After Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun reminisced about old times, they glanced at Su Chen.

"I heard that you brought a boyfriend. I specially chose a stylish place, otherwise I would drag you to eat cross-bridge rice noodles."

“So I’m sure you’ll treat me to this meal.”

Hearing what Zhu Suosuo said, Jiang Nansun's face turned red, and he said with an upturned face: "I'll treat you."

"Handsome boy, don't you introduce yourself?" Zhu Suosuo put his hands on the table and held his chin.

It looks very attractive.

But Su Chen had seen this action too many times, and even said that Zhu Suosuo was shaking his long legs at him under the table.

He's seen a lot too.

She even touched Boss Yang's legs. These methods of hers really failed to attract Su Chen's attention.

Su Chen smiled calmly and said: "My name is Su Chen. I heard that you and Nan Sun are best friends, so you should know the 40-year-old uncle he was chatting with before."

"That uncle is you???" Zhu Suosuo didn't expect it at all.

He patted his head in frustration.

"If I had known you were so young and handsome, I would have added you as a friend. Nansun, you have to compensate me." Zhu Suosuo took Jiang Nansun's hand and shook it back and forth.

"Then how can I compensate you?" Jiang Nansun said helplessly.

"You see, I broke up so pitifully and didn't even have a boyfriend. Why don't you give me this 40-year-old uncle? I can lend it to you when you need a boyfriend as a shield in the future." Zhu Suosuo said pitifully. said.

Jiang Nansun decisively refused.


I have finally fallen in love with a man for so many years, how could I let him go like this?

Zhu Suosuo started acting coquettishly.

The two of them started laughing and joking, and Su Chen found it interesting watching from the side.

I really don’t know how two people with such different personalities became friends.

And not far from this table.

in the corner.

A couple was also laughing and drinking coffee.

"Brother Xun, let me tell you, you must learn to drink coffee and red wine. I heard that upper-class people often do this. If Su Chen asks you to drink these things, you must not show your cowardice."

"Don't worry, we are all a group of old men. How come we have nothing to do to drink coffee, let alone drink red wine? After his military training, we drank several boxes of beer. Don't look at that guy's skinny, but he drinks hard. .”

Xie Xun said this, but he still tasted it slowly according to Gao Baojing's request.

But it was really not a good taste for him to drink something so bitter.

At this moment, he heard a familiar voice next to him.

Look up.

Su Chen? ? ?

I'll go, what a coincidence?

"Brother Xun, what's wrong?"

"I saw Su Chen, right there."

Gao Baojing looked in Xie Xun's direction.

Their angle of view was just right to see a man and a woman sitting on the sofa.

The man is handsome and charming.

The woman is beautiful and pure.

She looks like a golden child, a match made in heaven.

"Brother Xun, what are you doing?"

"What else can I do? Of course I'm going to say hello. It's not a coincidence that we can meet here."

Gao Baojing saw that Xie Xun was really ready to take something to say hello, so he quickly stopped him.

"Look at what you are wearing, and then look at what I am wearing." Gao Baojing pointed to their clothes.

Even though they now pretend to be members of the upper class, the clothes they wear are still street goods.

Xie Xun always emphasized that Su Chen would not care about this, but Gao Baojing could not.

She didn't want her first meeting to be so shabby.

"Then tell me what to do."

"Wait a minute, you said before that you want to take me to get to know him, but he is not ready to 090, so he suddenly walks over and affects his date."

Gao Baojing's reasons left Xie Xun speechless. After all, Su Chen now had two beauties around him.

And the clothes he was wearing didn’t look cheap.

They suddenly came to the side like this.

What if the girl thinks she is a poor relative and wants to borrow money?

"Okay then." Xie Xun sat down, but looked at Su Chen, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's great to be rich. This is the first beautiful woman I've seen. I feel like Su Chen After I got to college, the peach blossoms around me continued."

"Do you think this means being rich or handsome?"

"Tall, rich, handsome, tall, rich and handsome. If one person owns three things, then of course he will be surrounded by beautiful women."

Gao Baojing was stirring the coffee with a spoon in one hand, his eyes slightly lost in thought.

"If I had money, I might live a more comfortable life."

"Don't worry, having me here will definitely make your future life better." Xie Xun promised the future with a smile.

But these are the two cheapest things in the world.

The sincerity of nothing and the tenderness of nothing.

The colorful world is charming.

Especially in a place like the Magic City where money is indulged in indulgence, how can one be happy simply? Within a few months of coming to the Magic City, I have now learned to spend money like water.

But this is all used to improve yourself and do business.

Gao Baojing could not reach the level of happiness, but there were signs.

There are signs of spending money like water.

Especially since there is a younger brother at home who is not living up to expectations, the money he gets from Xie Xun every month is simply not enough.

Looking at Su Chen.

Not to mention being a girlfriend, even being a mistress would be nice.

Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun chatted for a while and then talked about their work.

She really wants to find a position where she can earn a lot of money, but high-paying positions require professional skills.

She really wanted to do sales.

But the only profitable sales were real estate, and she had no resources.

Now that I am completely destitute, I still can only hide in relatives' homes and live under the shelter of others.

Jiang Nansun looked at Su Chen, then moved back without saying a word.

But Zhu Suosuo saw this scene and held her hand down.

"Nansun, you are dishonest."

460: Zhu Suosuo interviews Jingyan Group, Xiaoya comes to school to find someone

"Okay, just go through the onboarding procedures here."

Su Chen and Jiang Nansun brought Zhu Suosuo to Jinyan Real Estate. They came not for acquisition this time.

Or to find a job for Zhu Suosuo.

"I'm really sorry. My dad needs to trouble you, and my best friend needs your help finding a job..."

Jiang Nansun picked at her hands. In her heart, the relationship between the two parties should have gone back and forth.

But today is a day.

She is just asking here and has not paid yet.

For a moment I didn't know how to repay this man.

You can't just hand yourself over to him on the first day, that would be too stupid.

"Don't you know how to repay me? Why don't you kiss me?"

Su Chen actually thought it didn't matter, because he had his own purpose in letting Zhu Suosuo come here.

What is important is that the inside should be in harmony with the outside.

I also wanted to tease Jiang Nansun by saying this.

After Jiang Nansun heard Su Chen's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face felt like it was on fire.

It's too hot.

It's just a kiss, it should be fine.

Jiang Nansun closed his eyes and moved towards Su Chen's face, looking at this beautiful face.

How could Su Chen let it go?

Put your hands on your waist.


The surrounding staff turned their heads when they saw this scene, and of course a few kept staring.

But there was envy in their eyes.


Zhu Suosuo came to the sales department with his employment application.

On the road.

She also saw the situation behind her and couldn't help but ask the person leading the way.

"Do you know who the man who brought me in is?"

The little beauty who led the way shook her head.

"Then he brings me for an interview and you let me join?"

"We just follow what the boss says."

Zhu Suosuo thought Su Chen was a relative of the CEO of Jinyan Group.

But looking at it this way, it seems that I guessed wrong.

Come to the office.

"Minister Yang, this is the new salesperson sent from above, Zhu Suosuo."

Zhu Suosuo walked into the office and looked at the person behind the boss's desk.

His face is relatively long.

The eyes with single eyelids look smaller when hanging on them, and there is a stern temperament about him.

Just standing here makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Minister Yang took a look at Zhu Suosuo's information and said, "Were you assigned by Ye Jinyan?"

Jinyuan Group is a real estate group, but Yang Ke cannot be said to be the top salesperson.

Even if Ye Jinyan comes in person, words may not be effective.

Every time I want to punish him.

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