"They're coming, they're coming. Hurry up and hide." Song Qian didn't wait for Tong Wenjie to retort, and quickly pulled her to the other side to hide.

But this time they didn't even dare to poke their heads in.

Afraid of being discovered.

"I heard your child's grades in school are good this time?"

"It's not bad. After all, I plan to go to art school and have found a teacher. I just need to get a score of around [-] in the college entrance examination."

"That shouldn't be too difficult for your kid."

"Who knows, scoring more than 400 points is an extraordinary performance for her."

The two walked into the elevator.

Tong Wenjie ran out from the side.

Open your teeth and dance your claws.

If Song Qian hadn't been pulling her hard from behind, she would have gone up and fought the man desperately.

"Song Qian, why are you always holding me back? You should rush up with me now!" Tong Wenjie shouted at Song Qian.

"Calm down first. This is outside. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we made a mistake?"

Seeing that her anger was still lingering, Song Qian continued: "Didn't you record what happened just now? Wouldn't it be better to find some time to calmly confront this matter when you go back at night?"

What else did she want to say when she saw Tong Wenjie.

Song Qian pointed at her.

"When I got divorced, I didn't make my family's affairs that big. If you make this matter known to everyone, and Fanfan fails in the exam this year, you will take the blame."

As soon as I heard Fang Yifan.

Only then did Tong Wenjie calm down.

think carefully.

She knew that Chen Jiajia's father looked very similar to Fangyuan.

That's just knowing.

She has never seen a real person.

I don't know how similar it can be.

But the person just now looked so similar in terms of appearance, height, and body.

Are there really people in this world who look exactly the same?

Even the sound is similar?

Moreover, the children were all admitted to art schools, but their results were not good.

This is too coincidental.

"No, I have to go back and confront Fangyuan now. Song Qian, come with me!"


Thanks to 186****3546 for the 588 point reward, thank you very much, love you.

213: Tong Wenjie questions Fang Yuan, Fang Yifan’s moment of filial piety

Su Chen is giving a lecture here.

The door next to him suddenly opened.

startled him.

Fortunately, I wasn't crazy at the time, otherwise I would have died.

But Su Chen looked at the backs of the two people leaving and felt a little familiar.

But before he could go over to confirm.

Qu Xiaoxiao pulled his collar: "Young man has been studying outside for a long time. It's time for me to rest."

After saying that, he pushed Su Chen away, took the room card and opened the door.

"I listened to physics for a few 10 minutes for no reason. I was confused. Now I am very sleepy and want to sleep."

"As for you, please help yourself."

Su Chen wasn't too polite.

Go straight in.

"You should review it immediately after learning it. You just learned it briefly, and the next step is practice."

"Huh? How do you practice this thing?"

"You, oh~~~I understand, I like this practical method, please do more."

Su Chen found out.

He really enjoys teaching physics to others.


Everything is inseparable from movement, and all living things are inseparable from reproduction.

After completing these two subjects, Su Chen planned to finish.

As a result, Su Chen had to pay some English to cancel the consumption.


TV cabinet.




As if deliberately retaliating against Su Chen, Qu Xiaoxiao specializes in teaching these frequently used English words.

Learn as you go.

While reviewing.

There was even an in-class exam at the end.

After studying, Su Chen felt that if he met Deng Xiaoqi again, he would have more things to teach.



A loud cell phone ringing woke Su Chen up.

Take a look at the phone.

"Tong Wenjie? Why is he calling me?"

Su Chen was a little puzzled.

Even if she gets beaten, shouldn't it be Song Qian?

"Who is it? I can't sleep well this afternoon, so I'm on the phone."

Qu Xiaoxiao turned over.

Not even raising his eyes.

"Hurry up and get rid of the phone call now. I'm very angry when I wake up. I believe you don't want to face it, and I don't want the handsome guy to see my angry side."

"Maybe you have something to do with me, so I'll leave first."

"Bye~ Keep in touch in the future."

At this moment, Tong Wenjie’s home.

Fangyuan and Fang Yifan stood in the living room, not daring to breathe.

Tong Wenjie sat together holding his shoulders.

Breathing heavily through the nose.

He didn't even want to look at either of them.

You could tell she was very angry.

Fangyuan and Fang Yifan looked at each other.

[Dad, didn’t you go to the parent-teacher meeting? What’s wrong with my mother? 】

[How do I know? I left right after the psychology lecture. Your mother was obviously angry after going out with Aunt Song. 】

Suddenly Fang Yifan panicked.

[Then do you think she knew about the two of us looking for a dance teacher? 】

[I don’t think so. If you really knew, your mother would definitely not be like this now. Instead, she would yell our two names, and then make us face the wall and think about our mistakes. 】

After the two of them determined that it had nothing to do with them.

Turning to look at Song Qian.

Song Qian was sitting next to Tong Wenjie at a loss.

Now she just hopes that Su Chen can come back soon.

Take the pressure off yourself.

Song Qian found that Fangyuan and his son were looking at her at the same time.

She could only return a helpless look.

But from this point of view.

This square circle should have nothing to do with the person in the hotel.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so calm.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Fangyuan couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but ask.

"Honey, what's going on? You should say something."

"Yes, Mom, even if you die, you have to let us know clearly. It's scary if you don't say a word." Fang Yifan followed.

Seeing Tong Wenjie, he still said nothing.

Fangyuan glanced at Song Qian and asked her to help.

Song Qian pulled Tong Wenjie's clothes.

"Wenjie, while the children and Fangyuan are both here, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. I believe Fangyuan will not lie to you."

At this moment, Lin Lei'er came out of the bedroom.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Lei'er came between Tong Wenjie and Fangyuan and looked to the left and right.

"Did something happen to my cousin and uncle again?"

See Lin Lei'er.

Tong Wenjie was less angry.

But it's just a little smaller.

"Lei'er, you have nothing to do here. You go back to your room and rest first."

See Tong Wenjie talking.

Fangyuan also hurriedly asked Lin Lei'er to go back first, as long as they were here.

There will definitely be no quarrel.

Lin Leier was a little worried, but with his aunt and uncle, he couldn't refute.

I saw Lin Lei'er closing the bedroom door.

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