"Huang Mao's phone is quite clean, which is a bit beyond my expectation. However, whether it is clean or not is up to me."

Su Chen clicked on the phone, and the corners of his mouth slowly rose.


Huang Mao’s dormitory.

"Damn it! What's going on! Why is the internet so stuck all of a sudden! Have any of you watched a short movie?!!"

Huang Mao watched as the internet speed on his mobile phone suddenly slowed down, and he watched helplessly as the character he controlled was beaten to death.

Just furious.

Others also shouted.

"Whoever is not playing games and watching movies in the middle of the night should turn it off immediately!"

"If you dare to let me know who it is, be careful we kill you!"

"Fuck! Big brother, you bastard, couldn't help it in the middle of the night. He couldn't help but go to the back and solve it himself!"

"Dead, dead!!!!"

There are 10 people living in a dormitory, and Huang Mao and the other four are used to being arrogant.

As soon as I saw it was stuck, I cursed loudly.

The other 6 people were planning to go to sleep, but they shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at them with open eyes.


But the four of them still went their own way and kept yelling at their mobile phones.

Even so, the problem of mobile phone network speed lag has not been solved.

"Fuck!! This internet speed is so bad! If I had known better, I would have stopped playing, and I would have lost my rank."

Huang Mao put down the game and cursed, only to find that the six sleeping people around him raised their heads to look at them.

Huang Mao was also unhappy: "What are you looking at? Not happy? Come down and challenge yourself!!!"

Seeing how arrogant he was, those 6 people didn't bother to care.

Solve the problem of turning over to sleep.

"Coward." Huang Mao curled his lips, put the phone next to the bed, and turned over to sleep.

But he didn't notice.

The battery of the mobile phone was drained very quickly, and so were the other three people.


Su Chen finished everything after half an hour.

Then I clicked on the v letter.

[Song Qian: (Teacher outfit with black stockings.jpg) How about it?I look pretty good today, but it’s a pity that I can’t see someone]

[Su Chen: Don’t be too arrogant. When we meet next time and you beg for mercy, just don’t cry then. 】

Song Qian, who was preparing lessons in her room, suddenly received a message on her mobile phone.

Click to take a look.

Song Qian's hands shook and she almost dropped her phone to the ground, her cheeks turned red.

The eyes are full of spring.

"This little bastard." Song Qian noticed something strange about herself and was very shy. This happened only after the relationship was confirmed.

It was completely impossible to refuse Su Chen.

Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Song Qian showed an evil smile on her face.

"Aren't you in military training? There should be no way to reduce fire in military training~"

"You wait for me."

[Song Qian: (silk pajamas.jpg)]

[Song Qian: (knitted pajamas.jpg)]

[Song Qian: (Thin pajamas.jpg)]

[Song Qian: (lace stockings).jpg]



In just half an hour, Song Qian sent Su Chen a dozen photos in a row.

He was stunned to see him.

Dry mouth.

[Su Chen: Woman, you are playing with fire! 】

[Song Qian: So what?Can you still come back? 】

After Su Chen looked at it twice, he immediately turned off his phone.

After reciting the Purifying Mantra several times, I calmed down.

"Take care of her when you go back."


Day 2 morning.

The military stance is over.

"sit down!"

Everyone crossed their legs and sat down directly.

0 0 0

The instructor nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "The movements of Juntiquan are not difficult. The difficult thing is how to do it correctly and accurately."

"I will make a complete set next, and we will break down the movements later. In the past two days, we will practice military boxing. After everyone has passed, we can talk about the next item."

Su Chen looked at the instructor's posture in front, which was similar to the military boxing memory he had obtained from the system.

Only some details are different.

For example, some underhanded moves that specialize in the lower third lane.

The instructor didn't do much of this military style of boxing, but what he accepted was quite a bit in his memory.

"It seems that the military style boxing we were taught is a castrated version."

Less than 10 minutes.

After completing a set of military boxing movements, the instructor completed the closing posture.

What follows is a breakdown of each action.

Then give a detailed explanation.

It was a waste of half a day just for Su Chen and the others to finish a complete set.

Around 04:30 pm.

They finally string the action together.

"Very good. If you go back and practice this set of military boxing frequently, it will have very good results whether it is physical exercise or actual combat training."

Huang Mao said disdainfully: "That's it? I'm afraid that if a set of military punches were struck down, everyone would be dead after being stabbed several times."


Now is the break time, and they are not afraid of disturbing the instructor by talking.

After a few days of getting along.

They also found that as long as they didn't make the instructors uncomfortable during training, they were fine.

It’s okay to just make a joke during your normal break.

The instructor smiled and said, "I know you guys are dissatisfied and think the Military Boxing is useless."

The instructor stood up, patted the dirt on his butt, and took out a knife from his back.


This action scared everyone back.

"Instructors, we are just complaining about how the group uses it, and we won't use knives or guns."

The others nodded.

"Don't worry, it's not sharp. It's just a training dagger, and it won't hurt if you scratch it on your body." The instructor pointed the dagger towards himself: "If any of you think Juntiquan is useless and attack me with a dagger, I'll give it to you." Please tell me how to use it in actual combat."

The students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even if they were allowed to hold a dagger, no one would dare to attack.

At this time, they couldn't help but turn their attention to Huang Mao.

After all, he was the one who just complained.

"I'll go with you, but I have a request."

"You said."

"I want to change my opponent to Su Chen, and I want to fight him." Kou.

434: Huang Mao wants to report the military boxing sparring!


Su Chen didn't need to answer at all, the instructor refused directly.


Not to mention that Su Chen had been ordered by his superiors not to force him.

Not to mention going under the knife now.

Even though he knew that the knife would not be replaced with skin if it was not sharpened, he did not want to write a report to the company commander.

"Instructor, your partiality is too obvious." Huang Mao curled his lips.

"That's right, instructor, who are you fighting against? Why can't Su Chen do it?"

Huang Mao's younger brother also shouted after him.

"Then it's a fight with anyone, so come up."

The instructor frowned and shouted to the people behind him, but they didn't come up.

Go over and catch them one by one.

See Huang Mao opposite.

"Come on, isn't it just a fight with everyone? Let's fight."

The instructor shouted: "Hit!"

The three people who were still shouting below suddenly collapsed on the ground.

It's okay to sit down and yell, but if you really want them to fight, you might as well kill them.

Not to mention that they didn't dare to take action against the person opposite.

Huang Mao frowned.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you hear what I just said? I'm teaching you actual combat, and I haven't even taught you how to fight."

The instructor said to the three cowards, one by one, "Go and run laps on the playground now. You are not allowed to come back without my order."

"Maybe we're wrong."

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