Then at Jiang Pengfei's urging, he looked at the network cable.

"The network cable is fine."

"That's impossible! It was still rising just now, why has it stopped now?"

Jiang Nansun took a curious look and said helplessly: "Dad, he has already reached the daily limit. Of course he has to stop."

"What? This is the daily limit???"


"Su Chen, come and try this braised pork ribs."

"And this braised pork, this is your aunt's specialty."

"And Hai Qing, the heat is just right."


At the dinner table, Jiang Pengfei wished he could become a woman and serve Su Chen.

The stock I bought this morning is incredible.

Less than an hour.

Just raise the limit.

On this day, he made hundreds of thousands in an instant, and he was smiling from ear to ear.

Jiang Nansun was very disdainful of his flattering face: "Dad, don't forget, there is still my money in this."

"I know, I know. Anyway, I'm doing a dowry for you. Even if I make a lot of money, it's still yours."

"Speaking of dowry, Su Chen, do you have a house in Modu?"

"Dad, why are you asking this!" Jiang Nansun was a little angry.

Su Chen is a student at Shanghai University. How can he buy a house now?

Su Chen said: "I have already bought it. The location is not far from here, but looking at the recent situation, I think I will buy another one."

"It's not far from here?! That's a good location. I know how a capable person like Xiang Su Chen could not buy a house in Shanghai in 3.9."

Jiang Pengfei looked at Jiang Nansun: "You must know that there are no investment products that can maintain their value better than the housing prices in first-tier cities. Your father knows this very well."

"Of course you know that you have paid for all the apartments at home." Jiang Nansun didn't feel any guilt at all for exposing his father's background.

He even thought that this would eliminate the distance between Su Chen and his family.

However, Jiang Nansun was inevitably happy when he heard that Su Chen had a house.

He even began to imagine in his mind that Su Chen was working outside while she was cooking and raising the baby at home.

It's a pity that she forgot.

She is just a little princess now. She can't cook without touching Yang Chun Shui.

"So Su Chen, what do you think of my daughter? If you feel good about her, you two should quickly settle down on your marriage to avoid long nights and endless dreams."

Jiang Pengfei's sudden words stunned everyone at the table.

Among them were Jiang’s mother and Jiang Nansun’s grandmother.

"Old Jia, what are you talking about? How can you be so anxious?" Mother Jiang said she was not in a hurry, but her eyes were full of brilliance.

Apart from anything else, I must agree with her looks alone.

Not to mention Mrs. Jiang, she used to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Today I met my favorite grandson-in-law, and he was smiling from ear to ear.

459: Zhu Suosuo: Nansun, you are dishonest.

"What are you doing? I haven't said anything yet!" Jiang Nansun slammed the table and glared at them: "We will discuss the matter between the two of us ourselves. You don't need to worry about it. Let's go, Su Chen."

"Eh? This kid."

"Nansun, will you come back for dinner tonight?"

"My granddaughter has grown up, and there is no need for adults to take care of her."

Seeing Jiang Nansun taking Su Chen out, they didn't chase him.

All are young people.

It’s also good to let them hang out on their own.

Jiang Pengfei put down his chopsticks with a roll of his eyes, went back to his study, and turned on the computer.

Look at the other two stocks above.

Click in to see their curves.

"I didn't expect to find such a son-in-law. The future is really promising."


Jiang Nansun pulled Su Chen out of the villa.

Walk all the way outside.

The further he walked, the more guilty he became.

Finally, he turned around and looked at Su Chen: "I was just unhappy just now. The fact that they were dictating my love life doesn't mean they don't like you..."

"Then you like me?"

Listening to Su Chen's teasing words, Jiang Nan San wanted to pull his hand back, but Su Chen's grip was too tight.

She didn't have the strength to take it back.

If it were Zhang Anren, he would definitely not dare to pull him directly like this.

But sometimes women like men who are more domineering, so that they can feel safe.

Lick the dog until the end has nothing.

Jiang Nansun did not insist and allowed Su Chen to grab her hand.


He used to think that falling in love was nothing more than eating, chatting, and watching movies between two people.

What used to be done by one person is now done by two people.

11 This was the case when Zhang Anren chased her before.

There is no special feeling.

But what's going on now?

Why was his heart beating so fast when being pulled by Su Chen, and his face was so hot.

I feel like I could faint at any moment.

Is this true love?

Just as Jiang Nansun was thinking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Zhu Suosuo calling.

Jiang Nansun glanced at Su Chen in embarrassment.

"How about I avoid it?" With Su Chen's eyesight, he naturally saw the name on the phone.

Zhu lock lock.

Another heroine in Golden Years.

It can be considered beautiful and charming.

But among the beauties he knew, Zhu Suosuo's appearance could only be considered average.

But the body is really good.

And he is outgoing, just like Jiang Nansun.

And he also worships money.

To deal with such a woman, just give her what she wants. It's very simple.

If we can capture both Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo.

That should feel good.

Jiang Nansun naturally didn't know what Su Chen was thinking. She shook her head when she heard Su Chen's words.

He answered the phone in front of Su Chen, hung up the phone and said to Su Chen.

"Are you okay later?"

"what happened?"

"A friend of mine wanted to hang out with me. I told him that I was with you, and he also wanted to see you, so..."

Jiang Nansun remembered what Zhu Suosuo said before, if you see this man, you want her to introduce him.

This was what Zhu Suosuo said when he thought Su Chen was an uncle.

Now the other party is a little fresh meat.

It was difficult for Jiang Nansun not to guarantee that the other party would have bad thoughts about Su Chen.

But such a grown man.

If that goblin Zhu Suosuo really takes advantage of her, she really has no means of counterattack.

I thought about it.

Jiang Nansun pulled Su Chen: "The two of us will be like this for a while."

"So what?"

"That's it." Jiang Nansun shook the two people's hands.

Su Chen took a step closer.

The distance between the two was less than 10 centimeters. Su Chen asked with a smile: "How is that?"

"Just..." Looking at the man in front of him, Jiang Nansun felt that his mind was in a blur, but he still repeated: "Just pull them together like this."

"So that's it, I thought you wanted to hug me." Su Chen returned to his original position, and a trace of imperceptible loss flashed in Jiang Nansun's eyes.

The distance just now was actually pretty good.

But since Su Chen agreed, Jiang Nansun no longer worried.

Pull Suchen out of the villa area.

We took a car and came to a coffee shop.

The two entered the store.

Su Chen was already used to countless people looking at them.

Lower your sense of existence to that of an ordinary person again.

But even so.

Jiang Nansun's appearance still attracts the attention of many people.

"Nan Sun! Here!~"

A clear voice sounded, and Su Chen and Jiang Nansun looked forward.

A slender jade arm swayed.

A happy hinge shouted to them, and Jiang Nansun responded with a smile, pulling Su Chen over.

"Suosuo, why do you have time to invite me to drink coffee today?" After Jiang Nansun sat down, he ordered two cups of coffee and asked Zhu Suosuo.

"Should I invite you? I never thought about it. All I ever thought about was that you invited me." Zhu Suosuo said that she didn't have any idol baggage, and she was very clear about the money issue.

And there aren't that many calculations between the two sisters.

Jiang Nansun rolled his eyes at her.

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