602: Song Qian is confused, Qiao Yingzi comes back early

Song Qian specially put on her professional attire today, with carefully purchased stockings on her legs.

She had found out before.

This guy Su Chen will be particularly excited when he sees this outfit.

I had never worn it before, so I wanted to give him a surprise today, but I didn't expect this guy to be late.

Think about it.

Song Qian still called Lin Miaomiao.

"Ah? We are back. I have hugged my brother now. Is Suchen not home yet? Could he have gone out to eat?"

He will go out to eat something. If nothing else happens, he should be back in a hurry.

"Okay, I just want to ask."

After making the call, Song Qian became even more angry.

If you never come back.

Yingzi is back.

Just when she was angry, her phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it was Su Chen.

Before he could ask where the other party was, Su Chen asked with a disheveled face.

"Where are you? Aren't you waiting for me at home? Where are you?"

Song Qian glanced around strangely, I'm not in 402.

Where are you...

Song Qian asked on her phone in surprise, "You're not at my house, are you?"

"if not?"

Song Qian: "..."

Su Chen: "..."

"You won't be at my house..."

"No! Absolutely not, I just went out..."

Before Song Qian finished speaking, the door of 402 was pushed open.

Su Chen shook the phone at her, then asked into the phone: "What did you do when you went out?"

Song Qian faced Su Chen's teasing gaze, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Help a certain little gangster clean up."

"Then you are still quite tired, Teacher Song."

Su Chen closed the door and looked at the very rare teacher's skin in front of him.

It’s really a clothing bonus.

I don’t know if it’s because they haven’t seen each other for several months, but Su Chen seems to feel that after coming back this time.

The charm of the women around me seems to have increased a lot.

Is a breakup better than a wedding?

Su Chen and Song Qian had just met, and they were having a huge quarrel.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

"Will Yingzi come back?"

"It's okay, she said she'd be back tomorrow."

Another hour passed.

It was completely dark.

The lights in room 402 were turned off and never turned on again.

Downstairs of Shuxiangyayuan.

A pretty figure came downstairs swinging her ponytail.

"My mother must have thought that I wouldn't be able to come back until tomorrow. I came back today to give him a surprise."

Qiao Yingzi looked up excitedly: "Eh? Why aren't the lights on in my house turned on? Isn't my mother at home?"

"What's going on with this guy Su Chen? He went to school and came back and learned how to maintain his health? It's only around 9 o'clock, but he turned off the lights and went to bed?"

.. ...... 0

When Qiao Yingzi came back, she contacted Lin Miaomiao.

I know they are coming back today too.

I just planned to surprise my mother with Su Chen.

Qiao Yingzi went upstairs.

open the door.

"Da da!~ My dear mother, I'm back, have you missed me?"

Qiao Yingzi dragged her box aside and looked for Song Qian all over the room.

Looking around.

They all opened the cabinet door and looked around inside, but couldn't find it.

But it seems that there is one piece of work clothes missing.

"No, I'll be back tomorrow and I have to work overtime today?"

Qiao Yingzi was very helpless.

I didn't expect to give my mother a surprise, but she ended up giving lessons to others.

603: Are there decorations again? Who likes to decorate so much?

But Qiao Yingzi is right to think about it carefully.

Although the university is on vacation, the current senior year of high school is still in school.

It is normal for someone to need to make up classes at night.

Qiao Yingzi pulled the box into her room and took out everything inside and put it away.

Looking at the very familiar little bed.

Lying happily on it.

"It would be better if I could eat some of Su Chen's cooking at this time."

"I don't know why this guy went to bed so early."

dong dong dong! ~

Just when Qiao Yingzi was about to fall asleep, there was another noise in the room.

"Hey, I'm really convinced. Didn't you say that the decoration should be finished? Why did it start again?"

At this time, Qiao Yingzi suddenly felt that the room that her mother had modified still had some flaws.

The noise from outside can still be heard.

I can't sleep at all with this voice in my ears.

Qiao Yingzi called Song Qian and wanted to ask when she would be back.

But no matter how many calls I made, I couldn't get through.

"Let's see if Fang Hou is back."

Qiao Yingzi called Fang Yifan, but the guy didn't answer.

Call Lin Leier.

This guy didn't answer either.

Qiao Yingzi could only make a call to Tong Wenjie, but she answered the phone within two seconds of the ringing.

"Hey, Aunt Tong, I would like to ask if Fang Yifan and Lin Li'er are back?"

Tong Wenjie was also very happy when she heard Qiao Yingzi's voice and glanced around the room.

"Not yet. I heard your mother say, aren't you coming back tomorrow? Why so early?"

"I also said that I wanted to give my mother a surprise, but when I came back, I found that he was not at home. My surprise was in vain."

"not at home?"

Tong Wenjie seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes lit up: "Does Su Chen and Lin Miaomiao also have a holiday today?"

"Yes, Lin Miaomiao is already hugging her brother at home. I don't know if Su Chen is asleep or out to play. The lights at home are also turned off." Qiao Yingzi took her mobile phone and glanced next door: "How about, in a while I gonna go see?"

"Don't, don't, don't." Tong Wenjie got excited and spoke a little loudly. She seemed to have noticed something was wrong with herself, and hurriedly said: "Let me go and have a look later. There are no room decorations in our community recently. I'm afraid you won't." Be careful of touching them.”

As soon as Qiao Yingzi mentioned the decoration, the desire to complain surged up in her heart.

"Aunt Tong, do you think they are too bad? They decorated it when I was in my senior year of high school. I have already graduated in my senior year of high school, and they still decorated it..."

"Are there so many places for them to repair?"

Tong Wenjie smiled slightly: "As long as there are people, after all, people come and go. Sometimes people just come back from other places and feel that something is not right in their home and it is normal to decorate it again."

"I'll hang up if I have something else to do here."

Qiao Yingzi watched the phone enter blind tone and shook her head helplessly.

Come back so early today.

It was a wrong reply.


After Tong Wenjie hung up the phone, she immediately went back to her room to dress up.

Put on light makeup.

"Sorry, from what Yingzi said, Song Qian and Su Chen have been out for a long time. Are they tired?"


"Probably not, he has such good physical strength."

Tong Wenjie changed out of her pajamas and put on work clothes.

The guy also had an idea for the dress.

I thought about it.

Although the weather was a bit cold, Tong Wenjie still changed into her skirt and put on a pair of newly bought stockings.

To be precise, it's Su Chen. She hasn't finished wearing the stockings she bought last time.

When leaving.

Tong Wenjie glanced at the room.

604: Tong Wenjie: Let me help you make this sound disappear.

After Su Chen went to school, Tong Wenjie thought about moving back to her previous home.

But the house is too deserted, and there is still Song Qian here, chatting every day.

If you go back to your previous home.

Even this guy Fangyuan may not be at home with him every day.

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