Su Chen had a very happy life in the past few nights, with plenty of food and fish.

And drinks.

Moreover, I have also completed a lot of achievements in the [Soldier] achievement.

"Beep!~Ten hours of military training, completed the [Soldier] mission process 3. Reward skills: Mastery of military body boxing. Reward skills: Mastery of military body boxing, momentum +3, temperament +3, physical fitness +3, coordination +[-] ."

Military training duration +1 hour.

Military training duration +1 hour.



"Beep!~Fifty hours of military training, completed [Soldier] mission process three. Reward skills: military fighting skills, momentum +5, temperament +5, physical fitness +5, coordination +5."

The system beeps.

Su Shen felt a sense of relief in his body, as he was tired from a day's training.

All disappeared at this moment.

There are also many more movements and practical experiences about military fighting techniques in my mind.

as long as he wants.

All parts of the body can be turned into weapons.

Although the lethality is not as terrifying as Muay Thai, it is very consistent with human movement habits.

And it doesn’t require such self-destructive training.

"stand at attention!!!"

The instructor shouted from the front.

Everyone stand up straight.


The instructor looked at them: "It's been almost 10 days since you came to the training base. The basic movements have been taught almost. I'll let you learn something fun tomorrow."

"Report! I still want to continue training!!" Su Chen shouted loudly.

He just wants to complete the task quickly now, and doesn't want to learn anything fun.

"Pretending." Huang Mao chuckled from behind.

Ever since I caught evidence that Su Chen secretly started a fire.

He was no longer so timid when facing Su Chen.

Slowly regaining the arrogant and yellow-haired look of before.

"No! I told you it was fun. I just changed the way I spoke so that you wouldn't be afraid. Did I really think I was letting you play?"

The instructor actually had a headache when he saw Su Chen. He originally thought that Su Chen was just joking when he said he liked training on the first day.

I didn’t expect that this would last seven or eight days.

This guy really trains hard every day, even when others are resting.

He also persisted.

On the fifth day, he even called the doctor over and took Su Chen for a physical examination.

After making sure that Su Chen was in very good physical condition, he gave up.

But it was this examination that let the instructor know how terrifying Su Chen's physical condition was.

Follow the doctor's advice.

Su Chen's bone density is now 10 times or even dozens of times higher than that of normal men.

This is simply not possible in humans.

Not to mention his body flexibility and other data.


lung capacity.

The sensitivity of the five senses exceeds human limits.

This is what Su Chen showed.

According to the doctor's words.

"We can't tell whether this kid is hiding or not, but you'd better follow his wishes here, otherwise no one can stop you from being beaten.".

433: Woman, you are playing with fire.

"Tomorrow we will be training military boxing. I believe you have practiced this boxing technique in previous military training, but I also believe you have not paid attention to it at all."

"This set of boxing skills is definitely not as weak as you think. As long as you learn to fight in practice, the actual combat effect of this set of movements will definitely be no less than those of Taekwondo."

The instructor was also very helpless.

Military style boxing is just an entry-level skill for them.

Easy to learn but hard to master.

If you want to use it in actual combat, you must practice it regularly and make every move and style a habit of yours.

A subconscious action.

That's how awesome it is.

However, these children only stayed at the training base for a month. During this time, there were other training programs, and it was impossible for them to really understand the moves here.

Both past and present.

What they learn can only be a show-off, but tomorrow will allow them to see its practical application.

Lest they think that Juntiquan is just an exercise.

The team disbanded.

Su Chen stood there waiting for Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen. They had arranged to go out to eat together today.

Just at this time.

He noticed a gaze looking at him, with evil intentions in that gaze.

Know who it is without looking back.

Yellow hair.

When Su Chen looked back, Huang Mao had already left with his younger brothers.

"This guy hasn't been feeling well lately."

"Su Chen! ~ What should we eat today? Steak, lamb chops, or continue to eat grilled fish?"

Lin Miaomiao leaped forward and hugged Su Chen's back. She leaned her little face on Su Chen's shoulder and asked excitedly.

Su Chen pinched her face.


The feel hasn't changed at all.

"Don't be in a hurry to eat today. I want to confirm one thing."


An open space behind the dormitory building.

Although it is behind the dormitory.

But the place is overgrown with weeds and trees. As long as you don't go deeper, you can't see what's going on inside.

And deep in the woods.

A faint yellow fire light lit up.

Four people took chickens they caught from nowhere and roasted them over the fire.

"Boss, it's been almost half a month. When are we going to report him? Every day I see him enjoying life and having sex with two beauties. It makes me upset."

"Yes, boss, that guy has shown his face so much in front of the instructors in recent days, we must kill his spirit."

"If you ask me to tell you, I will report it tomorrow and show my face to the instructor when he performs military boxing."

The other three people expressed their thoughts one after another. Huang Mao's mouth tilted and he looked at them.

"You guys are just that lazy dog ​​who can't put leftovers in the doghouse. This thing should be used when he is most proud. When he is showing off in front of everyone, oh! Show this video in front of the instructor."

"Just put an arsonist hat on him. Do you think this guy can come off the stage?"

"What do the classmates think of him?"

"Why don't those two little beauties fall into my arms one after another?"

"Boss is wise!!!"

"But one thing to say, the barbecue cooked by Su Chen's boy is really fragrant. I can smell the fragrance lingering in the air. I'm so envious. Why can't we make it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just eat something."

When the four people in Huangmao were tearing up the chicken and eating it, there was a distance of about 4 meters directly in front of them.

The three people were leaning their heads, watching everything happening here.

Xia Xingchen looked confused: "What should I do? They seem to have a video showing us making barbecue."

Lin Miaomiao: "How about we steal their mobile phones."

"Stealing cell phones will attract the attention of the instructors, which is of no benefit to us." Su Chen touched his chin: "Now you just need to know where their videos are. Leave this to me."

At this point, Su Chen patted his head: "Miaomiao, take your phone and see the video of their barbecue."

Lin Miaomiao took pictures with her mobile phone and looked back at Su Chen: "Then what?"

"Then we wait for them to leave and let's watch a play~"


The training base for military training is not good in any way.

But there is one thing that Su Chen particularly likes.

That is, there is WiFi in the dormitory, otherwise their mobile phones may not have a signal in this deep mountain and forest.

But this also proves that this training base is not important.

It is only used for military training or training new recruits.

There are no secrets.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to install WiFi and they would not be allowed to bring in their mobile phones.

Su Chen returned to the dormitory and lay down on the bed.

Connect to the public WiFi in the dormitory.

She didn't even read the message from Song Qian and clicked on the software she made.

Connect to WiFi background.

Find the mobile phones of Huang Mao and the other four in the connected mobile phones in the background.

"Since you hide everything in your mobile phone, don't blame me."

Su Chen can even capture foreign encrypted servers, let alone these four simple mobile phones.

Less than 5 minutes.

All the contents of these four mobile phones caught Su Chen's eyes.

"Is there any hidden file? Open it and take a look. Hey, I didn't expect this guy to be this kind of person."

"Let me go, he actually likes to read this kind of website."

"This one is even better, I like to push it up."

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