The two witches of the abyss who appeared on Black Dragon Island are very strong, and it is not difficult to see this from the aura emanating from them.

Two witches, one succubus, one like a vampire...and a demon...

The succubus has heart-shaped pupils and pink wings.

A witch who looks like a vampire but also looks like a demon. The wings behind her are like bat wings and devil's wings. The key is that this witch has a devil's tail behind her.

Could it be the half-blood witch?

There are both the blood of the devil and the blood of the vampire in the body.

Humans and elves combine to give birth to children of mixed blood.

The combination of two powerful races in the abyss can also give birth to a mixed-blood witch.

"I smelled sweet and delicious...a delicacy that made me want to eat...Lilith...quietly...quietly I found something...a delicious human girl with a cool temperament...okay I want to bite her neck...

Too bad I'm a succubus..."

Flapping her pink wings, the succubus queen Tina flew around the princess Donna and hovered in the air. She was a little interested in Donna and wanted to develop Donna into her follower.

With a cold temperament, sharp eyes, and pure breath, she is also a summoner of phantom beasts. Such a human girl is qualified to be her follower.

"Old goblin, what you just said is my line."

The vampire girl Lilith also moved her wings and came not far from Donna. The human girl in front of her smelled sweet.

As a vampire, her nose can judge whether the blood in the creature's body is pure and sweet through the breath emanating from the creature...

The tall human girl in front of her, the blood in her body is pure and sweet, she is the best...

A human girl with extremely pure and sweet blood...for the vampires...can arouse the desire to eat...

"Human girl, are you interested in being my daughter? You are very strong, accept my first embrace...after becoming my will become stronger than now...don't think I'm insulting you ...Before you, I never had the idea of ​​"first hug"...

In other words, if you accept my first embrace, you will become my eldest daughter...or maybe the only will have the opportunity to inherit my title..."

Timos embraced the dragon claw, and stood quietly watching Lilith, a vampire, put on airs in front of him.

In order to embrace the princess Donna for the first time, they all call themselves "I".

She used "I" to call herself, maybe it was also to show her attitude and sincerity, and maybe it was because she valued Donna as her first daughter.

Donna will not be in danger, this is Black Dragon Island, the vampire Lilith, and the succubus queen Tina will not attack Donna in front of him.

But seeing the appearance of the vampire girl Lilith, she really wanted to embrace Donna as her daughter.

To be honest, he was quite curious about the blood race's first embrace ceremony. He had never seen a blood race embrace a human being as a daughter after living so long.

I heard that the blood race's first hug ceremony can even turn a man into a little girl with silver hair and red eyes...

Directly change a person's gender... I don't know if it's true or not...

How about waiting for the golden dragon Kim to come back and let Lilith hug him into a little girl with silver hair and red eyes?

Sold him twice... It's not too much for Lilith to embrace this guy as a daughter, right?

"I'm not interested in inheriting your title, and I'm not interested in being your daughter, but you... the little one is very cute... If you don't mind... come to be my daughter, maybe when the time comes It is possible to inherit my principality, and if you have the ability, it is not impossible to become the empress."

Donna retorted, she is the imperial daughter of the empire, she went to her own fiefdom, as long as she is willing, it is no problem to be a queen, let her inherit the title?

Who do you look down on?

Lilith's scarlet eyes showed interest, let her inherit the principality?So... the human girl in front of me might be a princess?

She turned her head and glanced at the poor black dragon, tsk tsk, it turns out that it is true that the evil dragon likes to kidnap the princess.

"The princess you captured?"


"If I embrace her as my daughter...will you be angry?"

"If she is voluntarily embraced by you as your daughter, I have no problem. If she is not can't force her. For now, she is my guest.

As the boss, I have to ensure the personal safety of the guests.Otherwise, if something happens to her here, I can't afford the compensation..."

Do business, make money with harmony.

"I know, that's why I talked nicely with this human girl. It's a pity... this human girl seems to be a bit resistant at the moment, it's okay... When my army of abyssal demons comes to the land of gods and demons, I believe she will Reconsider my proposal."

Smiling and saying a few words to Timos, Lilith looked at Donna: "Don't be nervous, I won't take action against you in the poor black dragon's territory. My name is Lilith, a vampire. What about you? What's your name?"


"Oh? Your name is Donna? It are destined to be a succubus like me...My name is Donna...are you interested in becoming my follower?"

"Not interested in..."

Donna's tone was not as cold as that of her conversation with Lilith. She realized this after belatedly, and she looked at Tina with a look of vigilance in her eyes.

This succubus is more dangerous than that blood witch!

When she communicated with herself, she didn't dislike her, and even vaguely wanted to get close to her...

The power of charm...

"Donna, cutie, think about it carefully and become my follower. I won't enslave you. In terms of status... Although I can't give you the treatment of a princess, I can give you the right not to lose to a queen... The premise is that... ..You have no ambiguity towards my abyssal demons..."

The succubus queen Tina ignored Lilith's eyes that wanted to hit her, and communicated with Donna, a human girl like Donna.As a succubus queen...she also likes...

Donna's eyes swept over Lilith, the blood witch, and Tina the succubus, and landed on Timos. How could this evil dragon have an intersection with the witch of the abyss?

Look at their expressions...the relationship with Timos seems to be pretty good...

The dragon Dimos and the abyssal demons colluded together?

Hear what he said's not like...

"Timos, are you friends with them?"

"I'm friends with Lilith, a vampire, and this succubus... I just met him not long ago, so I can say I know you..."

Can't be called friends for now.

Di Moss didn't say this sentence, saying it was somewhat disrespectful to Tina, the Queen of Succubus.

"Little Emperor, it hurts my heart when you say have been to my house and took away my first time...We have all developed to this level...Are you still friends? ?”

Succubus Queen Tina's heart-shaped pupils revealed sadness, as if she couldn't accept Timos' denial of their relationship.


Donna looked at Dimos with weird eyes, even took away the succubus's first time, and said that she was not friends with this succubus?

Lilith dismissed the words of Succubus Queen Tina.

She doesn't believe a word of the old goblin Tina's words. The poor black dragon won't feel that way about her, even if she is naturally flattering.

Lin Na, who was playing with sand, was also very calm. She knew exactly what kind of black dragon Dimos was, and she didn't believe a word Succubus Tina said.

So Donna and Winnie, who don't know much about Timos, may be dubious.

"The first time in your mouth...means that you took the initiative to hold my hand?"

"Otherwise? I grew up so big, I have never held the hand of the opposite sex... You are the first..."

"To each other, I have grown up, and I have never held hands of the opposite sex..."

"Do you think... I'll believe it?"

"I think you'll believe it."


This black dragon is thicker than her succubus. She said that it was the first time she held the hand of the opposite sex, which was true.

Heilong said that it was the first time he was held by the opposite sex, but she didn't believe it.

Look at the two baby dragon cubs he raised, and the princess Donna... His dragon claws may have been signed by many princesses...

"I heard from Lilith that you are opening today and ask her to send you flower baskets. In order to become your friend, let's start by sending flower baskets."

The succubus princess Tina took out two seeds from the space ring and threw them to the ground not far away. The seeds took root and grew wildly in the blink of an eye. When they reached a height of seven or eight meters, the top sprouted. A huge black-red flower.

The black-red flowers are covered with eye-like patterns, and the center of the flower is covered with small, sharp black-red petals.

Like tiny petals, like sharp teeth...

"This magic flower...will it eat people?"

Timos asked Succubus Tina.

"What do you feed them...what do they eat...if you feed them meat...they will eat meat...if you don't feed them...they will catch birds by themselves ...worm...worm..."

Succubus Tina's words stopped abruptly. She saw the black dragon Dimoss walk in front of the two flowers and stuff his dragon tail into the flowers...

She also saw the fine and sharp petals in the center of the black-red flower trying to bite Timothy's dragon tail... but was crushed by Timothy's dragon tail...

"This thing really eats meat... It's safer to grind all the fine petals in the middle..."

Timos retracted the dragon tail, one dragon claw grabbed the flower vine, and the other dragon claw stretched into the flower, breaking off the sharp and fine petals one by one, and putting them into the space ring.

He wanted to take the time to see if these finely divided petals could be used as medicinal materials.

The sharp and fine petals of the two flowers were all broken off by him...

Seeing this scene, Succubus Tina felt that her white teeth seemed to be aching...

The black really vicious and brutal...

The two demonic flowers were trembling with fear from the black dragon Dimos, and they folded together...and turned into flower buds...

Lilith was speechless when she saw this scene. This kind of magic flower can prey on small monsters in the abyss, and sometimes even hunt monsters. As a result, the black dragon Dimos has now shut herself up...

These two magic flowers may have suffered serious psychological trauma...

"You are too cruel..."

"I also do this for the safety of future guests."


Succubus Tina looked at the two demon flowers in front of her with distress. Their thoughts at this time were probably...I knew that I would suffer such a crime when I came here...It would be better to rot in the abyss...

Tina felt guilty. Before she came, she told these two cuties that they could eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the God and Demon develop their own group...

As a result...just growing up...the "tooth mouth" that is delicious and spicy is gone...

That's horrible...

Two cuties, I'm sorry, she underestimated the ferocity of Black Dragon Dimoss, and she has taken root, so let's work hard to live here.

"Timos, where is your store? Why didn't I see it?"

"The store is on the island. If you need anything, just tell me."

"I want a coffin, are you ready?"

"I run "Black Dragon Restaurant" and "Black Dragon Supermarket", not "Coffin Shop". Your customized products are still being perfected, so don't worry. "

Lilith rolled her pretty eyes, the poor black dragon has been perfunctory her, more than 200 magic gold, to it not attractive?

"Xiao Di, what products do you have in your Heilong Supermarket? Let me see, there are products I like, and I don't mind spending a lot of money with you once."

Timos touched the magic ball on the dragon finger of his left hand, "Don't sleep, we are going to open for business. I will use half of the money I earned today to buy you wine."

"Hey, I want to drink the white wine you brewed. This white wine tastes stronger than red wine."


"Hey...I'm such an artifact that followed you, I was really ruined by you, wouldn't it be good to turn me into a female creature I've seen before to warm your bed?

But any normal creature would use me like this, but it's good for you... It just makes me a mess...

Locomotives...bicycles...and now I'm turning into a supermarket...I hope someday in the can develop my use correctly..."

The magic ball complained to Timos, fell off the thumb of Timos' dragon claw, and began to change in the air... Not long after, a crystal clear shop appeared in the sky.

There are four words "Heilong Supermarket" written above the main entrance of the store.

"Dear customer, welcome to "Black Dragon Supermarket". I am the assistant of Black Dragon Dimos, little magic ball. Please do not spit, touch, or steal when you enter the store. Your every move is under my control." Under surveillance...

I wish my respected customers a happy shopping today... happy eating... happy drinking... Next, please respect the customers and start a novel shopping experience with the pure music "Going Home" played by the little magic ball... "

Pure and melodious music sounded outside the crystal clear store...

When Linna heard the song "Going Home", Violet's vertical pupils showed a look of astonishment. This song...isn't like the work of Mermaid Sisters...

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