Wang Manni took off her glasses, looked at Su Chen charmingly, and raised her eyebrows.

She looks like a rich woman who wants to keep a handsome man.

Seeing how addicted she was to acting, Su Chen took two steps back and said in horror, "No, I don't like people older than me."

"Bah!~" Wang Manni spat.

And you don't like big ones.

Among the girls around me, which one is younger than you?

Not to mention age.

Other places are not big, what would you like?

"Hurry up and get in the car. Don't waste my time. I only took half a day off today. If you come back late, your salary will be deducted."

Su Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, just wait for someone else with me."

that's it.

A bright red BMW parked in front of a handsome guy.

This scene was seen by everyone.

Countless people looked at them with envy.

The man envied Su Chen.

Women envy rich women.

After a while, the two people Su Chen was waiting for also came out of the school.

Neither Lin Miaomiao nor Xia Xingchen had any luggage in their hands.

The situation is the same.

Even their things can be placed in the villa for the two nannies to clean.

They don’t have to bring it with them every time they go on vacation, and they don’t have to worry about getting wet.

"Su Chen, you don't know how easy this exam is. If the teacher hadn't let me hand in the paper in advance, I would have left earlier than you."

"Okay, okay. When you bury it, why don't you bury it earlier than me? Get in the car quickly."


The two looked at the car in front of them.

When they saw Suchen, they naturally noticed the BMW.

It's just that such a bright BMW is not Su Chen's cup of tea, so they think it just happened to be parked here.

Unexpectedly, this was actually his car.

"When did you get this hobby? You're quite naughty."

"Today's driver is not him, it's me~"

On the way to the airport.

Lin Miaomiao and Xia Xingchen kept looking at Wang Manni's face.

This woman is so beautiful, why did she fall in love with Su Chen?

How did the two of them meet?

and also.

Why did he drive us?

Countless questions surrounded Lin Miaomiao's mind.

Su Chen looked through the rearview mirror and saw Lin Miaomiao with a confused face.

He had expected it.

After getting on the plane, this girl will definitely start the [-] why mode.

Su Chen said directly: "According to time, she should be regarded as your senior."

Wang Manni didn't feel unhappy at all, and even waved to the two of them.

"That's right~"

"Then this car."

"I bought it too."

Lin Miaomiao pursed her lips slightly when she heard this answer.

I originally thought that I was the first person to receive such an expensive gift from Su Chen.

Unexpectedly, I was the second one.

This importance is misplaced.

"...Are you unhappy?"


"If you're not happy, just hold it in~ You don't think I'm going to persuade you, do you?"

"..." Lin Miaomiao went crazy: "When I go back, I must complain to Teacher Song!!! You will bully me!"

"I must let Teacher Song help me take revenge!"

"Maybe, but it's more likely that she can't even save herself."

Lin Miaomiao:? ? ? ? ? ?


Come to the airport.

After Wang Manni said hello, she hugged Su Chen and drove away.

Xia Xingchen's home was not the same as theirs, so she hugged Su Chen and left.

The rest is Lin Miaomiao.

"Xia Xingchen's family is not far from Nanda. Can we let Yingzi meet her?" Lin Miaomiao's idea was simple.

It is to introduce new friends and old friends that you have met in school.

Get to know Li.

601: Song Qian: What time is it? Why aren’t you back yet?

Su Chen rubbed her head: "Everyone has a new circle of friends when they arrive at the new school. There is no need to let them know each other. Let's leave quickly."

After the answer just now.

Lin Miaomiao on the plane was indeed much more honest, but she still muttered a lot of things.

Just like.

"When I go back, I want to eat roast duck, stinky tofu, meatloaf..."

He kept mumbling.

Su Chen ignored her.

Get off the plane.

Lin Miaomiao, who had always said she wanted to go out to eat, told Su Chen that she wanted to go home.

"It's been so long since my brother was born, and I, as a sister, haven't even gone back to see him. I don't know what his expression will be like when he sees me."

"Okay, it's time for me to go home."

The two separated at 270 at the airport gate. Su Chen took a taxi and originally planned to go home.

As a result, we turned around and headed to the city center yesterday.


ELS Teito branch main store.

"Here are our latest styles this year. If you are interested, you can take a look."

Yang Tao took a couple into the store to choose wedding dresses and looked at them with happy faces.

Star fruit is also very happy.

I feel like my job is to do good things for these young lovers.

However, the price of clothes is linked to the brand, which is not acceptable to all couples.

"Baby, this dress seems too expensive."

"I feel so too."

"How about we go?"

The young man who was about to come in to look at the clothes saw the tags on the clothes.

The two people made faces, said hello and left.

"Welcome next time."

Yang Tao has seen this kind of thing a lot, and finds it quite interesting.

holding a towel.

Simply wiping the dust off the table has become a habit.

Just then the door rang again.

"Sir and Miss, please come in, but take a look at the most popular ones this year..."

Star Tao came to the door as he spoke, his expression stunned, and the towel in his hand fell to the ground.

Here she saw the figure of a person thinking day and night.

"You..." Yang Tao ran to the toilet excitedly, stretched out his hand to touch his face, and pulled him to both sides: "It's true, why are you back?"

Su Chen felt the pull on his face, but he didn't get angry. After calming down, he grabbed her hand.

"Winter vacation starts today, of course I have to come back."

"Winter vacation, that's right!"

I spent so long with Su Chen that I forgot that Su Chen was still a student.

"Then you just got off the plane. Are you hungry? I'll go..."

Yang Tao was quite embarrassed. He originally wanted to tell Su Chen that I would cook, but when he thought about his own skills, he just made noodles.

All he could say was: "I'll order you a takeaway."

Su Chen stepped forward and hugged her.

"It doesn't matter. I'll have something to eat when I'm hungry. By the way, do you sell socks in this clothing store?"

"Well...not for sale, but I kind of..."

"That's fine."

Lixiang Yayuan.

After Song Qian knew that Su Chen was coming back this afternoon, she had already cleaned both homes.

I also changed the mattresses at home.

Sitting in 402 waiting for Su Chen to come back.

One hour.

Two hours.

By six o'clock in the afternoon, there was still no movement at the door of 402.

"What's going on? You're not coming back today?".

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