It's just that getting No. 1 a hundred times can be completed together with the usual quizzes.

There is no need to think about how to specifically brush it.

That's quite appropriate.

I'm thinking about it here.

Suddenly there was a tightness behind him, followed by a soft voice.

"How about making breakfast? Is there anything I like to eat?"

Lin Miaomiao was still in the bedroom.

Behind him is naturally Deng Xiaoqi.

Su Chen turned around.

Deng Xiaoqi didn't wear her own clothes because she just got up, but just put on Su Chen's large cotton-padded jacket.

A pair of jade legs fell outside.

It looked crystal clear.

It seems to be getting whiter and tenderer.

But Su Chen knocked her angrily.

"Although the room is heated, can you please get dressed? We have to go next door soon."

Deng Xiaoqi covered her head.

He stuck out his tongue.

"I'm not just dressing Miaomiao casually before she wakes up."

"Miaomiao got up earlier than you."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Lin Miaomiao came out from lying on her side.

"That's enough for you two. Just forget about showing off your affection last night and show it off so early in the morning. Don't singles have any human rights?"

Lin Miaomiao saw Deng Xiaoqi's long legs and ran over quickly.

Up is a slap.

"Ah!!!" Deng Xiaoqi blushed: "Miaomiao, what are you doing! It hurts."

"Let your memory last long, this is my territory." Lin Miaomiao looked at her hands, as if recalling the feeling just now.

It's really good.

I will come more often if I have the opportunity in the future.

Deng Xiaoqi blushed and ran into the master bedroom to change clothes.

Three people took their things to the next door.

Song Qian suddenly asked while eating.

"Miaomiao, weren't you supposed to go home last night? Why are you still here?"

"Oh, my mom said she would let me go with her to the parent-teacher meeting today." Lin Miaomiao replied while eating, "Isn't this place close to the school?"

"But I read the notice issued by the school. It seems that only parents are required to attend this parent-teacher meeting."

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was a little confused, Song Qian specially handed her today's text message to read.

"Doesn't that mean I can stay here for another half day? Oh yeah!!!"

Lin Miaomiao twisted around happily after reading the news.

Su Chen and others couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle and aunt would be very sad if they knew that you don't like being at home so much." Qiao Yingzi said.

"I don't know if my mother is hurt, but my dad must be very sad." Lin Miaomiao said seriously: "Because I still owe him money!"



Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing: "Then you mean that if you don't owe money, your father won't miss you."

Looking at the smiling faces of several people, Lin Miaomiao said helplessly: "What do you think? I have been hearing from my parents recently that I have lost my ability to practice the tuba and they want to practice the trumpet."

"Cough cough cough."

"Sister Song, are you okay?"

Seeing Song Qian coughing, Su Chen handed her a glass of water, and she recovered after drinking it.

I don’t know if it was because I was shy or because I was choked.

Song Qian's face was very red.

"You're already a senior in high school, they shouldn't want another one."

Song Qian was embarrassed to ask this question.

But she is about the same age as Wang Shengnan.

Unexpectedly, they still have this idea.

"How do I know this? I can't drag them into asking."

After dinner.

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao were chatting with Qiao Yingzi in the living room.

Su Chen went to the kitchen to help.

"Are you really going to meet your netizens today?"

"Yes, I agreed."

"Then where are you meeting?"

Seeing Su Chen's confusion, Song Qian quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you, and I won't even know the address when I call the police."

Song Qian lowered her head when she spoke.

He didn't dare to look into Su Chen's eyes at all.

But she looks like this.

Just like Wang Yidi when she was arrogant, when she saw Su Chen, she couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch her face.


Song Qian felt the warmth on her face.

The whole person was stunned.

"Don't worry, there is KFC just below the mall. There should be no problem with so many people."

Listen to his gentle voice.

Song Qian's heart trembled.

Legs are soft.

If it wasn't next to a cupboard, it might fall over.


Why is this guy's charm getting bigger and bigger?

Just hearing the sound is a bit unbearable.

No wonder Xiaoqi couldn't help it.

"Are you OK."

Su Chen felt something was wrong with her and wanted to help her.

As a result, Song Qian leaned back.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Go and chat with them quickly. I'm enough here."

Seeing Su Chen, he still wanted to come forward.

She shook her head hastily.


Her appearance made Su Chen full of questions.

Not sure why.

Wait for Su Chen to leave.

Song Qian slowly let out a breath.

The tense body relaxes.

Shivering Washing Mountain.

209: Wang Shengnan raids Shuxiang Yayuan

Chunfeng Middle School parent conference.

The main content of this parent-teacher meeting is not limited to the conversation between teachers and parents.

There are also psychological experts invited by the school.

The main thing is to communicate with parents how to communicate well with their children during the rebellious period.

Experts are speaking in a large conference room.

The parents below were listening attentively.

behind the seat.

Zhao Rongbao looked at the principal.

"How about the principal? I boldly adopted a new model for this parent-teacher meeting. First, all parents will listen to the lectures from experts, and then conduct one-on-one teacher consultations."

"Let parents learn how to communicate with their children, which can also promote their mental health."

Principal Tang glanced at the classroom.


“This expert was really well hired, and the students listened very carefully.”

Having said this, Principal Tang turned to look at Zhao Rongbao.

"But this time the parent-teacher conference was so successful, maybe it was because I wanted to talk about the campus official website."

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Principal Tang." Zhao Rongbao scratched his head and smiled.

The video was played on the official website and received a lot of attention.

It also spreads widely.

Help enhance the image of Chunfeng Middle School.

But this was done without the principal's consent.

And before that, he was criticized for basketball matters.

This made him wonder if what he was doing was right.

To put it simply, he was a little panicked.

Principal Tang looked at him deeply.

Smile lightly.

"Teacher Zhao, actually you don't have to worry so much. As long as you know that the main task of senior high school students is to study, that's fine."

"At other events, all we can do is allow them to attend, okay?"

Zhao Rongbao nodded.

The underlying meaning of this sentence is to tell him about the students' own achievements.

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