She hadn't heard of it.

Chapter 4 You said that this four-legged snake is a... dragon?! [-]k

Linna came to Timos and lightly poked Timos' waist with her dragon claws, "I haven't heard this song "Going Home" before, and the instruments don't seem to be the ones commonly used by mermaid sisters. It should be A new musical instrument, Dimos...have you secretly found another musician?"

"Yes, what do you think of this song "Going Home"?"


The vampire girl Lilith and the succubus queen Tina hovered in the air and listened to "Going Home" for a while, then glanced at the black dragon Dimos, then flew to the door of the store, folded their wings and landed on the red carpet.

They want to see what products are available in the "Black Dragon Supermarket". Princess Donna is also very curious about the "Black Dragon Supermarket". Behind her, a pair of white gold metal wings appeared. She flapped her wings and flew to the entrance of the supermarket and landed on my red carpet. .

"Dragon, I also want to go in and have a look." Winnie was in a hurry. She couldn't transform back into a human, and the dragon's body was relatively big. If she wanted to enter the supermarket from the entrance of the supermarket, it would definitely not work. She wouldn't be able to transform into a human. I can only turn to Dimos, the cheap dragon father, for help.

"What are you doing in there? The size and size of the goods inside are not suitable for you. Tell me what you want, and I will see if I can do it, but... Before that, I seem to have to prepare a few bottles of purified blood The potion for you to drink.

Your sister drank the purified potion, so the second day after you came, she should have prepared the purified potion for you to drink.But something has delayed you these few days. If you are not busy in the afternoon, I will prepare a potion for you. Remember to drink it. "

Potion? !

When Winnie heard that Dimos was going to prepare a potion for her, her face changed instantly. The fat girl Linna said that after drinking the potion prepared by Timos, it would be good to grow flowers on her head. With the prepared potion, you will have nightmares when you sleep, and you will feel back pain when you wake up...the dragon tail will also feel uncomfortable...

The most important thing is that the potion Dimos concocted is unstable, who knows if drinking the potion he concocted will turn into other messy things.

Fat girl Linna turned from a crystal baby dragon back to a human because she drank the potion prepared by the cheap dragon father...

"Father Long, I feel that I am in a good state now, and there is no problem if I don't drink the potion. You'd better leave me alone and do your work first... It's not too late to talk about my affairs..."

Winnie ran to Linna's side, as if she was afraid that Timos would pour her the potion.

Linna felt chills for a while. It is better not to drink the potion of the dragon Dimos unless it is necessary. Who knew that his blood purification potion... would make you into something...

Oh, she's already drank, that's all right, she's going to suffer, and it's my stinky sister Winnie who will suffer too.

Timos smiled and glanced at Winnie, shook his head, and let the store turned into a magic ball land. He squatted on the beach and looked at the two witches and a human girl wandering around in the Black Dragon Supermarket.

The top of the store is crystal clear, like pure glass, condescending, and you can see all the scenes in the store and supermarket.

Not to mention, looking at the two witches walking around in the store and supermarket, and the human girl Donna, it’s like looking at exquisite, flesh and blood, self-conscious miniatures, full of different fun.

Timos, who was squatting on the beach, touched his chin with his dragon claws and grinned his dragon mouth, enjoying the strange fun brought by the "exquisite figure" shopping in the supermarket.

Lilith, Succubus Queen Tina, and Donna in the supermarket were shopping well.At a certain moment, it was dark suddenly, and when I looked up, a ferocious black dragon was staring at them with great interest...

What a bad idea...

Does this black dragon think he looks cute now?

Suddenly, if you were an ordinary person or a low-level monster, you would have been scared to death by this guy.

"I didn't expect that your Black Dragon Supermarket has its own "horror" elements. If you come here suddenly, you are not afraid to scare your customers out of heart attack? Lilith raised her head and looked at Timos' ferocious face, wanting to give this guy a bite.

The dragon blood of the poor black dragon attracted her even more than Tang Na.

"Ah... I can't do it anymore... I have been weak and sick since I was a child... This little emperor... scared me, and made my heart a little unbearable... Xiaodi... You are about to become a human and come in to help I'll get off...or use a princess hold me and continue shopping in the supermarket..."

Succubus Tina held her forehead with her right hand and a pantry with her left hand. When she was pretending to be weak, she inadvertently saw a pile of dried fruits on the pantry that were bigger than her palm. She subconsciously picked one up and took a bite.

Huh... grapes?

This is a raisin?

A raisin bigger than her palm?

How did Xiaodi grow such big grapes?

Next to the pantry where the grapes were kept, Tina saw a sign that said there were benefits to eating raisins.

【Raisins improve anemia. Raisins are very rich in iron and calcium. They are good nourishing products for children, women and the weak and anemic. They can replenish blood, warm the kidneys, and help improve anemia...】

[Raisins can be anti-aging...Raisins can help digestion...Raisins can strengthen the spleen and stomach...It is of great benefit to the human body. 】

【Raisins can relieve fatigue...】

Seeing the efficacy of raisins, Tina, the queen of the succubus, was taken aback... There are so many benefits to eating raisins?

Why doesn't she know?

"If you are weak and sick, you can eat more raisins. Raisins can make porridge and can be eaten as snacks. They are delicious and not expensive. They are of high quality and low price. One gold coin is three catties, and three gold coins are nine catties. I suggest you buy nine catties at once..."

Timos grinned and sold his raisins to Tina.

"You still say that you don't open a black shop? Nine catties of raisins and three gold coins, in this abyss, three magic gold can buy a cart of raisins."

"The raisins from the abyss are as big as my raisins after drying?"


"That's right. Rare things are more expensive. Three gold coins and nine catties of raisins. You will definitely not suffer a loss if you buy them."

Tina finished eating the raisins in her hand, picked up another raisin and took a bite, "Forget it, I'll take care of your business. Give me eighteen catties of raisins. Where will you put the money?"

"When it's time to check out, just put it at the cash register."

"I also want [-] catties of raisins." Lilith also bought [-] catties of raisins and took two raisins. The raisins of the poor black dragon are so expensive.

Two palm-sized raisins are probably close to half a catty...Selling them by the catty...It's better to sell them by the size...

However, the appearance of the Black Dragon Dimos raisins is very good. Even if it is dried, it still has a crystal clear feeling, and the sweetness of the taste is just right. You can’t buy raisins of this size in the abyss.

"I want 27 catties of raisins." Princess Donna bought 27 catties, and also took two raisins and a few gold coins, which she could afford.

The "Black Dragon Supermarket" of Evil Dragon Dimos has something to offer. There is a dried fruit section, a fresh fruit section, and a wine section.

Donna wandered around the wine area. Her father liked to drink. She wanted to see if there was any wine in the Dragon Dimos that her father hadn't drunk.If there are, she doesn't mind buying a few bottles back for her father to taste.

Red wine is available, but you don't need to buy it.

Fruit wine... Imperial City also has it... But you can buy a few bottles and go back to taste it... Huh... and flower wine?

I've drank fruit wine but not flower wine, so I can buy a few bottles of flower wine and go back...

The technique of brewing flower wine...only the flower elves understand...the flower wine brewed by the flower elves...rarely appear in the human world.

Even the nobles can rarely drink the flower wine brewed by the flower elves.

There is a price tag on the bottom of the flower wine, and at a glance, all the price of the flower wine is one gold coin.

One gold coin for a bottle of flower wine... This price... is more conscience than raisins.After all, in the human world, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy flower wine. Even if you can buy it, it is inferior flower wine, made with sugar and flower petals.

Tang Na discovered that there was a line of small words under each flower wine, introducing the efficacy of each flower wine.

Same with raisins.

Rose wine: After drinking, it has the effects of promoting qi and relieving depression, soothing the liver and stomach, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.Rose, sweet in taste, slightly bitter, warm in nature.

Sweet-scented osmanthus wine: beautifies the skin and nourishes qi, appetizes and refreshes the mind, invigorates the spleen and nourishes deficiency, activates blood and replenishes qi. It is suitable for women to drink, and is known as "Girls' Happy Wine".

Chrysanthemum wine: cool and sweet, has the effects of nourishing the liver, improving eyesight, strengthening the brain, and delaying aging.

Peach Blossom Wine...Plum Blossom Wine...

Donna scanned over slowly and found that each wine has its own effect, plus the exquisite wine bottle containing flower wine.At this moment, Donna's shopping desire is a bit strong...

A shopping trolley appeared next to Donna: "Magic ball shopping trolley, you deserve it. Hurry up and put the products you want into the belly pocket of the cute magic ball."

With the shopping cart, Donna began to scan the goods. She emptied all the flower wine on the wine cabinet. The shopping cart was full of flower wine. After a rough scan, there were at least fifty or sixty bottles of flower wine.

Liquor?Green Bamboo Leaf Wine?

I've never heard of it... The imperial capital doesn't have this kind of wine either. You can buy a few bottles and give it to your father and brother to taste.

The price of white wine is also one gold coin, and the price of green bamboo leaf wine is still one gold coin...

In this situation, Donna didn't know whether to say whether the drinks sold by Dragon Dimos were expensive or cheap...

Speaking of expensive, his flower wine costs one gold coin a bottle. Outside, such flower wine can be sold for at least ten gold coins a bottle.

If the flower wine tastes very good, a bottle of [-] or [-] gold coins... a bottle of [-] gold coins is also possible...

Lilith also visited the wine area. She knew that a bottle of fruit wine cost one gold coin. When she came to look for the poor black dragon last night, she should drink a few more bottles.

And flower wine...why didn't the poor black dragon invite her to drink flower wine last night?

Compared with fruit wine, she thinks flower wine tastes better... Unfortunately, all the flower wine on the wine cabinet was swept away by the human girl Donna.

Succubus Tina also likes to drink, but she usually drinks red wine. When she sees flower wine, she also wants to buy a few bottles and go back to try it...

"Little Emperor, do you have any flower wine?"

"Yes, it will be automatically replenished later, you can go to other areas to have a look first."

"Okay." Succubus Tina came to the idol area, where the words "Idol Area" were written, and there were several half-human statues of gods. .enough...

The statues in the statue area are a bit weird. Although she is a demon, she has seen some statues of the gods in the Gods and Demons Continent and knows a little bit about them. The statues sold by Black Dragon Dimos are not like the gods of the Gods and Demons Continent Idol...

It is said to be an evil god...the god has kind eyebrows and kind matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an "evil god".

"Little emperor, you can even dare to sell statues? By the way... the statues you sell are those gods?"

"The God of Wealth is the one with kind eyebrows and kindness, and the door god is the one who is so powerful. You are the succubus. I suggest that you ask two door gods to go back and stick the door gods on the gate of your castle to keep you safe."

"??" Succubus Tina rolled her eyes. She is a demon. Even if she wanted to invite two statues home, she would still invite demon gods.

It is impossible to invite the gods on the land of gods and demons.

But then again, the gods perform their duties...but she has never heard of the God of Wealth...the door god...

She has heard of God of War, Goddess of Luck, Goddess of Wisdom, God of Misfortune, God of Light, God of Fire, God of Water, etc.

I have never heard of the God of Wealth and the Door God.

"The God of Wealth, the Door God... Are they the gods of God and Demon Continent?"

"No, it's not in the system of gods, it's a god in another god system. So, you can safely and boldly invite two door gods back, and it's best to invite one God of Wealth back. The door god protects your house, and the God of Wealth protects your health Make a fortune."

"?!" Bringing out a god from another pantheon to sell... Black Dragon Dimoss, is this the god who abandoned his belief?

Ready to fall into the arms of another god system?

"If you do this...does it count as betraying the dragon god? Betraying the gods?"

"Not counting."

Succubus Tina looked up at Timos' golden red vertical pupils for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "I still don't dare to invite you back, my sister is timid, so I won't mess around."

Succubus Tina left the statue area and came to the animal area. There are some strange origin beasts on the counter here, with four legs... like snakes... but not like snakes...

This Yuan Beast with four legs, like a snake but not like a snake... looks very strong...

Is there such a beast in Gods and Demons Continent?

No way... There are only a few types of beasts in the Gods and Demons Continent.

Dragons, phoenixes, pure-blooded unicorns...

How did Black Dragon Dimos know all this?

Could it be that he has seen the gods of another pantheon?

Or a beast?

If I haven't seen it...could it be fabricated?

It's not like... There are complete myths and legends under the statue of the God of Wealth...

The door gods also have their own names, and their own myths... It doesn't look like a fabrication...

If Black Dragon Dimoss really met the gods of another pantheon... the demon gods and the gods would be interested if they knew about it...

"Little Emperor, what is the name of this mythical beast with feet that look like snakes but not like snakes?"


Chapter 4 Marry a rich woman dragon, and spread branches and leaves for the black dragon family [-]k


This thing is...a dragon?

The succubus princess Tina was rendered speechless by Timos' random word "dragon", and she didn't know what to say for a while.

The vampire girl Lilith came to Tina's side. She had also seen the strangely shaped origin beast in this area before.

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