"Both of them are opposite-sex and inhumane guys." Lin Miaomiao curled her lips.

She noticed that something was wrong with Deng Xiaoqi's expression.

It seems to be very difficult.

"Xiaoqi, don't you have a fever?"


"Then you are holding your stomach and feeling uncomfortable..." Lin Miaomiao suddenly laughed and said, "It can't be constipation!"

This sentence made Deng Xiaoqi blush even more.

Just like blood.

Lin Miaomiao thought she had guessed it right. She looked at Su Chen and said, "If you have a chance, make some light weight-loss meals for Xiao Qi. See how uncomfortable Xiao Qi is."

"Okay, I'll do a little bit when I get back."

Deng Xiaoqi wanted to refute.

But I have no strength.

this time.

Qian Sanyi came out of the kitchen carrying a plate.

"Okay, let's clean up and let's eat."

Words that pop up.

Deng Xiaoqi was frightened.

The body trembled.

Su Chen helped bring the dishes over.

Qian Sanyi looked at Deng Xiaoqi in confusion: "I just came over, what have you been doing all this time?"

"Don't worry about girls' affairs." Lin Miaomiao asked Qian Sanyi to serve the meal quickly.

She was starving.

Soon all the dishes were put on the table, and Jiang Tianhao also finished making the phone calls and came back.

The dishes on the table are almost the same as last time.

But they have all been improved.

The taste was much better than last time, and Lin Miaomiao was very happy eating it.

He only praised Pei Yin for getting better and better at cooking.

Pei Yin also smiled and said that it was all good teaching from Su Chen.

After dinner.

Jiang Tianhao also wanted to talk about the Jiang family's kitchen.

But was interrupted by Qian Sanyi.

"Aren't we mainly talking about playing basketball today? Don't go off topic."

After being reminded, Jiang Tianhao remembered what happened today.

"I was so happy that I almost forgot about the real thing."

"To put it simply, the principal did agree to the formation of our basketball team and also agreed to let us participate in the competition with the first and second grade students."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Deng Xiaoqi, who had not spoken for a long time, slowly spoke.

But there was a bit of hoarseness in the voice.

"This is indeed a good thing, but there is also bad news, that is, we have to find our own practice time."

"Looking at it this way, we can only train in physical education classes." Jiang Tianhao looked at Su Chen: "A team without tacit training has no fighting ability at all."

"The question now is what to do. Should we discuss it with the head teacher?"

"Haha, I advise you to give up this idea."

Lin Miaomiao looked at Jiang Tianhao knocking on the table: "The head teacher of Class [-] is still Li Meng. Even if his temper is better than before, he is still Li Tiegang."

"Why don't you beg her yourself?"

Jiang Tianhao chuckled.

"I don't dare!"

183: Deng Xiaoqi: It’s over, I’m really broken

"What?! The school actually allows you seniors to participate in basketball games?!!"

Su Chen and others gathered around the mobile phone.

Li Meng's shocked voice appeared from inside.

Everyone looked at Jiang Tianhao.

Jiang Tianhao smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher Li, aren't we bringing glory to the school?"

"Win glory, why don't you want to win glory in your studies! I don't know what you think. You just fooled Su Chen and Qian Sanyi into it, but you still want to ask for leave to practice with me???"

"Are you crazy?"

"Jiang Tianhao, I think it is necessary for me to discuss your recent study status with your teacher~"

"If necessary, I think he can also conduct a home visit."

Li Meng used his usual threat method.

home visits.

Every student will be afraid.

Except Su Chen.

As soon as he heard that Li Meng was going to encourage his teacher to visit his home, Jiang Tianhao quickly picked up his cell phone: "I didn't come up with this idea of ​​Teacher Li, it was Su Chen!"

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Su Chen looked at Jiang Tianhao in shock.

Talk about shameless.

Jiang Tianhao can really be ranked first.

His behavior also caused dissatisfaction with Deng Xiaoqi.

But it made the other three people, including Pei Yin, chuckle.

Jiang Tianhao thought very simply.

Su Chen is good at studying and is the star of the school. There will be no problem if he is used as a front-line supporter.

But the problem is that the opposite person is Li Meng.

Li Tiegang'er once gave countless students nightmares.

Is this something that a piece of cake can withstand?

"Su Chen?!"

The voice on the phone was inexplicably louder: "I know, are you two together? Give him the phone and I'll ask him what he wants to do!"

"..." Jiang Tianhao was a little embarrassed.

It seems that his wishful thinking has failed.

Looking at Su Chen.

Ask him if he wants to pick up.

Su Chen glared at him and took the phone over.

Press the hands-free button.

"Su Chen, why are you thinking about playing basketball in your senior year of high school? Your grades..."

Li Meng is also used to using urban areas to suppress people.

As a result, think about it.

Su Chen's grades could no longer improve.

He changed his words.

"Even if your grades don't need to improve anymore, you can't delay other students' studies."

look at other people.

Su Chen pretended to take the phone away.

It was like the other side was abusing him.

Deng Xiaoqi's face was full of concern.

Jiang Tianhao was very embarrassed.

Lin Miaomiao was extremely happy. Even if she couldn't beat Su Chen, watching him eat turtles was still very good.

After listening, Su Chen said into the phone.

"Teacher, I have turned off the speakerphone. No matter how loud you make, they can't hear you."

"How about I give them the phone."

Jiang Tianhao and Lin Miaomiao quickly waved their hands.

No one wants to take the cell phone at this time.

Don't even want to hear it.

To avoid getting burned.

This was the first time Pei Yin was so close to other children.

It turned out to be at school.

Is this the same relationship between students and teachers?

feel good.

But it seems that Su Chen has a better relationship with Teacher Li.

Pei Yin looked at Su Chen.


After hearing Su Chen's reminder, Li Meng's voice weakened.

"Are you free next week?"

"what happened?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and my parents really want me to take you back for a meal. Of course you don't have to come, and I won't force you."

When Su Chen heard these words, he could inexplicably think of Li Meng's troubled face.

But there are people all around.

Su Chen held back a smile and said inside.

"Don't worry, the mission is guaranteed to be completed."

Su Chen's voice just fell.

There was a busy signal on the phone.

"I really don't want to wait for a moment." Su Chen thought to himself.

But he didn't hang up the phone so quickly.

Instead, he pretended to say a few words inside.

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