Qu Xiaoxiao raised her charming eyes and glanced at the camera in the corner of the corridor.

The excitement in his eyes was even stronger.

"Whether I'm afraid or not, I won't know until I try it. Don't you want to take me to review?"

"Do you have the guts to try it?"

Su Chen followed her line of sight.

When I discovered that the camera's light was off, I instantly understood what she meant.

"This goblin is really bolder than Xiao Qi. If Xiao Qi knows this, I wonder if Xiao Qi will learn from it."

Su Chen said seriously: "I am a serious person. It is not impossible to teach in the corridor. I am just afraid of being seen by others, so I have to be prepared."

"Then don't make me wait too long~"

Less than 2 minutes.

Su Chen brought a piece of chalk over.

Qu Xiaoxiao's charming eyes widened instantly.

Pointing to the piece of chalk in his hand.

Mouth opened slightly.

"You guys are not really planning to take me back to study, are you?"

Qu Xiaoxiao wanted to laugh.

Just the right height.

Handsome face.

A sunny smile.

Charming temperament.

He even has a physique that would put countless men to shame.

But when all these things are combined, they turn into a little puppy?

"What do you think?"

Su Chen spoke.

Pulled out the pointer.

"Before the formal review, we have to do a random test outside. If you are distracted, I will whip you with it."

in the elevator.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie stood side by side inside.

"You said the front desk of this hotel is real. Why don't you just ask for the residents' information? Why don't you tell us anything? Can't you see that we are in a hurry?"

"It is the most basic requirement of the hotel not to disclose the residents' information. If anyone asks and everyone says they know each other, then what secrets can the customer have?" Song Qian couldn't laugh or cry.

Tong Wenjie came here with the mentality of catching a traitor.

As a result, it got stuck at the first step.

No matter what they say.

The hotel front desk will never disclose customer information.

Even if they reveal Su Chen's name and date of birth, it won't work.

Tong Wenjie was so angry that she couldn't even speak clearly.

Since the front desk is not cooperative.

They had no choice but to go upstairs and check by themselves.

But this way.

There are more levels of trying your luck.

Although they didn't know which room Su Chen was in, they still observed which floor Su Chen was sitting on through the elevator.

have to say.

Sometimes women are really good at catching rapes.

Come upstairs.

Just got out of the elevator.

They heard a strange sound.

"Aren't you a returnee from overseas? Why can't you even ask such a simple question?"

"It's true that I'm a returnee from overseas, but people don't learn this in foreign countries. Who would have thought that after just a few years away, I would learn such advanced skills in domestic high schools."

"Then let me change to a simpler one. How to calculate the friction force of friction motion? I will take the test later."


Tong Wenjie:? ? ? ? ? ?

These two familiar voices.

Aren't they the two people we met at the fast food restaurant?

The two of them actually studied in a hotel?

Or in the hallway?

Tong Wenjie looked at Song Qian dumbfounded.

Song Qian was also full of doubts.

The two people walked out of the elevator, bent over, and stuck their heads out.

on the corridor.

Su Chen held the pointer, and the female demon stood obediently in front of him.

The two asked and answered.

It’s really like teaching.

"This guy Su Chen, does he really don't understand?" Tong Wenjie couldn't help but laugh.

"Such a great opportunity, he actually studied at the door???"

"What are you doing? Are you going to take a test in the house later?"

Song Qian said nothing.

He just stared ahead with his two eyes, feeling inexplicably wanting to laugh.

She suddenly understood why this little bastard didn't do anything to her.

Maybe he really doesn't understand.

At this time, she completely forgot about her previous guess about Li Meng.

Deng Xiaoqi is already solid.

But she also chose to ignore it.

"No, no, this scene is too funny. I have to record it and watch it when I go back."

Tong Wenjie just wanted to take a photo with her mobile phone.

The video button was just clicked.

Song Qian pressed her hand.

"Why are you filming him? You can see it here."

Tong Wenjie raised her head and smiled: "Hey, now you realize that your lover is fine and you start to protect him?"

"Screw you."

Tong Wenjie took out her mobile phone to take pictures regardless.

Just faced someone.

The door to the room next to Su Chen and the others was opened.

Just in time to block Su Chen and Qu Xiaoxiao.

Both of their teachings were not affected.

But Tong Wenjie could only photograph one door.

"This is really true. I just wanted to take a picture of such a fun scene, but someone blocked me. They are so lucky, right Song Qian."

"Song Qian?"

Tong Wenjie was just about to put away her phone, but she called twice and no one responded.

Look up.

Song Qian was looking ahead with a shocked face.

She was about to ask something.

Song Qian patted her on the shoulder and made a silent gesture.

Follow her gaze.

Tong Wenjie was also shocked.

I saw two people walking out of the one who opened the door.

One male and one female.

She didn't recognize the woman, but the man's face was very familiar to her.

"Fang Yuan?!" Tong Wenjie shouted and wanted to rush out.

Ask him face to face what's going on.

As a result, Song Qian hugged her tightly.

"Wenjie, Wenjie, don't be angry yet. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding?"

"What misunderstanding? What misunderstanding!"

Tong Wenjie turned to look at Song Qian.

The eye sockets are red.

Still angry eyes full of tears.

Clenched fists.

The joints turned blue and white due to excessive exertion.

His whole body was shaking slightly with anger.

It looks very pitiful.

Seeing her like this, Song Qian felt the same and hugged him gently.

Tong Wenjie looks exactly the same now as she did then.

But this year I have her by my side.

"Tell me, Song Qian, if there is any misunderstanding, tell me quickly!"

Tong Wenjie didn't want to believe that this was true.

She wanted Song Qian to give her a reason.

But Song Qian thought about it and couldn't remember it for a while.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration appeared.

"By the way, maybe they just look alike?"

Song Qian asked Tong Wenjie to look at her: "Do you remember that Chen Jiajia? Didn't he say that his father looks almost exactly like Fangyuan? Maybe this man is her father?"

Tong Wenjie was taken aback.

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