in the bedroom.

A seductive voice slowly came out.

"Oh, don't worry Andy, I will definitely not mess around. Don't you understand who I am?"

Big bed in the bedroom.

A petite body was lying on it.

The two slender calves were raised high, and the ten delicate toes kept twitching.

The small head has delicate facial features.

Smile slightly.

Like a fox in power, extremely seductive.


She tapped the phone lightly with her jade fingers.

A Yujie voice came from inside, but there was a bit of anxiety in it.

"Xiao Qu, you are pretending to be my identity. If you leave a bad impression on him, how can I talk to him in the future?"

She is Qu Xiaoxiao.

One of the five beauties of Ode to Joy.

Not long after she met Andy, she discovered that Andy, a strong woman, would chat with a strange man in the middle of the night.

We chatted for more than half an hour.

You know, she is an investor. If she is allowed to observe foreign stock markets for half an hour.

It can bring her a lot of benefits.

But she just wants to chat.

He actually gave up.

This made her very curious about that man.

After asking around.

Qu Xiaoxiao knew the other party's age, identity and city.

I will come to the imperial capital during this work trip.

I secretly used Andy’s QQ to make an appointment.

Unexpectedly, she actually made a date. Andy would definitely not be willing to do it after knowing about it, but now she has come out.

Even if you want to regret it.

The corner of Qu Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up slightly.

The corners of his eyes curled up.

"Andy, I'm here to help you identify who the other person is. What if he's a bad guy? I'm risking my life to help you. You can't help but appreciate it~"

"If that doesn't work, go to QQ and tell people you were just joking~"

The voice is sent.

Qu Xiaoxiao lay flat on the bed.

Her shawl-length hair fell casually beside the bed.

Look at it this way.

Although she is petite, she has an unusually good figure.

Just changed my posture.

The phone rang again.

Qu Xiaoxiao clicked it casually.

Andy's helpless voice came from inside.

"You'd better be more honest tomorrow and don't act recklessly."

"Okay, okay~ An uncle in his 40s won't make me a nymphomaniac." Qu Xiaoxiao hooked her fingers around the keychain and twirled it in the air. She rolled her eyes and said, "If he were a young man in his teens or 20s, he would still be a nymphomaniac." almost."

"Do you know that guy who is very popular on the Internet recently? That one is my type."

Andy on the other side of the phone was a bit dumbfounded: "Uncle is not your food, why do you still have to fight for it?"

"You will know if it is my dish or not."

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at the time: "Okay Andy, I won't talk about it since I have a meeting tomorrow morning. Good night~"

Hang up the phone.

Qu Xiaoxiao browsed V-blog for a while.

Since the last entertainment news broke.

The hot searches in recent months have seemed so unremarkable.

"Sure enough, anger is the most primitive human emotion."

Qu Xiaoxiao turned around in a circle and rested her head on the pillow.

"I remember that guy is from Chunfeng Middle School. There are photos on the official website~"

"Click in and take a look."

"Wow~ He's so handsome~ Why is there a basketball video? This is so cool, really..."

“It’s really mouth-watering~”


the next morning.

It was rare for Lin Miaomiao not to get up early.

Rubbed his eyes.

He got out of his side lying position and went to the coffee table to pour himself a glass of water.

Looking at Su Chen who was cooking.

"Where's Xiaoqi?"

"Xiaoqi is still sleeping."

Looking towards the master bedroom, she could see the bed from her perspective.

next second.

Lin Miaomiao shook her little hand and the water in the water cup spilled all over her body.

But she didn't have time to pay attention to this.

He quickly ran back to lie on his side.

Lean against the door.

Her face was covered with red clouds.

Put your hands on your chest.

I couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "It's enough to know that I'm still at home today and you don't even bother to open the door."

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath and relaxed herself.


The sudden knock on the door still startled her.

"You...what are you going to do?!" Lin Miaomiao was very nervous.

I was both afraid and looking forward to it.

She didn't know what she was expecting, but this feeling was weird.

"Oh, the food is just ready. Let's see if you want to eat some first to cushion your stomach."

Hear Su Chen's words.

Lin Miaomiao felt sweet in her heart.

She eats a lot, but in order not to make her look weird, we eat together every morning before eating.

Su Chen would serve her some first.

Pad the bottom.

Over time, Lin Miaomiao herself became accustomed to this eating pattern.

It was suddenly mentioned today.

I feel quite happy.

Lin Miaomiao pressed her face against the door and shouted outside: "I'm changing clothes. You put the food on the floor and I'll eat it myself later."

"Put it on the ground?"

"Is this girl so confident about Feng Chu?"

Su Chen turned to look.

Erha, I was wagging my tail crazily at him on the ground.

His eyes were full of expectation.

He even used his head to signal him to put it down quickly.

Under Erha's gaze.

Suchen put the plate down without waiting for it to grin.

Suchen left with it.

Erha:? ? ? ? ? ?

let me go!I have shed blood for this family, I have shed hair for this family, and I want to eat it! ! !

No matter how it howls.

Su Chen held it and refused to let go.

The next second the door opened.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the backs of Su Chen and Erha leaving.

The corners of the mouth rise.

He showed a warm smile and took the plate back.

Su Chen returned to the kitchen and held Erha with both feet to prevent it from moving.

While cooking, I was thinking about yesterday’s achievements.

【I am No.1】

Look at this achievement reward.

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat.

It really deserves to be No. 1. It has almost all the attributes on it.

These properties exist.

Which of those sports can't be ranked first?

Moreover, the function of achievements is to increase learning ability, which goes hand in hand with the achievements of academic master and academic god.

The learning efficiency is simply unbeatable.

Even in the academic field, no one can match him.


Such a great achievement was given to him, but he really had no intention of dedicating himself to science.

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