To fight outside, you must first be safe inside.

This girl must be controlled first.

Tong Wenjie walked all the way to Su Chen, squatted down, and sat by the swimming pool.

Two legs dangling in the pool.

"Do you want to know who it was that just splashed on you?"

"Yes I do."

"Then how do you want to repay me?"

Su Chen looked at the scenery in front of him and thought for a moment, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"This is how I'll repay you!" Su Chen splashed water on Tong Wenjie's face in confusion.

not only that.

Su Chen also shouted loudly: "Revenge where there is hatred, repay injustice where there is injustice!!!"

After saying this, he suddenly threw the water in his hand towards Li Meng and Song Qian.

As for Yang Tao, Pei Yin and Lan Weiwei were simply affected by the situation.

But Su Chen didn't care.

Playing in the water means splashing around, is it possible that you really want to swim here?


It doesn't seem to work either.

Tong Wenjie was suddenly splashed with water by Su Chen, and regardless of her parental image, she jumped into the water with Song Qian and the others.

His graceful posture is not inferior to Deng Xiaoqi and others.

Pei Yin originally didn't want to go down.

But he couldn't stand Yang Tao's constant persuasion, so he finally went down with the iron ladder.

That's when the battle officially begins.

Su Chen quietly dived into the water.

410: Feeling powerless and tacitly understanding

"Hurry and splash her! Hurry and splash her, Hurry, splash her star fruit."

"Yes, yes, there is also Xiao Meng, hiss~"

"And Star Tao... Star Tao's best friend cannot be let go!!!"

Tong Wenjie stood at the edge of the swimming pool, directing the battle.

The water flowed around him.

But this did not affect her excitement in directing the battle at all, she just directed and directed.

The sound is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, he was holding on to the edge of the swimming pool, as if he had lost all strength.

Song Qian saw something was wrong here and walked all the way over.

"Wenjie, are you okay?"

Tong Wenjie looked at her sideways and said, "What's the matter? But since you're here, you'd better shout after me."

Song Qian:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Huh???" Song Qian suddenly pressed on the edge of the swimming pool, turned around with difficulty, and shouted inside: "Wenjie is a little tired here, so let's take a rest first."

"But...but don't stop, stop, hurry up and see if that girl Miaomiao wants to escape."

"Don't let her go, um..."

When everyone listened to Song Qian's words, they didn't feel anything strange. Instead, they all turned their attention to Lin Miaomiao who was aside.

I found out that this girl was really running away.

Lin Miaomiao muttered as she ran: "I'm too tired from fighting in the water. I'm so hungry. I want to eat."

Just as she was about to reach the handrail next to the swimming pool.

My feet tightened.

Suddenly I felt someone crawling up.

Then Deng Xiaoqi's face appeared in front of her eyes, holding her arms with both hands.

"Hahaha, Miaomiao, look where you are running away!" 11

Lin Miaomiao:? ? ? ? ? ?

Before she could speak, she felt countless murderous auras coming from behind her.

The water splash behind him was like a wave coming towards this side.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi were hit by the water wave.

The next second everyone started to get into chaos again.

And Song Qian, the instigator of all this, was resting next to her like Tong Wenjie.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"I told you that you could still come over and stay with me? Rest peacefully. It will be almost done soon."


Lan Weiwei splashed water while looking for the author in the pool.

But I couldn't find it after looking around.

"Taozi, have you seen Su Chen?"

After hearing Lan Weiwei's question, Yang Tao also looked around.

Shake his head.

"There are so many beautiful women in the pool, who knows where this guy will go."

"But he definitely won't run far away, probably, ah!!!"

Yang Tao covered her mouth and grabbed Lan Weiwei with one hand, trying to pull her towards the side.

Lan Weiwei felt that Yang Tao's palm was getting warmer and hotter. Just when she was surprised, she suddenly felt that something was wrong with the toy she was bringing.

She probably knew what was going on.

He and Yang Tao walked towards the pool side, leaning on each other. Fortunately, there was help, otherwise it would have been difficult for the two of them to complete this journey in their current state.

"Taozi, um...after Su Chen goes to Magic City, you want to come with us?"

"Well..." Yang Tao gritted his teeth and forced himself to say, "I want to go, but I also want to do something in the imperial capital. Su Chen finally gave it to me, um... ..Looking for a job as a store manager, I can’t let him down.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Tao put his hands on the side of the swimming pool, and the ripples in the water kept swaying.

Reflecting the lights above the swimming pool.

Others are still having fun.

puff! ~

Suddenly a bubble appeared in the water.

Lan Weiwei also imitated Yang Tao and leaned next to him, using both legs and feet at the same time.

This is much easier than just using your feet.

Lan Weiwei glanced at the other side, where there were Tong Wenjie and Song Qian in the same posture.

Several people looked at each other.

He smiled awkwardly and said hello.

"I want to follow you to the Magic City. Do you agree? Huh?~"

"Do you want to go?" Yang Tao turned to look at her with a charming look, and asked: "What are you going to do when you get there? Well..."

"Well...I heard about him, ss~"

Lan Weiwei paused for a moment and continued: "I heard that he is working in a company in Modu. Let's see if we can arrange a position for him~ This will make it easier to meet in the future. What do you think? Hmm..."

When he said this, his voice was deliberately louder, as if he wanted others to hear him.

Starfruit also waited for a while.

But he didn't wait for a response, he just held the pool harder with his two arms.

I feel like I can even backstroke.

"Then you, find an opportunity to tell him. He may not have time in the past two days, at least it doesn't look like he has time today."

"Well...I will definitely tell him, but I don't know how many days this guy will be able to come out after going to school!!!"

"That's right!!!" Yang Tao looked up at the ceiling, then touched Lan Weiwei's hair: "Get there and do your best. When I went to the Magic City, you were my good sister, don't forget it."

Lan Weiwei snorted and nodded.

Just the same as before.



Li Meng as a teacher.

She is of course the focus of attention here.

In less than ten minutes, she was pushed to the edge of the swimming pool by everyone.

Stand on the edge and catch your breath.

"Teacher Li is tired of playing."

"Mother Sanyi, you were also messed up by them."

Seeing Pei Yin coming, Li Meng took the initiative to give up his position, and the two stood side by side.

Watching others play in the middle.

After Pei Yin stood up, he smiled and said, "Let's play together today. Don't sound so unfamiliar. Just call me Pei Yin."

"That's okay, you~~~"

Li Meng made a trill, which made Pei Yin look over: "Teacher Li Meng, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. My legs may be a little cramped. Just rest here for a while and it'll be fine."

Li Meng gritted her teeth, kicked her legs in the water a few times, and finally looked helpless.

Lean against the wall next to you.

"Pei Yin, don't call me Teacher Li Meng. Just call me by my name. After all, everyone has graduated now and I am no longer their teacher."

"Hmm~~~" Pei Yin quickly covered his mouth.

Li Meng gave a strange look: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine. My legs seemed to be cramping just now."

Pei Yin obviously didn't want to discuss this topic too much, and suddenly saw several people on the opposite side and on the other side.

Li Meng also looked over and said with a forced smile.

"Look at Teacher Song, Carambola and the others, they all seem tired from playing."

"Yes~ After all, they are all young people. I can play with them this time, thanks to Su Chen." Pei Yin sighed with emotion, paddling hard on the water with his legs to prevent himself from falling.

Make the water surface ripple with layers of water.

"Yeah~ It's just that this guy is a bit... disobedient!" Li Meng gritted her teeth and said these words.

"I don't like hearing this anymore. How can you say I'm disobedient?"

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