Wang Shengnan suddenly looked up at Lin Miaomiao.

"How do you know we're here to give you a surprise this time?"


Lin Miaomiao's smile froze and she looked at Lin Dawei next to her.

Lin Dawei: "..."

Wang Shengnan: "..."

"Lin Dawei, should you explain?"


Su Chen left Shuxiang Yayuan.

Glanced back.

After confirming that Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei did not follow.


"I didn't expect to meet Lin Miaomiao's parents at this time."

Su Chen suddenly laughed: "I'm pretty lucky."

Find out early and escape early.

If it is late.

You may be forced to dress as a woman.

Do not!

Only one such weird memory is enough.

Even with his achievements as a cross-dressing boss, he cannot continue to do so.

Glancing at the time.

11: 30.

He still had half an hour to get to the mall.

"There's still plenty of time."

Su Chen was waiting for the bus at the door, but what she was thinking about was the scene when she met Andy for the first time.

"I wonder if Andy has stayed in Ode to Joy. How is the relationship between Ode to Joy and Five Beauties?"

“I’m also looking forward to life after high school!”

Get in a taxi.

Su Chen rushed towards the shopping mall.


KFC in the mall.

in the corner.

The two women's tables were covered with things, but neither of them touched them.

Eyes staring around.

Like looking for someone.

"Song Qian, have you seen the person meeting Su Chen?"

Tong Wenjie scanned around.

Today's KFC is full of young couples.

There are basically two people at the table, and even if there are not two people, most of them are office workers.

You can see it at a glance.

None of them seemed to come out specifically to meet netizens.

"I didn't notice it. Why don't you eat something first?"

"I've already started eating, why don't you move."

Tong Wenjie took a bite of the burger.

It feels okay.

However, Song Qian kept drinking water and had no idea of ​​eating at all.

"Don't you still think this thing is unhealthy?" Tong Wenjie saw her thoughts at a glance.

"I originally thought I could accept these things, but in fact..." Song Qian looked at the fried chicken on the table.

Willow's eyebrows are upside down.

Shaking his head he pushed it aside.

Tong Wenjie burst out laughing.

"You're quite cute when you look like a picky eater. No wonder some people like it."

Song Qian rolled her eyes.

Song Qian was also helpless towards her best friend.

When I knew she was coming to see her, I had to follow her.

Well now.

She couldn't take a bite, but she ate quite happily.

And he still had the intention to tease her.


Tong Wenjie's eyes suddenly widened and she kept patting Song Qian.

Point to the door.

Song Qian looked over.

Song Qian looked over and saw someone at the door wearing sunglasses.

A young girl dressed very fashionably stood there.

Song Qian could tell it at a glance.

That bag alone costs no less than 2 yuan.

As soon as you enter.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to her.

Including the men who accompany their girlfriends.

Tong Wenjie swallowed what was in her mouth, patted Song Qian and asked, "Is it her?"

"how could I know."

Song Qian stared at each other.

Brow wrinkled slightly.

She said she was not sure, but her sixth sense told her that it must be her.

The person who came was Qu Xiaoxiao.

She originally wanted to go to the coffee shop because it was quiet there.

But think again.

Anyway, you have to tell the other party your identity from the beginning.

Why not just tease him.

Let a successful man in his 40s come to a fast food restaurant with a lot of traffic.

The expressions are certainly interesting.

I found a seat by the window.

Qu Xiaoxiao took off her sunglasses.

Her exquisite facial features set off her just-right makeup, making this fast food restaurant even more beautiful.

She noticed that everyone around her was looking at her.

He curled his mouth.

"What are you looking at!"

"Didn't your parents teach you not to peek at others when you go out?"

See them looking down.

Only then did Qu Xiaoxiao look away.

But the two beautiful women sitting in the corner aroused her curiosity.

"Why are these two women looking at me?"

"Is it possible you like me?"

Qu Xiaoxiao chuckled in her heart.

Lower your head and clasp the phone.

[Qu Xiaoxiao: My Andy~ I’m already here. Do you want to take a photo of your handsome uncle later? 】

[Andy: Be honest when we meet, don’t let him think that all my friends are so...]

[Qu Xiaoxiao: So what? Just say it directly, I won’t be angry~]

[Andy: Just be nice and don't act like a vixen. 】

[Qu Xiaoxiao: Then I’ll just think you’re complimenting me~]


"This girl has a bad temper. Can Su Chen bear it?"

Seeing the girl playing with her mobile phone, Tong Wenjie couldn't help but laugh.

I originally thought it was a Xiaojiabiyu.

The result is a small pepper.

And it's the kind of 360-degree mockery without any blind spots.

Song Qian also didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "But maybe, they are already netizens, and I am only over 20 years old on the Internet."

"I see how jealous you are right now, it's only over 20."

"Screw you."

At this moment, Song Qian noticed another person coming in at the door.

"Su Chen is here."

Tong Wenjie was stunned and quickly looked at the door.

"Where? Why didn't I see it."

"Right at the door, the one wearing the hat walked towards the girl."

211: The vixen Qu Xiaoxiao seduces Su Chen

Su Chen got out of the taxi.

Put on a hat.

This is a mall.

There are more people.

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