"It was a great sleep."

Looking at the empty room, Tong Wenjie's face was filled with happiness.

Not dreaming.

"Are you awake? Come out as soon as you wake up. You haven't eaten all day. You're not hungry at all."

"Song Qian? Are you here too?" Tong Wenjie was very surprised when she saw the figure appearing at the door: "You didn't go back to find Yingzi all night, did you? How anxious would she be?"

"Why didn't you go back? I've been at home all day."

"one day?"

Tong Wenjie glanced at the time: "It's already 6 p.m.! What's going on? Why did I sleep for so long? 3.9"

"You must be too tired. Get up and eat quickly. I have to clean up the room in a while. It smells terrible."

"It's so late, Fanfan and the others should be back! They'd be crazy if they didn't come looking for me!"

Tong Wenjie did not get up immediately, but took her mobile phone and quickly checked the chat history and V-mail messages.

It turned out that she had sent messages to Fang Yifan, Lin Leier and Fangyuan on her mobile phone.

609: Tong Wenjie: Great, I can still be beautiful for a few more days

"What's going on? I can't go home these days???"

Tong Wenjie felt a burst of joy in her heart. She changed her clothes and went out. She looked at Song Qian who was arranging dishes outside and hugged her from behind.

"It's great to have you at home. Anyone who marries you will be truly blessed."

"Go aside."

Song Qian knocked off her troublesome hand: "I heard from Su Chen that you should stay here for the next few days, so don't mess around."

"Okay, after half a year of work, I can finally enjoy it like a great-grandmother."

Tong Wenjie sat happily on chair 11, stretched out her hand to Song Qian and said, "Come over and wipe your hands for me."

Then a towel flew over and hit her right in the face.

"We have equal status, who do you want to order?"

"Hey!~ It seems that the Ai family is not going to be very happy these days." Tong Wenjie wiped her hands helplessly, looked around, and found that the little hooligan was not there, and asked strangely: "Where are the others? Let me sleep After so long, he won’t be embarrassed to show up.”

"Thinking too much, he is having dinner with Yingzi and the others now, and he has no time to care about you."

Hearing this, Tong Wenjie smiled and said, "Song Qian, do you think he will go and meet all the confidante in the imperial capital in the past few days?"

"Don't even think about it~ At least we are starting."


Of course, the place where Su Chen and the others gathered for dinner was the Jiang family kitchen.

Not many people came to the dinner party.

After Chen Jiajia learned that Deng Xiaoqi and Wang Yidi had a supporting role, she also decided to exercise herself during this holiday.

I've been at school and haven't come back.

Wang Yidi also promised that when she has time to go to Shanghai, he will try to introduce her to Boss Yang.

But whether you will be hired at that time depends on luck.

Qian Sanyi is here.

The rest are Huang Zhitao, Lin Lei'er, Fang Yifan, and Lin Miaomiao.

After sitting at the table.

Su Chen suggested: "Would you like to call Teacher Li Meng over?"

"Okay, okay!" Fang Yifan was the first to agree, and he said to the others: "I used to be very afraid of her in school, but now that I have graduated, I probably won't feel anything when I look at him."

Qiao Yingzi smiled and said, "It's like you weren't afraid when you saw her during the holidays."

Lin Leier said excitedly: "I know this. During the summer vacation of my senior year of high school, my cousin would shudder subconsciously when he heard Li Meng's name at the beginning. It was very interesting."

"Tch, that was all in the past. Now I am also a small internet celebrity with over 1 fans, and my courage has already been raised. Okay, since you all think I am afraid of her, then I will make this call. "Fang Yifan ignored the dissuasion of others and took out his phone to dial Li Meng.

The call is connected.

Li Meng's voice 273 came from the other side.

"Fang Yifan, why are you calling?"

"Mr. Li, it's like this. We're back from winter vacation, and we just want to treat you to a meal. It's at the Jiang's Kitchen not far from our school. Do you want to come with us?"

Fang Yifan, who was still so arrogant at first, suddenly shrank.

Everyone watching kept rolling their eyes.

Li Meng's voice obviously paused: "Who is there?"

Su Chen clearly heard the vibrato in this voice.

"There's me, Qiao Yingzi, Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er."

"Okay, send me your address and I'll be there right away."

Lin Miaomiao said loudly: "And I, Qian Sanyi, we are all here, Teacher Li."

610: Li Meng: Do you still know about coming back?

Li Meng's voice of agreement was earlier than Lin Miaomiao's shout.

Wait until the phone hangs up.

Lin Miaomiao wondered: "Did Teacher Li hear my name?"

Lin Lei'er: "Actually, I think Teacher Li has already agreed after hearing Su Chen's voice."

Fang Yifan picked up his cell phone: "That's for sure. The former number one scholar in the imperial capital is still an unprecedented perfect scorer. No matter which school he is in, he must provide for it."

"Who wouldn't be excited that a student like this can come back to see the teacher during the holidays?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Didn't you just say that you are not afraid of Teacher Li? Why did you speak so softly on the phone?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm respectful." Fang Yifan said nonsense.

When he was at school, Fang Yifan saw Li Meng like a mouse seeing a cat.

This kind of thing is already engraved in the instinct.

Even if we haven't seen each other for a long time, when we meet again, we will still think of the fear engraved in our blood.

Several people were talking.

In less than 20 minutes, Li Meng appeared in the private room.

"Teacher Li, come and sit, come and sit." Lin Miaomiao excitedly asked Li Meng to sit over.

Li Meng also walked towards Lin Miaomiao after realizing that there was no seat next to Su Chen.

He took off the hat on his head.

Suchen looked at how she was dressed today. Her hat and gloves were all furry.

Looks quite cute.

A pair of fleece tight jeans and a small cotton-padded jacket.

Wearing a cardigan underneath.

It's warm and won't make you look bloated.

Su Chen: "Teacher Li came very quickly."

"What else?" Li Meng rolled her eyes at Su Chen when she heard his voice: "Before you called me, I was still at work. It's better to correct the papers as soon as possible, otherwise I will probably have to stay up late again."

Fang Yifan: "No, they are going to have a holiday soon. They still have exams."

"Have you just graduated and forgotten about the pressure of your senior year? That's not okay."

Fang Yifan looked at Li Meng and prepared to educate him, so he quickly interrupted: "Teacher Li, look at the fact that our city's number one scholar has finally come back. I think the two of you should sit together, so that you can have something to talk about."

Fang Yifan didn't want to sit with Li Meng, he felt very uncomfortable.

Fang Yifan was pushed down by Li Meng before he got up.

He asked half-jokingly and half-threateningly: "What? You just graduated and you don't want to recognize your former teacher? I taught you two years in vain!"

Fang Yifan was originally a little afraid of Li Meng, and Li Meng's words contained threats.

Fang Yifan's legs softened and he sat back down again. He smiled bitterly and said: "Teacher, I didn't fully consider your ideas. After all, it's so harmonious for a good student and a teacher to sit together. I don't feel like I'm sitting next to you. Is it awkward?”

Without waiting for Li Meng to reply, Fang Yifan continued: "I feel awkward even if you don't feel awkward."

Li Meng was amused by his appearance and let him pass.

Seeing Su Chen coming over, in front of everyone, Li Meng also pinched his ears: "You still know that when you come back, you always ask others to make calls. You don't have a mobile phone, but you still know that calling me will make you I'm angry."

Fang Yifan thought Su Chen had said that he would be treated the same as him.

Smirking next to him.

There was something wrong with Qiao Yingzi's expression. She always felt that there was something in Li Meng's words.

It feels like being coquettish.

"Teacher Li, this guy Su Chen has a great life in school. He is accompanied by beautiful women every day, and he doesn't study much in school. You should educate him well." Lin Miaomiao on the side found the opportunity and immediately Complain.

611: Going to the toilet? Let’s go together

Lin Miaomiao made a face at Su Chen.

Although the power in Li Meng's hand was not heavy, Su Chen still pretended to be in great pain and said with a grin: "It's not because he is afraid of disturbing our gold medal teacher's rest."

"If you have anything to say, let's talk slowly in private. It's so embarrassing to watch here."

Su Chen held Li Meng's hand and put it down, but no one noticed that after putting it down, their hands kept falling together.

Did not loosen.

Afterwards, everyone chatted about interesting things that happened in the school.

Just like Fang Yifan.

Performing in school unleashed his natural instincts. This guy's performance was too much like a gorilla. Someone recorded it and posted it online. 277 became famous.

He gained more than 1000 followers that day.

More than half of his more than 1 fans now joined at that time.

Later, he started his old activity again, which was to go to the dance street every day.

Fans come and go.

Now it is basically maintained at around [-].

He even shouted that he would pay when the meal was over.

There are also Lin Leier and Qian Sanyi, both of whom went to Qinghua.

This place is suitable for these two boring gourds.

The learning atmosphere is particularly strong.

And there are no girls slandering them, so they are living well.

And Huang Zhitao.

Although college is not as thrilling as in the TV series, I am very happy every day.

It's much better to have someone by your side, just to stay at home in the cold.

There is no need to say more about Qiao Yingzi.

After being admitted to his favorite school, China Southern Airlines, going to class every day was like opening the door to a new world for him.

Very happy.

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