And during this week, all the meals are provided by their hotel.

And the private room on the top floor is also very large, although except for large elves like Charizard and Wind Speed ​​Dog that cannot be released, other small elf items can be released casually.

So after returning to the room, Natsume also planned to wash up first, preparing to go to the gymnasium in Tamamushi City to sign up for the challenge, and then decide the next thing after confirming the time.

Natsume first let Kaos play in the room by himself.

Then he released the Cordora, the metal monster, the wooly sheep, the fairy elf, and Xanadu from his body.

The other two types of elves, because the current environment is not suitable for them to appear, so Natsume let them stay in the elf ball.

And these elves are also the existence that Natsume needs to cultivate most in the future, especially the fairy elves and Xanadu, their strength is already very close to the level of the king-level elves.

Natsume also intends to find a time to soak in the secret realm for a while, so that the opponent's strength can be raised to a higher level.

Then there are these elves who have just been subdued, and they must also improve their strength. By the way, Natsume also wants to see if he can find some grass-type elves or other attributes that match his favorite in this city.


Kaos was also happy to play with the elves of Natsume. Everyone is familiar with Kaos, so there is not much rejection.

When Natsume came out of the bathroom, he also changed into a new set of clothes, and after going around, he came to the Union Gym in Tamamug City.

"It's really a vibrant gym."

"It seems that the rumor that the trainer in this gym is a grass-type specialized trainer is true."

Then Natsume came to the inside of the gymnasium, found the location of the front desk, and signed up with the other party, about matters related to the gymnasium challenge.

And the little girl on the opposite side didn't feel so surprised at the beginning. After all, as a gymnasium of the alliance, I don't know how many trainers come to challenge every day. He has already changed from the excitement at the beginning to calmness. .

However, he was a little shocked when he knew that Natsume actually wanted to challenge the gem-level gym badge, and then repeatedly confirmed Natsume's thoughts.

"This trainer, are you sure that what you want to challenge is a gem-level badge? If you are sure, then you can't modify it so casually."

"After all, our gym master is not a trainer with so much time. If you really want to challenge the gem-level gym badge, then our gym master must prepare time in advance."

"Are you really sure about that?"

Natsume nodded, and at the same time took out two gem-level badges for the other party to check.

After the other party also passed the test of the special machine, his eyes also showed a shocking light, and then he immediately helped Natsume arrange the challenge of the gem-level badge.

"Then as a trainer, we have already registered information about your challenge for the gem-level badge of this gymnasium."

"When the specific time comes out, we will contact you through the contact information you left behind."

"Please take care of the work of our 023's Gym Master for a while."

The tone of the receptionist has also changed from the indifference just now to a little respect. After all, the two gem-level badges mean that Natsume is definitely a half-step heavenly king trainer.

As the gym owners of the alliance, their task is not only to select these excellent trainers for the alliance, but if anything happens in the city, it is the gym owner who takes the lead and cooperates with the prosecutors to be responsible. of.

Moreover, a large number of Team Rocket members were being arrested just now on the St. Anne at the port, and the owner of his own gymnasium was cooperating with the police station to interrogate these people.

And usually there are other things to pay attention to, so as for the challenge of arranging gem-level badges, you have to wait until the gym master returns and take a look at the time before deciding. "It's okay, I just want to stay in this city for a while."

"At that time, if the specific challenge time comes out, just remember to contact me."

"However, I may be in the secret realm by then, so I hope you can use some special communication equipment." "After all, the environment in the secret realm is not suitable for contact."

The front desk also nodded, and also recorded this key information, and then Natsume also left the Yuchong Gym.

Natsume also smiled when he saw this unreal gym.

"It is estimated that there is no early preparation training. When everyone hears the name of this gym, they will be severely cheated."

Then Natsume took Kaos to the alliance store. After all, the alliance store and the mission hall were very close, so they were on the way anyway. .

Chapter 234: Rotom (4 more)

So Natsume wanted to first plan to help Kaos buy a suitable elf egg.

Although the little guy Kaos only needs those cute elves, at least in terms of this year's talent potential, the project also needs to have a certain guarantee.

At least one must start at the Heavenly King level.

For this, Natsume wants to go to the alliance store to pick up the leak first. If there is a leak to pick up, then it’s better not to have it. According to Natsume’s current authority, he still has points. If he wants to buy an elf with the qualification of a heavenly king

Is enough.

After coming to the alliance store, Natsume first sold some materials that he didn't need from the Saint Anu, and then asked the staff to bring himself and Kaos to the special area where the elves sell elf eggs.

As for the staff of the Elf Alliance that have been hatched, of course they will be arranged in a suitable place to be cultivated.

After a search by one party, Natsume still shook his head after checking it out. Although there are already many elves in gymnasiums and elves with qualifications, if Natsume didn't want to cultivate them, Natsume would not buy them.

other side.

And there are also three elves with the potential of a heavenly king, but one of the elves is the elf egg of the big needle bee, which Natsume doesn't need.

Although the opponent can cooperate with the super evolution stone for super evolution, none of Natsume's elf lineup is better than the opponent.

These elves will become Natsume's third echelon to cultivate.

So if it weren't for the relatively lacking or cherished elves in Natsume's hands, then Natsume would not cultivate them.

Of the other two elves, one of them is Eggy, a grass-type superhero.

And the other one is the insect treasure bag.

They are not some more cherished and powerful elves, so Natsume had to reluctantly part with them and did not buy them.

However, after looking around at the elf eggs, Natsume also found that there was no suitable existence, and then found the staff to contact him, and the other party asked if he could send him a skin with the qualification of a heavenly king in an expedited way.


The staff said no problem with this.

Moreover, Natsume has enough points in hand, even if it is delivered at a faster speed, it will not take long. According to the other party's estimation, it will be delivered in the evening.

After seeing how good the other party's work attitude is, Natsume also plans to buy one, a spirit that he has long wanted in his mind.

However, this kind of elf can be regarded as a restricted elf within the alliance.

If you don't have a certain social status and connections, you won't be able to buy it even if you have points.

"Then let me ask a little bit. You should also sell elves like Rotom here."

The staff was also taken aback for a moment. For an elf like Rotom, usually no trainer would ask about it in the alliance store.

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