If you don't wear a hat, you will easily attract attention from others.

Who knows if there is anyone he knows here.

It would be so embarrassing if we encountered the same situation as Carambola last time.

Go into a fast food restaurant.

The place that should have been bustling with people today was particularly quiet for some reason.

Su Chen looked at it strangely.

Originally, Su Chen planned to ask on QQ, but after just two glances, he discovered his target.

After all here.

That bejeweled outfit is really eye-catching.

"Qu Xiaoxiao?"

Isn't it Andy?

Su Chen walked over out of curiosity.

"Are you that Andy?"

"That's right, it's me. Her voice sounds very young. I want to see..." Qu Xiaoxiao looked up.

Facing Su Chen's handsome face.

Everyone was shocked.

"It's you!!!"

Su Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Ah, it's really you!!! Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with surprise.

Isn't this the handsome guy he saw online yesterday?

How would it appear here!

do not care!

Get involved first and then talk.

Without waiting for Su Chen to react, Qu Xiaoxiao jumped onto him.

hold his arm.

Suchen was startled by her.

Not to mention Su Chen, even Song Qian and Tong Wenjie were shocked.

This little girl just looked like a little pepper.

Why are you so clingy now?

Does she have two faces?

Tong Wenjie pulled Song Qian's clothes: "The two of them hugged each other."

"I know."

"The girl is still excited."

"I saw."

"Then why don't you hurry over and find him?"

"He is meeting a netizen, is it useful for you to find him?"

Tong Wenjie looked at Song Qian in surprise.

She felt that Song Qian had changed.

If it were Qiao Weidong, she would definitely greet him with a loud mouth.

He was so calm this time.

Even when he saw the other girl throwing herself into his arms, he remained unmoved.

Is this growth?

"Miss, we don't know each other yet, so don't be so excited."

Su Chen wanted to take off Qu Xiaoxiao.

But Qu Xiaoxiao was as if it had grown on his arm, and Qu Xiaoxiao could not move.

Qu Xiaoxiao found that Su Chen was no longer repulsive.

Then he looked up at him.

"Aren't you coming to find Andy? That's me!" Qu Xiaoxiao completely forgot what she had just said to Andy.

Since the handsome guy wants to see Andy.

Then she is Andy today.

Anyway, no one else knows.

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched.

Do I not know who you are?

But she was pretending like this, and Su Chen couldn't point it out for the time being.

The two sat down.

Originally they were supposed to be facing each other, but now Qu Xiaoxiao is holding his arm.

The two can only sit side by side.

After sitting down, Qu Xiaoxiao kept asking questions.

"Handsome boy, how old are you this year?"

"Handsome guy, what's your zodiac sign~..."

"Handsome guy, why are you so handsome?"

Qu Xiaoxiao was like a curious baby at this moment, constantly asking questions.

Su Chen could only choose some answers.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie looked on the side and almost burst out laughing.

This was the first time I saw Su Chen so embarrassed.

Tong Wenjie covered her mouth and smiled: "Have you expected this to happen a long time ago, so it doesn't matter."

"How would I know." Song Qian rolled her eyes.

She herself had no idea about Su Chen coming to meet netizens.

If Tong Wenjie hadn't insisted on coming.

She might just take one look and leave today.

See this situation now.

She was relieved.

After packing the things on the table, Song Qian stood up: "How is it? Do you want to leave now?"

"Leave now?" Tong Wenjie looked at the other side, her face full of anticipation: "This show has just begun. Don't you want to see how Su Chen deals with her?"

"What's so good about this girl? It's impossible for her to stay here any longer. Is it possible that we are dating today and have a long-distance relationship tomorrow?"

"Okay, okay, let's go, but it's a pity that we didn't finish this scene."

Tong Wenjie and Song Qian left one after another.

Su Chen seemed to feel something and looked back.

It turned out to be nothing.

"Handsome, what are you looking at?"

Su Chen really had no choice but to ask: "We are netizens, but I think your personality seems to be much happier than online."

"Really?" Qu Xiaoxiao didn't feel any embarrassment at being recognized.

Instead, he curled his hair with his hands.

He blinked in a cute way and asked: "Then you think I look more beautiful than you imagined?"

Su Chen nodded.

Qu Xiaoxiao laughed.



Su Chen heard the vibration.

Pointing to Qu Xiaoxiao’s satchel: “Your phone is ringing.”

"Oh, really? I didn't hear you even if you didn't say it~"

"You are so sweet."

Listening to Qu Xiaoxiao's charming voice.

The hairs all over Su Chen's body stood up.

"What a goblin."

Qu Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and took a charming look.

[Andy: How is the situation?Is it okay to let people go?The most important thing is, Qu Xiaoxiao, you didn’t make fun of others. 】

Andy was afraid that voice would embarrass the other party, so he exclusively used text.

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly.

[Qu Xiaoxiao: No problem at all. The other party is very nice and we had a great time chatting. You don’t have to worry about me at all. 】

Andy looked at the messages on his phone.

I couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, this girl must have met a handsome guy, otherwise she would never have this reaction."

Andy narrowed his eyes.

[Andy: So you didn’t tell him your true identity, right? 】

[Qu Xiaoxiao: Now I am using your identity to meet you. Does it make any difference whether I tell him or not? 】

[Andy: Qu Xiaoxiao, I’m warning you, never use my identity to do something weird, OK? 】

[Qu Xiaoxiao: Oops, my signal is not good, please turn off your phone now. See you tomorrow~]

Qu Xiaoxiao shut down her phone directly.

Today he is going to take down Su Chen.

"Why did the screen of your phone suddenly go black? Is it out of battery?" Su Chen guessed that the other person was Andy.

Qu Xiaoxiao definitely used Andy's identity to meet secretly.

It was discovered.

His guess was wrong.

But Su Chen also made a guess.

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "I was in a hurry to go out today and forgot to charge my phone. Oops, if my phone runs out of battery, I might not be able to go back today."

Su Chen's eyes widened.

Isn't that a little too fast.

Qu Xiaoxiao saw Su Chen's embarrassment and felt that she was indeed a bit too infatuated.After all, the other person is still a little boy.

Still have to be reserved.

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