There was no one to talk to.

Over time, she will go crazy.

People tend to think wildly when they are bored. It was at this time that Song Qian told her that Su Chen also had a few confidantees in the Magic City.

Tong Wenjie then suggested that they send a few photos to Su Chen every night to let this guy know that there are still many people waiting for him.

It's just that this guy was too bad. As soon as he came back, he only thought about Song Qian and completely forgot about her.

How could he be spared?

Just when Tong Wenjie closed the door, her cell phone rang.

Click to see the screen.

It's Su Chen.

This guy is busy right now, why would he think of calling her?

"Hello? You little heartless kid, do you know how to make a phone call?"

"it's me......"

The voice on the other side turned out to be Song Qian's, and Tong Wenjie was stunned when she heard the voice.

It feels a little weird.

"Why are you holding his phone?"

"Isn't it too tiring? He is cooking now. I just want to find someone to come and help..."

"You're looking for help, remember me?"

"Then why don't you come? If you don't come, I'll look for Xiaomeng. I believe he will definitely dress himself up beautifully before coming back. Moreover, he is still young, so I believe he can also help."

"Okay, okay, Xiao Meng just came home yesterday, so don't bother him. I'll go up right now..."

He didn't even wait for the other person to reply after he finished speaking.

Seeing that the elevator would arrive in a few minutes, I simply walked towards the stairs.

Go all the way to the 4th floor.

Just as he was about to knock on the door of 402, Tong Wenjie came to 403 step by step.

Knocked on Qiao Yingzi's door.

"Aunt Tong, why are you here?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Tong Wenjie in surprise and invited him in.

Tong Wenjie happily held Qiao Yingzi in her arms and said with a smile: "Yingzi, you are back. I am so happy to see you. I just heard what you said. If there is any noise at home, I will come over and take a look."

Qiao Yingzi was accidentally pulled into Tong Wenjie's arms and almost suffocated him to death.

"Aunt Tong, your figure is getting better and better."

Tong Wenjie tapped Qiao Yingzi lightly: "I haven't seen you for half a year, you are so good at talking."

Qiao Yingzi left Tong Wenjie's arms and looked at her dress today.

White overalls.

Below is a skirt that does not reach the knee.

She looks like a strong woman, especially the stockings on her legs.

It's really hard to take your eyes away.

"Everything I said is true. Aunt Tong has taken good care of herself recently, and her figure and taste are both good." Qiao Yingzi sighed sincerely.

At the same time, I am also full of expectations for the changes in my mother.

Also at this time.

The originally weakened noise appeared again at this time. Qiao Yingzi pointed to the ceiling helplessly.

"Aunt Tong, listen, this is the voice." Qiao Yingzi looked helpless.

After Tong Wenjie heard it twice, the smile on her face became even more obvious.

"That's the sound. Don't worry, I'll go talk to their decoration team later, and the sound will disappear after a while."

"Really?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Tong Wenjie excitedly and hugged her excitedly: "Thank you, auntie."

"Okay, if nothing happens, I'll leave." Tong Wenjie came to the door and turned around and said, "By the way, I knocked on the door just now, and Su Chen's family seemed to be empty. It seemed that they were too tired when they came back today. The sound will disappear later, so you should go to bed early."

605: Qiao Yingzi: Mom, I didn’t expect you would come back (Thanks for subscribing)

605: Qiao Yingzi: Mom, I didn’t expect you would come back (Thanks for subscribing)

Qiao Yingzi nodded.

After sending Tong Wenjie away, Qiao Yingzi thought about it.

It's really unacceptable to come back early and sleep like this for a day.

"How about giving my dad a call?"

Just when Qiao Yingzi took the phone, the originally chaotic noise suddenly disappeared.

Qiao Yingzi said happily: "Aunt Tong still has a way."


Qiao Yingzi and Qiao Weidong called and found that the other party was also having a meeting.

He also heard from Song Qian that Qiao Yingzi would not be back until tomorrow, so he rushed to the meeting today.

I plan to arrange the recent things.

Remember to take some time to go out with Qiao Yingzi after tomorrow.

Qiao Yingzi suddenly found out.

It seems that all the troubles are caused by oneself.

"If I had known, I would have come back tomorrow."

Qiao Yingzi chatted with Huang Zhitao and others on the mobile phone for a while.

It's 11 o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Just when Qiao Yingzi was about to turn off her phone and go to sleep, a thought suddenly came from outside the door.

When she opened the door, she found that her mother was back.


Qiao Yingzi rushed towards Song Qian excitedly and hugged her with both hands.

Her face rubbed against Song Qian's body.

"Hey, hey!~ Stop rubbing, your clothes are wrinkled." Song Qian squeaked.

She finally came out and was hugged by Qiao Yingzi.

I almost want to go back.

But now I am so tired that my legs can hardly stand straight.

She didn't dare to go back.

A hand was put on Qiao Yingzi's shoulder, asking her to help her to the sofa.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Song Qian who looked tired, her eyes full of heartache.

"Mom, I'm already in my senior year of high school. You really don't have to be so tired. It would be great to leave some time for yourself every day."

Song Qian blushed: "Don't worry, Mom is not usually so tired, but today is a bit special, eh~~~"

"I didn't expect you to come back today."

Why does my mother's voice sound so emotional today?

Qiao Yingzi blushed.

After going to college, she was no longer innocent.

The things I usually say to my roommates in the dormitory are also cruel and disrespectful.

He already knew a lot of things, not to mention the girls he knew now.

For example, Huang Zhitao, Deng Xiaoqi, and Chen Jiajia are all serious women now.

Sometimes I would joke with Qiao Yingzi.

As a result, he now knows no less than these adults.

Especially after hearing Song Qian's voice, she always felt like she had heard it somewhere.

And it kind of made her heart beat faster.

"...Could it be mother has a partner?"

Once this idea appears in my mind, it is indelible and reminds me of Song Qian's appearance today.

Qiao Yingzi's face turned red.

It seems that I came back today and disrupted my mother's happy life.

"Ahem, Mom, actually you don't have to come back tonight, just give me a call."

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's face, how could Song Qian not know where she was thinking.

"Yingzi, actually it's not you who wants to..."

Song Qian wanted to explain, but Qiao Yingzi hurriedly said: "Mom, actually you have taken care of me for so long, and it is normal for you to want to find a partner. I also agree, don't worry about my feelings, as long as he can treat you well. "

At this point, Qiao Yingzi whispered: "But I see that you are radiant today and your figure and appearance seem to be getting better and better. You should be living a happy life."

"This year I feel like it's a bit redundant to come back." Half.

606: Song Qian: I regard you as my new father

Song Qian's anxious face turned even redder, and she hit him with her hand.

Qiao Yingzi returned to her room with a smile.

"But, Mom, the clothes you are wearing today are really nice, but the top button seems to have fallen off~"

Song Qian glanced down anxiously.

The buttons are still there.

Only then did he realize that he had been tricked by her. When he looked up, Qiao Yingzi had already closed the door.

"Why did this kid become so naughty when he went to college?"

Song Qian stood up, her legs were so weak that she almost sat back down.

Remembering what happened before.

I could only move to the room step by step, it was really my own fault.

Tomorrow's Tong Wenjie will definitely be worse off than her.


It turns out she was right.


Day 2.

Tong Wenjie didn't even show up.

When Su Chen came to 403 with her things, Song Qian was surprised.

"Where's Wenjie?" She almost blurted out this sentence, but suddenly thought that Qiao Yingzi was at home, and she quickly covered her mouth.

"I haven't gotten up yet, maybe I need to rest a little longer."

"You guy."

Just when Song Qian was about to complain, the door to the side bed opened and Qiao Yingzi was wearing pajamas.

Come out with your hair.

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