Some have seen it, some haven't, like the snake-like but not snake-like origin beast that the old goblin Tina said, if you divide this origin beast, she knows it.

Cobbled together...completely unrecognizable.

I didn't know each other before, but now I do, Timos said, this is... a dragon!

No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't associate this origin beast with a dragon, but she could associate it with a snake, a four-legged snake.

"No...Little Emperor, do you think that I come from the abyss, and my knowledge is not as good as yours, a black dragon who was born and raised on the land of gods and demons, so I randomly put together some parts of origin beasts and pieced together such a so-called beast in your mouth? dragon."

Succubus Tina laughed angrily, so she made up a reliable name anyway.Even if this four-legged snake is a snake dragon...she can barely accept it...

Opening her mouth is a "dragon". Isn't this clearly bullying her, a little succubus?

"It is indeed a dragon, and it is still a real dragon."

"Oh, okay...then little emperor, tell me, if this thing is a dragon, then what are you?"

"The dragon, the black dragon among the dragons."

Timos grinned. The one in the supermarket is a dragon, and he is also a dragon. The difference is that he is a giant dragon from another world, and that one is a dragon from another world.

"It's really a dragon, but it's just a dragon from another god system. This kind of dragon overwhelms rivers and seas, soars through clouds and fog, controls all corners of the country, and can fly without wings."

The Oriental Dragon, if there is a choice, Timos thinks it would be good to reincarnate as the Eastern Dragon. The majestic Oriental Dragon is called a four-legged snake, and the aesthetics of Succubus Tina and vampire girl Lilith are not good.

These two witches do not have a pair of eyes that are good at finding beauty.

The "Evil Eye" of Demon Queen Suzie may be able to discover the extraordinaryness of the Eastern Dragon.

It's a pity that he was a young dragon when he broke out of his shell.If it's a snake... He will try to evolve into the appearance of the Eastern Dragon no matter what he says, to see if he can evolve into a five-clawed dragon.

If you evolve into a five-clawed dragon, when you meet the giant dragons in this world, you might be able to say wild things and call them a group of big lizards...

When the dragon of this world retorts, he may call him a four-legged snake...

Timos imagined that scene in his mind, and thought it was quite interesting.

He's the black dragon of dragons now, and if someone says he's a lizard to his face... he'll have to slap his ass in three.

"A dragon from another pantheon..."

The succubus Tina and the vampire girl Lilith glanced at Timos, and their eyes fell on the stone platform below the dragon. There were a few lines written on the stone platform, introducing this "dragon".

The origin of "Dragon" is written on it, as well as the mythical story of this "Dragon".


The fat girl Linna on the side seemed to have thought of something, she came to Timos, squeezed Timos' ferocious black dragon head aside with her head, and stared at the dragon in the animal section of the supermarket.

She thought of the "story of the dragon-slaying boy" that the dragon Dimos told her on the first night when she was taken captive.

At that time, she was still wondering why the dragon Dimos would tell her such a story.

After all, the dragon was slaughtered in that story...

What she didn't understand before, when she saw the "dragon" in this mythical area, she understood everything. The prototype of the evil dragon who co-authored the story was not his black dragon, but this kind of dragon...

Thinking of the "The Story of the Dragon Slaying Boy" told to her by the evil dragon Dimos, a thought that even made her feel terrible came to Linna's mind.

The...another god system that the evil dragon Dimos said...doesn't really exist?

If such a god system really exists...doesn't it addition to the land of gods and demons and the abyss, there is another mythical civilization?

A mythical civilization that even the gods and demons don't know...

is it possible?

It shouldn't be possible...the gods and demons are so powerful.

If there is another mythical civilization, it is impossible for the powerful gods and demon gods not to discover it.

There are gods of wealth and door gods in the statue area...

There are Pixiu, real dragon, unicorn, phoenix...

They are all mythical beasts that she has never seen before. The real dragon is the first time she has seen it, and the brave dragon has seen it before. The evil dragon Dimos is planning to carve two jade brave beasts for her and Winnie to wear.

It was the first time I saw Qilin, and he looked extraordinary and full of strength.

It's also the first time I've seen a phoenix, it's a bit like the mythical phoenix...

Seeing the words below these mythical beasts, Linna felt that such a mythical civilization might really exist.

The evil dragon Dimos is obviously a black dragon who has just grown up, why does he know so much?

Did he inadvertently break into this mythical civilization?

And lived in this mythical civilization for a while?

"Timos, do these beasts... really exist?"

"It may or may not exist."

Timos has never seen the real Eastern Dragon, nor has Qilin.If he was reincarnated in the mythical world, he might see these magical creatures.


Haven't you seen him look so righteous?

What about the beasts and gods in another mythological system...

She was taken aback for a while.

Feeling cheated, Linna bumped Timos's faucet with her head a few times, causing her head to hurt.

"I don't dare to have the idol... I dare to buy the god beast from you. The dragon you mentioned is fine. It looks too slender. A gust of wind can probably blow your "dragon" away. This unicorn looks heavy. Shenjun, buy two and put them at the gate of my castle. "

Succubus Tina fell in love with the unicorn beast, but she didn't like the dragon that Dimos said. This thin and slender dragon body has no strength, not as good as the unicorn.

After looking at the price, a unicorn costs ten gold coins.

Ten gold coins?

It's a bit expensive, the unicorn is carved with stone, not jade, ten gold coins... a bit expensive.

"Is there a unicorn carved from jade? If so, I'll buy two and put them in the living room as decorations."

Lilith didn't want to buy a unicorn carved from stone, but she wanted to buy two unicorns carved from jade.

"Yes, you go to the Jade Ware District to have a look."

The princess Donna has no intention of buying a unicorn for the time being, and the supermarket of the evil dragon Dimos still sells weapons and armor.

There are long spears, big swords, iron rods, and maces in the weapon area. There are also many styles of armor, most of which are armor worn by fierce generals.

She was attracted by the long swords placed on the weapon rack. These long swords were not common two-handed swords or one-handed swords.

It is a slender and straight sword with a beautiful pattern on the scabbard. It should be an ornamental sword, not suitable for fighting.

In battle, the slender blade, about two fingers wide, should be easily cut off by the big sword.

In addition to this kind of sword, there is also a kind of sword that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. This kind of a bit suitable for fighting.

Donna picked up a few swords and took them out to admire them. The swords actually had different colors. Some swords were azure blue, some were fiery red, and some were black...

She took a look at the price, the price was the same, three gold coins for one sword.

She was speechless, the starting price of the dragon Dimos's supermarket was gold coins.

Three gold coins and a sword are not expensive, so she bought the blue sword and bought it back as an ornament.

The vampire girl Lilith and the succubus queen Tina are still wandering around. They also have an extra trolley in their hands. They went to the fruit area to earn a round. They found that the trolley in their hands can only hold a watermelon...or two apples...

Can't hold bananas...

Seeing the price of the apples in the fruit section, the Succubus Queen Tina gritted her teeth and glared at Lilith.

A few days ago, the little vampire gave her and the demon queen Suzie two apples of this size to trap the saintess in the court, and said that such apples were priceless and could not be found in the abyss.

If you take it out and sell it, one can sell at least tens of thousands of magic gold.

I really believed this little vampire's evil, he could sell tens of thousands of magic can buy one for one magic gold.

"Little vampire, it is said that it is easy to get involved in dealing with the devil. How do I feel that doing business with you... is easy to be cut off by you?"

"It's worth one gold coin here, and it's worth tens of thousands of magic gold in the abyss. I'm right. This kind of apple can only be found here in the poor black dragon, and it's priceless in other places. If I didn't bring you here, would you See such cheap fruit?"


Succubus Tina hates her teeth itching. This vampire needs to be dealt with. When the devil princess Suzie comes, she sees apples here that cost one gold coin. With a devil's temper, she will definitely find a chance to deal with this little vampire...

After wandering around in the supermarket for a while, Succubus Tina checked out and left. After shopping around, it cost her seventy magic gold.

The little vampire Lilith spent two hundred gold coins on shopping. In her words, all the money she spent was earned from the black dragon Dimos, so she didn't feel bad about spending it.

Donna spent 130 gold coins on shopping.

In terms of their identities, they can afford to spend hundreds of gold coins a day.But if they were to spend hundreds of gold coins every day, their financial resources...wouldn't be able to support them.

The goods in Heilong Supermarket are "high quality and cheap", but you can't shop every day, it's okay to shop once in a while.

"How was the shopping experience?"

"It's okay, it would be even better if the starting price of the product can be changed to silver coins."

Succubus Tina pointed out the shortcomings of the Black Dragon Supermarket, and the starting price was one gold coin.Great value for money...but somewhat outrageous.

Di Moss pretended not to hear. The quality of the products in his supermarket is fine. They are absolutely worth the price. If you can afford them, you can buy them.

"Where did the holy maiden you replaced from the little vampire go? Why didn't I see her being enslaved by you?"

"Don't say such terrible things, I'm a giant dragon on the side of the light camp, and I can't do what you said."

Succubus Tina's heart-shaped eyes showed regret, "It's a pity, if you wait for me to train her before taking her away. At that time, even if you drive her away, she will never leave, and even Crying and begging you not to drive her away...

In the evening, I will take the initiative to bring you footwashing water and serve you to soak your feet, and the holy maiden will serve you to soak your feet...What a wonderful's a pity..."


Succubus Tina's words made Timos feel lucky that he had brought back the saintess Sia in advance.

If the succubus Tina really trained the saint Siya to look like would be troublesome to think about it...

"Little Emperor, tell me about another god system. I'm very interested in the other god system you mentioned. It doesn't matter if you made it up. I'm also happy to hear you tell strange fairy tales."

She was a little concerned about the other god system in front of the black dragon's mouth, and always felt that the other god system in the mouth of the black dragon Dimos seemed to exist.

If there is no such a god system, how to explain the statues in the supermarket?

The names, origins, and what they are in charge of those statues are clearly written. If they are fabricated... then the black dragon's imagination is too rich.

It would be fine if there were only a few god statues, there are also mythical beasts, real dragons, unicorns, phoenixes, wild beasts...

Judging from its introduction, these mythical beasts are extremely powerful.If these divine beasts are not another god system, but a new god system that has appeared on the land of gods and demons...

Then when their abyssal demons attack the gods and demons continent, they are likely to be blocked by this new god system.

Once a war breaks out between the Abyss Demons and the Gods and Demons Continent, the gods and demons may also join in the fight...

After all, their abyssal demon clan wants to directly enter the God and Demon Continent this time, so that the God and Demon Continent can become the Demon God Continent again.

The vampire girl Lilith didn't say a word. She guessed a little bit about Succubus Tina's meaning.

If the other pantheon mentioned by Black Dragon Dimos really exists.

For their abyss demons, it is not a good thing.

Whether it is a good thing for Gods and Demons Continent and the gods, she does not know for the time being.

Princess Donna put the purchased items into the space ring, stood aside and opened a bottle of flower wine, tasting the wine while listening to the exchange between Succubus Tina and Dragon Dimos.

She bought three pairs of jade unicorns, three Pixiu pendants, and another god system that the evil dragon Timos spoke of, and she was also interested.

Linna squatted aside. The story that the dragon Dimos told her before should be a "mythical story" in another god system.

Timos glanced at the two witches on the beach, one princess, and wanted to laugh. He wanted to earn money from these guys, but these guys wanted to hear the fairy tale about another god.

He can tell another mythical story of the gods, but if he tells it, he is afraid of scaring these guys.

You know, the other god system in his mouth... but it is a self-contained system...

There are heaven, there are saints, and there are gods who created the world and created all spirits...

If the myths and stories he told were spread on the Gods and Demons Continent and accidentally reached the ears of the gods or demon gods, it would not be a good thing for him.

Maybe some gods with big brains will suspect that he is a spy secretly sent to this world by another god system...

Then he is not finished?

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