Help spread the word.

There is no problem.

In the parent's seat.

Song Qian listened to the professor's speech and took a lot of notes.

Turning to look at Tong Wenjie.

asked in a low voice.

"Today's parent-teacher meeting is only for one person, why are you two here?"

"This guy was bored at home, so he came out."

The two of them glanced at Fangyuan.

Fangyuan didn't know what they were talking about, so she smiled and said hello.

Song Qian found it a bit funny.

Tong Wenjie held Song Qian's arm and put her head next to her ear.

"What about you? Today, Su Chen is not going to meet netizens. How can you still sit here so quietly?"

"If it's not quiet, what else can you do sitting here?" Song Qian glanced at her angrily.

Chatting last night.

Her best friend actually asked her to follow Su Chen this morning.

This is no joke.

And after asking today, Su Chen's agreed time should be at noon.

And we all know the location.

As long as the parent-teacher conference here ends early.

She should be able to make it there.

The two were chatting when Fangyuan suddenly said: "Hey, look at nine o'clock."

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie turned their heads.

Except for the parents, I didn’t see anything special.

But Song Qian saw two acquaintances.

Lin Miaomiao's parents.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei.

Tong Wenjie asked in confusion: "What did you see? So excited."

Fangyuan turned her head and looked at them.

"Remember the red happy event I talked about last night?"

"Is this the one you said was at your friend's funeral?" Tong Wenjie was somewhat impressed.

"Yes, yes, that's it." Fang Yuan pointed at Lin Dawei: "I clearly remember that the host above is that parent."


Tong Wenjie looked over with wide eyes.

It does look familiar.

I seem to have seen him during the swearing-in ceremony.

She pulled Song Qian's arm: "Song Qian, do you know whose parent he is?"


Song Qian was a little helpless.

Lin Miaomiao said yesterday that she was unwilling to accept her parents doing this.

I didn't expect good luck to make people.

The host is really his father.

Should I say this?

Song Qian didn't say anything, but Fangyuan looked a little excited.

"You said that if I went to him to seek advice, he would lead me or not."

"Are you planning to do this too?" Song Qian looked at him in surprise.

"I can't help it. It's been three months since I was laid off in the blink of an eye. I have absolutely no way to find a job. No employer will want a middle-aged unemployed man like me."

Fangyuan didn't hide it either.

He directly stated his embarrassing position.

It's been months.

Although he still has the severance pay in his hand, he can't just sit there and live in vain.

It’s not enough to always cut back on spending.

You have to find a way to open source.

Wang Shengnan glanced to the side and asked in a low voice: "Dawei, do you know the man sitting next to Teacher Song?"

"Who is it?" Lin Dawei glanced at it and frowned: "I don't know him, but I seem to have seen him during the swearing-in ceremony. He seems to be the parent of the child who fell from the rooftop."

After saying this, Wang Shengnan had an impression.

"By the way, are you sure you want to go to Su Chen's house later?"

"Of course, isn't this already agreed?"

"Wait a minute, are you asking this because you want to tip off your daughter?"

"Nonsense, do I look like the kind of person who collaborates with the enemy?" Lin Dawei held Wang Shengnan's arm: "Will I team up with that leaky little cotton-padded jacket? What a joke, I will always be on your side."

The corners of Wang Shengnan's mouth slightly raised.

His face was full of disbelief.

Lin Dawei could only laugh along.

His hand was in his pocket holding his cell phone.

But I didn’t get a chance to send a message.

"Miao Miao, it's not that I don't want to help. It's just that the enemy is too cunning."


The psychology lectures were well organized.

All parents heard a lot of useful stuff.

of course.

Most parents focus on the issue of puppy love.

As soon as the lecture is over.

Many parents rush to the professor to ask about the signs of puppy love.

But Song Qian and the others walked towards the teacher's office.

This time is parent Q&A time.

Can't be wasted.

"Don't run away." Tong Wenjie hugged Song Qian's arm and pressed her face against hers: "Just now I said I wasn't in a hurry, but now I've shown it."

Song Qian was helpless.

"I'm really not in a hurry, but if you keep holding me back, I'll become anxious."

Tong Wenjie chuckled.

Not too entangled.

Pull her over with you.

After all, he still wanted to ask Fang Yifan about his studies.

The two of them quickly came to the office.

They came earlier, and each teacher did not have many parents during his lifetime.

Song Qian was lining up at the back.

Tong Wenjie sat directly opposite Pan Shuai.

"You are Fang Yifan's parent, we have met before."

Pan Shuai was very impressed by Tong Wenjie.

After all, parents who can chase their children in front of all their classmates on the first day of school.

Only this one.

And she was still wearing such high heels.

Tong Wenjie was also a little embarrassed. Fang Yifan was quite naughty at school and she came to school quite a lot.

If it leaves any impression, it won't be a good one.

Skip this topic.

Tong Wenjie wanted to ask Fang Yifan about going to school.

"Hasn't Fang Yifan already decided on this issue?"

"Decide what?"

Tong Wenjie was taken aback.

"He has already signed up for the art exam with me, didn't you know?" Pan Shuai was confused.

Fang Yifan was steadfast in his vow at the beginning.

Speaking of which, his family agreed to allow him to take the art exam.

Why doesn't it seem to be the case now?

Pan Shuai said seriously: "I heard from Fang Yifan that you have already found a teacher for him and started preparing for the art exam."

"Fang Yifan's mother, don't you know?"

"I..." Tong Wenjie suddenly realized.

I said why I always feel that Fang Yifan and Fangyuan are a bit strange recently.


Such a big thing as taking the art exam was hidden from me.

Tong Wenjie gritted her teeth.

Clenched fists.

But in the end, he took a deep breath and smiled at Pan Shuai: "I know this too, but you have to be prepared. If you fail to pass the art school, you still have to think about the college entrance examination."

Hearing what he said, Pan Shuai also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, Fang Yifan's mother, as long as you can get over 400 points in the art school and pass the cultural courses, it's pretty good."

"I think Fang Yifan is quite talented in dancing. If he goes back and practices hard, he will definitely succeed."

Tong Wenjie smiled and nodded.

But it doesn’t matter whether you listen or not.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie are not far apart.

She found that something was wrong with Tong Wenjie's expression.

"What's wrong with Wenjie? Did Teacher Pan tell us about Fang Yifan's puppy love?"

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