"Su Chen is here."

Qiao Yingzi said hello casually, and was suddenly startled when she glanced at Su Chen.

Still so handsome.

So sunny.

She smiled at him and quickly ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

Su Chen: "What's wrong with her?"

"What if I treat you as my father?" Song Qian complained.

Qiao Yingzi hid behind the door and breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that no one was following her outside.

"I didn't expect him to bring food today. It was really a miscalculation."

Thinking of this, Qiao Yingzi hurriedly washed her face and brushed her teeth.

As said before.

She often chatted with her roommates about some things at school, including showing them photos of Su Chen.

The roommates in the dormitory were shocked.

They all expressed.

Qiao Yingzi had such a handsome classmate, but she didn't even take action. It was really a shame.

Even Zhou Linlin, whom he met before, shook his head in surprise at Qiao Yingzi.

After all their nonsense, Qiao Yingzi realized that she had really ignored Su Chen's appearance before.

This guy seems really handsome.

And I do seem to be a little too casual with him.

Is it because of this that they can only be friends?

While eating, Qiao Yingzi's hair was scattered on both sides of her face.

Su Chen took a look.

Walked behind him and took a rubber band from Song Qian's wrist to tie her hair.

Help Qiao Yingzi tie her hair into a ponytail.

Qiao Yingzi: "..."

Song Qian had nothing to say about Su Chen's behavior, but she felt a little strange about Qiao Yingzi's reaction.

"Yingzi, what's wrong with you today? Why do you feel a little dull? Do you have a fever?"

Song Qian stretched out her hand to check the temperature of Yingzi's forehead, but she dodged it.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about something and didn't pay attention."

Seeing that Song Qian didn't believe it, Qiao Yingzi could only change the subject: "I heard that Jiang Tianhao's Jiang Family Kitchen is very popular in Shanghai?"

Su Chen nodded: "Now the new store has opened, and the chef has been transferred from the Imperial Capital. However, based on his father's experience, he probably won't be in a hurry to expand the store."

"Then you students are doing quite well in Magic City. I heard from Di Di's mother that she and Deng Xiaoqi have already found a part-time job in Magic City, and they will most likely enter the entertainment industry directly after graduation. "

Song Qian asked while eating her meal.

607: Qiao Yingzi: Mom, have you ever heard the sound of decoration at home?

"This is all due to Qiao Jingjing's star halo."

Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't say that he had a good relationship with Qiao Jingjing's boss.

In other words, the relationship is very good.

Song Qian nodded: "Then I have to buy something for this girl when I go to the Magic City~"

Qiao Yingzi's topic finally changed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Qian was very curious about Su Chen and life in Shanghai, and kept asking.

It felt like everything Su Chen said was very new to him.

Especially when he heard that there was a yellow guy in the school who had been targeting him.

Song Qian frowned: "Why is this child like this? School is a place for learning. Even if you want to have a girlfriend, you can't bully other classmates like this."

Su Chen and Qiao Yingzi both laughed.

Although Toyota looks very young now, her mental age is still that of a mother of one child.

A gold medal teacher in a school.

Still can't help but look at today's college students from her status.

Song Qian also knew that she seemed to have said the wrong thing, but she was not embarrassed.

Now her relationship with Qiao Yingzi is like friends.

Just chat and brag.

At this moment, Qiao Yingzi's cell phone rang, and it turned out to be Fang Yifan.

"Hey, Fang Hou, I didn't answer my call to you yesterday, why are you calling me today?"

Qiao Yingzi was still quite dissatisfied with what happened last night, and Song Qian, who was sitting aside, looked at Su Chen angrily when she heard these words.

If it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't have been so ugly in front of his daughter last night.

She even thought that she would find a father for her.

The more you think, the more angry you are.

He stretched his legs and kicked in the direction of Su Chen.

As a result, no one was kicked.

His own feet were still controlled by the other party.

"Come on, Sister Song, eat more vegetables to reduce your anger. Let's see how uncomfortable you are now."

"Thank you." Song Qian said this almost through gritted teeth.

Fang Yifan also talked about many unequal treaties, and then he was forgiven by Qiao Yingzi.

Then he asked his doubts: "Eiko, do you know where my mother went? I came back this morning and found that she was not at home."

Su Chen: "..."

Song Qian: "..."

Qiao Yingzi didn't notice the strange phenomenon on the table, but said to the mobile phone: "Aren't you at home? Could it be that you are at work? Aunt Tong came to my house last night to meet me and helped me and the neighbors who were decorating I said hello and didn’t hear any noise all night.”

Talking about the neighbor's decoration, Song Qian's face turned even redder.

You know what you're talking about as soon as you hear it.

"Oh, I almost forgot, my mother has to go to work, okay. Lei'er will be back this afternoon too. Should we go out for a meal? Let's chat."



Qiao Yingzi likes dinner parties with classmates very much, especially after not seeing each other for half a year.

I like this feeling even more.

"Okay, I'll call my mother first and let her know that I'm back. Otherwise, when I come back after dinner in the evening, he will definitely give me a hard time again."

Qiao Yingzi said a few more words with a smile and hung up the phone.

"Su Chen, do you want to have dinner together tonight?" Qiao Yingzi felt that the more people, the better.

"Okay, let's call Lin Miaomiao over when the time comes. He will definitely be the first to arrive when eating like this."

Su Chen said with a smile.

Qiao Yingzi originally wanted Deng Xiaoqi and Wang Yidi to come together.

As a result, Su Chen told them that they were all in the magical city and could not come back.

no way.

How many calls can be made?

608: Let Tong Wenjie stay in these few days

After dinner, Qiao Yingzi went back to her room and called Su Chen and Song to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

Su Chen stood behind Song Qian, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a cherry in the other.

Song Qian rolled her eyes at Su Chen: "I'm afraid you're not just studying in school in Shanghai. I see you'll learn a lot when you come back, um..."

"You know how dare you talk to me like this." Su Chen smiled.

Song Qian: "..."

"By the way, go back quickly and wake up Tong Wenjie. Both children are back today. If you can't see her at home, well... you will definitely be nervous."

"When the time comes, we will follow the signal and find your home. Let's see what you do. Well..."

Su Chen: "Don't worry, just wash the dishes first."

stains stains


Suchen took things home.

Tong Wenjie hasn't gotten up yet.

It seemed that she was really tired yesterday, so Su Chen naturally didn't want to wake her up at this time.

But the cell phone next to me kept ringing.

They are all Fang Yifan’s phone numbers.

When Fang Yifan hung up the phone, Su Chen planned to unlock it, but he didn't know the password.

But this time he did not use hacker knowledge to unlock it, but used the simplest method.


There's a person sleeping next to me, how could it be possible that I still can't unlock it.

"Hey, there are more than a dozen missed calls, all from Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er. You two are really filial sons."

"Although I can't imitate Tong Wenjie's voice and call you, of course I can send you text messages."

Su Chen raised his face.

[Tong Wenjie: My boss called me for a meeting today and asked me to go on a business trip in the past few days. I may not be able to be home these days. If you want money, just call your dad, but he has been too busy recently. Family, you can play by yourself these days, but don’t cause any trouble for me. If someone calls to complain, I won’t be able to spare you when I get back! 】

A piece of information can be divided into three parts: deletion, modification, and modification.


Fang Yifan.

Lin Leier.

One for each of three people.

Less than 3 minutes.

The news from all three people came back.

[Fang Yifan: Don't worry, Mom, just go on a business trip. I'm considered a small internet celebrity now, so you don't have to worry about living expenses. I can take care of Lin Lei'er at home. 】

[Lin Lei'er: Auntie, don't worry and go to work. I will watch over my cousin and prevent him from going out to cause trouble...]

[Fang Yuan: Don’t worry, wife, I’ll go home after I finish these two days and look at those two little monkeys. 】

"Well, this way Tong Wenjie can stay outside for several days."

It was already 6 pm by the time Tong Wenjie woke up.

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