"Mr. Song."

Song Qian was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that she was also chatting with Teacher Li Meng.

Qiao Yingzi asked about her studies and schooling.

All are very good.

Results are also steadily improving.

As for the reason why the ranking has not improved, it is just because there are a few perverts in the school.

There is no way.

Song Qian also knew.

After asking Qiao Yingzi's question, Song Qian casually asked Su Chen.

"About Su Chen." Li Meng looked away, and pushed the extra hair behind her ears with her fingers, and said slowly: "This kid is good. He unites his classmates, feels sorry for his teachers, and can also bring honor to the school in sports."

"And he's also the school's image ambassador. Don't you know this?"

"So I want to know something that I don't know." Song Qian looked at Li Meng: "For example, why does he feel sorry for the teacher? Are there any specific examples?"

"..." Li Meng's eyes changed.

It's not like I'm asking about the situation.

It's more like being jealous.

Li Meng smiled slightly and simply said: "Teacher Song, you should know it well. After all, you are my senior in this matter."

Song Qian: "..."

Every move between masters is fatal.


Lixiang Yayuan.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei stood downstairs.

"If you don't say hello in advance, what will happen if Miaomiao goes back?" Lin Dawei looked at the security door in front of him: "We may not even be able to get through this door."

"You don't know your daughter yet?" Wang Shengnan curled his lips and said, "He is happy here now. He can go home one minute late, but not one second earlier. If you don't believe it, just press it."

Lin Dawei just raised his hand.

click! ~

The door opened.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei turned around and took a look.

They still knew the people who came down.

"Big nephew!!!"

"..." Su Chen's mouth twitched and his eyelids twitched: "What a coincidence, uncle and aunt, why are you here.".

210: Qu Xiaoxiao arrives, Song Qian and Tong Wenjie secretly observe

"Uncle and aunt, why are you here?"

Su Chen was nervous, but there was no problem on his face. He even invited: "I just came out of Teacher Song's house. Lin Miaomiao is still watching TV at home. You should be able to meet her when you go up."

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei were very happy to see Su Chen.

It makes me even happier to see him so sensible.

Wang Shengnan pulled him.

"Eldest nephew, is Lin Miaomiao's roommate here today?"

It was indeed looking for me.

Su Chen pretended to think, and after a while he raised his head and said, "I'm not too sure about this."

Didn't hear any useful information.

Wang Shengnan was not in a hurry. She smiled and asked, "Teacher Song hasn't come back yet. Where are you going?"

"I..." Su Chen glanced around: "My parents called me and asked me to go to school. I have to leave quickly."

Hearing is a parent calling.

Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan no longer stopped him and allowed him to leave.

Wang Shengnan sighed.

"What a wonderful child, it would be great if this was our child."

"We already have Miaomiao, she is already good enough." Lin Dawei felt that Miaomiao should be renamed.

"That girl is just a simple fool. It will be good if she can take care of herself when she grows up."

Thinking of Lin Miaomiao, Wang Shengnan couldn't help but want to laugh.

This girl is too lively.

The two came upstairs.

Knocked on the door.

After a while, the sound of hurried slippers came running over.

"Hahaha, Su Chen didn't expect that you would forget to bring your keys..."

As soon as the door opens.

Lin Miaomiao saw clearly the person outside the door.

The whole person was taken aback.


"What's wrong? Seeing my parents so nervous, don't they know each other now?"

Lin Dawei rubbed Lin Miaomiao's head.

Follow Wang Shengnan in.

Lin Miaomiao didn't react until the two of them sat on the sofa.

"Aren't you having a parent-teacher meeting? Why did you suddenly come to Shuxiang Yayuan?"

"Did you see anyone when you just went upstairs?"

Lin Miaomiao poured a glass of water for the two of them.

Watching them nervously.

Su Chen had just left not long ago.

This must be a meeting. What they talked about after the meeting will not be exposed.

This is the most nervous question for Lin Miaomiao now.

Lin Dawei took a sip of water and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence. We originally planned to ring the doorbell downstairs, but we happened to meet Teacher Song's eldest nephew opening the door, so we just came up."

"Ah, you guys really met." Lin Miaomiao clasped her hands.

A little nervous.

This trace of nervousness was noticed by Wang Shengnan and reminded him of the psychology professor's lecture today.

The word "puppy love" suddenly appeared in her mind.

Wang Shengnan put the water glass on the coffee table.

Look at her seriously.

"Miaomiao, do you know what is the most important thing for a senior high school student?"

"Um..." Lin Miaomiao's face was full of questions. She didn't know why her mother suddenly asked this, but she still answered very honestly: "Study?"

"Yes, just study!" Wang Shengnan looked at her: "Although that young man is very handsome and excellent, it is obvious that others will not like you."

"What what???"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Wang Shengnan with shock on her face: "Mom, what are you thinking about?"

"How could I possibly fall in love with him?"

Just when I say this.

Head lowered slightly.

The loose hair blocked the side of her face.

The sound becomes weaker.

This way.

It's not like I don't like him, it's almost engraved on my forehead that I like him.

Lin Dawei saw that the atmosphere was a little dry.

Quickly change the subject.

"Didn't you say that your contact lenses were given to you by Su Chen's friends?"

"Your mother and I think we should thank her properly and come here to treat her to a meal."

"Ah, dinner?"

This topic made Lin Miaomiao nervous again.


With the foreshadowing just now.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei only thought that her parents had seen through her thoughts.

It didn't even take it to heart.

Wang Shengnan smiled and held her in his arms.

"You have taken off your black-rimmed glasses and become so beautiful. Of course your parents have to show it, otherwise we will look so ignorant."

Lin Dawei also nodded.

Lin Miaomiao looked a little embarrassed and scratched her head: "Su Chen, he is not here today."

"Really? Isn't today the weekend?"

Wang Shengnan stood up.

Go to the door of the master bedroom.

He glanced at Lin Miaomiao and found that she was sitting motionless on the sofa.

Lin Miaomiao crossed her legs on the sofa.

Holding his legs with both hands.

Press and press.

"She will have other projects on weekends and may have to go out, so this surprise may not be a surprise or a joy to you."

Wang Shengnan opened the door.

The furnishings inside are almost the same as the last time I saw them.

Still clean.

Still neat and tidy.

Warm still.

Just no one.

Wang Shengnan sighed.

Lin Dawei smiled and said: "Look, I told you not to have any surprises at home, so this time it's all for nothing."

Speaking of this.

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