Su Chen suddenly appeared between the two of them.

Li Meng and Pei Yin were both stunned, but they were both calm.

It's like I already knew he was there.

"You still know how to come out? I thought you were like the water monkey, living in the water and not planning to breathe human air." Li Meng said through gritted teeth.

Su Chen stood between the two of them without hesitation, holding their arms with both hands.

The delicate arms made Su Chen feel very comfortable.

Li Meng and Pei Yin were shocked by his action.

Look forward quickly.

No one paid attention here, but the two of them saw each other's movements.

Got the idea.

Think of the situation between the two of them just now.

A red cloud floated on his face.

"You little bastard, are you becoming more and more bold! Are you brave enough to do anything?"

Li Meng reached out and pinched Su Chen's ears, causing Su Chen to sway.

The hand that was originally facing Su Chen was placed next to him.

Li Meng gritted his teeth.

I could only watch Su Chen laughing there.

Pei Yin did not make any other unnecessary actions from beginning to end.

Just stood there quietly.

Close your eyes.

"Teacher Li, you should learn from Aunt Pei Yin and stay calm, otherwise you will easily suffer losses in the future."


Li Meng was about to say something, but the situation was the same as before, so he could only say helplessly: "Everything I tell you is nonsense."

Su Chen asked the two of them to come closer to him, but they didn't refuse.

Su Chen looked at Pei Yin: "I will go to the Magic City in a while. Are you interested in going to the Magic City to develop?"

"Well..." Pei Yin opened his eyes, and a trace of doubt flashed in his beautiful eyes: "Why should I go to the magic city? Huh?~"

"Isn't your dream to sing?" Su Chen smiled at her: "You should be able to find a teacher there who can teach you. Maybe, one day in the future, I will charge a fee to hear you sing?"


Su Chen's words made Pei Yin laugh.

But soon his hand covered his mouth.

There was a blush on his face.

"Would it be a little late for me to learn singing at my age? Will anyone say 957 that I..."

"What's wrong with you at your age?" Su Chen asked her to lean into his arms and said seriously, "It's not like you didn't notice what Xiaoqi's expressions were when you came in."

"How surprised. If you don't tell your real age, they won't be able to guess it."

"Besides, there are so many famous singers who became famous at your age."

Su Chen's words were somewhat confusing.

Pei Yin, who was a little worried at first, really gained some confidence after Su Chen's persuasion.

Even a little excited.

"Wouldn't it be bad to ride a demon like this? I don't have any relatives there, and you have to go to school. It would be quite boring if I had nothing to do there..."

This is what Pei Yin is more worried about.

at home.

Even if Qian Sanyi goes to school.

You can also go shopping when you are bored at home alone.

Or chat with your neighbors.

But in a new place, she wasn't sure if she would be able to chat with her new neighbors.

And I heard that people in Magic City are quite xenophobic.

What should I do if I was bullied in the past?

These are the issues that Pei Yin is more worried about.

Su Chen: "Don't worry about this. I bought a house in Shanghai. Lan Weiwei will also go there, and there will be other people there. It won't be boring if we all get to know each other."

Pei Yin is still thinking.

"You haven't even gone to the Magic City yet. Have you already thought of your next move?"

Li Meng punched Su Chen in the chest.

Then pointed at him.

His eyes were full of scrutiny.

Pei Yin asked Su Chen at this time: "What about Li Meng? Are you not going to ask him if he wants to go?"

Li Meng, who was originally very strong, softened when he heard these words.

Su Chen grabbed her hand at this moment and said to Pei Yin.

"Li Meng likes her job, and she also fulfills her family's hopes. I support her."

After saying this, everyone looked at Li Meng: "But you can also come to the Magic City during the holidays. I can stay with you 24 hours a day."

Hearing such words, Li Meng softened.

"Who have you said this to?"

"I guess I've said it all!~".

411: Song Qian: Is this guy planning to leave?

Xiaomeng played for a while and suddenly found that the older boy Wenjie and the others were with them.

I don’t know when I arrived at the swimming pool.

Everyone looks so tired.

It felt like she had just swam two laps in the swimming pool, which made her feel weird.

Then, Su Chen was not found in the swimming pool.

This made her subconsciously feel that there should be a connection between the two things.

"Auntie Xiaomeng, be careful!!!"

Before she could go over to ask, Qiao Yingzi's voice came from the side.

Then a handful of cold water was slapped on the face.

Xiao Meng also fought back with water.

After all, she is still Qiao Weidong's girlfriend in name, and she may become Qiao Yingzi's stepmother.

Xiaomeng had also deliberately tried to get closer to Qiao Yingzi before.

Before Song Qian changed.

The relationship between Qiao Yingzi and Xiao Meng is pretty good. In the original book, Song Qian will later go to Chen Weidong's house to make a fuss out of jealousy of the relationship between the two.

When Su Chen saw it, he felt the same deep sense of suffocation as Qiao Yingzi.

Song Qian was so overwhelmed by the confinement called love that she couldn't breathe.

But now Su Chen exists.

Song Qian's temper has changed a lot, and she is not jealous because of the good relationship between Qiao Yingzi and Xiao Meng.

Not to mention that the relationship between them is now very close.

Just like sisters.


Xiaomeng suddenly felt someone grabbing her ankle and shouted in surprise.

The people resting around all took a look here.

Then smiled.

continue to rest.

After hearing the sound, Qiao Yingzi hurriedly walked towards her.

"What's wrong with Aunt Xiao Meng?"

"Yes... um~" Xiaomeng suddenly paused and shook his head with a dry smile: "It's okay, maybe I'm a little tired from playing."

It was at this moment that Xiao Meng finally understood why those people around him were lying there helplessly.

And you can tell from the smiles on their faces just now.

They have experienced this too.

Xiaomeng now wants to go back to the side with her feelings and have a good feel.

But what a coincidence.

Qiao Yingzi wanted to talk to her now.

"Aunt Xiao Meng, why are you here today? Are you familiar with Su Chen?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Aunt Xiao Meng in front of her with curiosity.

I felt she had a good figure when I saw her before.

And the smell is also good.

She can do yoga and dance, and her temper is much better than Song Qian's.

It seems good to have such a person as his stepmother.

Of course, just saying that it would be good for her to marry Qiao Weidong does not mean that she is ready to follow Qiao Weidong.

But even at that time.

Qiao Yingzi didn't see Aunt Xiaomeng either, and followed Qiao Weidong to some party.

Not to mention this swimsuit party.

Unexpectedly, not only did she come this time, but she also put on a bikini.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yingzi was no less surprised than seeing Li Meng here.

"Well..." Xiao Meng covered her face and whispered: "I have a good relationship with your mother and your Aunt Tong Wenjie. I usually go shopping, buy clothes, and drink tea."

"He also said that he wanted to hang out together before you graduate, so I agreed." "

After Xiao Meng said this, she turned around and was about to leave, but Qiao Yingzi stopped her and said, "Hahaha, Aunt Xiao Meng, did you know that Su Chen was there at that time?"

"I know~" Xiao Meng narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"By the way, where's my dad? You're here, doesn't he know about it?" Qiao Yingzi was confused about this, why did Aunt Xiaomeng come over, but he didn't make any move.

Or are they not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore?

If his girlfriend ran away with someone else, where would he cry?

In fact.

Was it a TV series or here? Qiao Weidong didn't feel like a lover towards Xiao Meng.

This is also the reason why Xiao Meng is dissatisfied with him.

As soon as I heard Qiao Weidong's name, I was still a little confused in my dream, but I suddenly woke up.

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