Li Meng saw that everyone had their own lives and felt happy for them.

"Since everyone is so happy, I suggest everyone bring a drink." Fang Yifan got carried away when he was happy, forgetting that Li Meng was beside him.

When he picked up the beer and was about to clink glasses, he found that no one was following him.

"Fang Yifan, you are very good. It seems that you developed your drinking ability in college?"

"No, no, no, I was just joking. Wine is so bad, how could I drink it?"

Only then did Fang Yifan know what Su Chen and the others meant by their weird looks.

Hastily shrank back.

"Okay, okay, today is a dinner party, not a class. You don't have to be so formal. Just pick up the beer in your hand and hold one."

Li Meng also knows what students who have been stuck for so long in their senior year of high school will be like when they go to college.

Drinking is just the simplest way to socialize.

Although he felt that this kind of social interaction was useless, he had to admit it.

Many relationships start with drinking.

For example, she is the same.

Li Meng planned to take the wine with her right hand, but found that her hand was grabbed by someone.

I have no choice but to change it.

Everyone was very happy to see Li Meng being so sensible.

Halfway through the drinking, Li Meng also felt that his presence here seemed to interfere with their chat.

Just an excuse to go out to the toilet.

After leaving the private room, I felt that my ears were much quieter.

But the room suddenly burst into laughter.

Maybe, this is the gap between teachers and students.

Before she could walk towards the toilet, the closed door opened again.

Turn around and look over.

I found Su Chen walking out of it.

"Why are you following me?"

"Looking at what you said, you can only use the toilet, but I can't?"

Li Meng glanced at Su Chen angrily: "Then you go first."

After saying that, she gave in two steps.

But how could Su Chen really leave when he walked past you.

He grabbed her waist with lightning speed.

"Let's go together so we can come back sooner."


612: Qiao Yingzi: Home decoration, toilet decoration too

Inside the room.

Several people were chatting.

Qiao Yingzi suddenly held her stomach: "I have a stomachache."

"Yingzi, you can't do this. You suddenly have a stomachache after eating something delicious." Fang Yifan could still say this very disappointing sentence.

Everyone stared at him with contempt.

Qiao Yingzi ignored him, opened the door and left.

ran to the toilet.

I noticed a yellow sign hanging in front of the men's room door.

[Under maintenance, temporarily suspended]

"Fortunately it's not the women's toilet, otherwise we would have to go to the first floor." Qiao Yingzi went in without thinking, holding her stomach.


She could hear the sound of renovations next door in the women's bathroom.

"It's true in this hotel that you can't wait until the hotel closes to repair the toilets."

She was complaining in her heart, and when Qiao Yingzi was washing her hands in the toilet, she suddenly thought of it.

Teacher Li Meng seems to have come to the toilet too.

Qiao Yingzi looked back at several cubicles, but there was no one there.

with doubt.

Qiao Yingzi returned to the room.

It was discovered that both Li Meng and Su Chen had returned.

And his face was extremely red, as if he had drunk too much wine.

After sitting down, Qiao Yingzi looked at Li Meng: "Teacher Li, which floor were you using the toilet on just now?"

"Second...first floor."

Li Meng originally planned to say that she was on this floor, but suddenly she thought that Qiao Yingzi also came out of the toilet.

If you say this out loud, something will definitely happen, so you should quickly change your words.

Qiao Yingzi was surprised: "Isn't the men's room on our floor under maintenance? Why did you go to another floor?"

Li Meng: "Are the men's toilets also under maintenance? When I went there, only the women's toilets were under maintenance."

Qiao Yingzi looked at Su Chen: "Then you two came back together?"

"..." Su Chen felt that Qiao Yingzi was really unlovable at this time.

Why break the casserole and ask the truth?

"By the time I go there, it will be a men's room for repairs."

"Then you two..." Before Qiao Yingzi could finish the second half of her sentence, Fang Yifan put his arm around his neck and said with a smile: "Just now I thought it would affect my appetite if I said such words at the dinner table. Didn’t you start this too?”

"Oh, no, I just heard the men's room being renovated when I was going to the toilet. The sound was similar to what I heard at home. However, when the decoration was being done here, the two decoration masters seemed to be talking in a low voice, which was a bit noisy. , can’t hear clearly.”

Li Meng: "..."

Everyone talked a lot this night and had a great time eating.

After dinner.

Fang Yifan really rushed to pay the bill, paying more than 1000 yuan in total.

Qiao Yingzi accidentally saw his bank card balance: "Fang Hou, you can do it. You have saved more than 1 yuan in half a year."

"Of course, otherwise my more than 1 fans would have been in vain." Fang Yifan said proudly: "I have said that being an Internet celebrity makes a lot of money, and it can also pave the way for my future acting career. How great. .”

.. ......  

Lin Miaomiao: "It turns out that live streaming is so profitable. If I had known, I would have done one."

As soon as he finished speaking, his ear was twisted by Su Chen.

"Are you still short of money?"

"No, no, no, I'm just saying."

While talking and laughing, everyone came to the door, and Fang Yifan suggested that everyone go sing K together.

Li Meng refused.

"You go ahead, I still have to prepare lessons, and I have to give lessons to the high school seniors tomorrow morning."

"Then Teacher Li, we won't disturb you anymore. Let's go quickly." Fang Yifan certainly couldn't ask for more. He wished Li Meng could go back to school right now.

Su Chen said: "How about I give it to you?"

After saying that, without waiting for Li Meng to refuse, Su Chen pulled him away from the door in the direction of the school.

613: Guess what this is, a cucumber?

The two left quickly.

Huang Zhitao was confused.

"The two of them were always hurting each other before, how come their relationship is so good now."

"Better is better. Just let Su Chen send Teacher Li away, so we will be happier."

Fang Yifan didn't want to worry about why Li Meng left, he just wanted to quickly invite everyone to sing karaoke together.

On the way to school.

Su Chen kept holding Li Meng's hand.

After being moisturized by Su Chen, Li Meng's hand was very smooth when held.

It's hard to let go.

Li Meng shook her off several times on the road and could only let Su Chen pull her with a blushing face.

"You're not going to teach the first year of high school after teaching our senior class. Why are you still in the graduating class?"

"This is not your lovely Director Zhao. He thinks that I have done a good job teaching the graduating class and can bring out students like you, so he asked me to teach the graduating class for another year."

It sounded a little helpless, and Li Meng didn't know whether Director Zhao was praising her or hurting her.

Can a class teacher bring out a student like Su Chen?

This is all self-taught.

Su Chen followed Li Meng to complain about Zhao Rongbao.

The time the two people chatted passed unknowingly.

To the school gate.

Li Meng suddenly said: "I have finished my work at school today, it's time for me to go home."

"I'll send it to you."

"Farewell, I was almost discovered by Yingzi before. You are so brave."

Li Meng really wanted to go back to prepare lessons this time, and could no longer follow Su Chen around.

What if I can't get up tomorrow morning?

At this time, a taxi stopped next to the two of them. It turned out that Li Meng had already hailed a taxi.

It was premeditated.

Just when Li Meng was about to get in the car, Su Chen pulled her over.

Looking at the charming face in front of her.

Just drop your mouth.


2 minute later.

Li Meng hit Su Chen with his fist: "Let's go."

Watch the taxi drive away.

Su Chen did not go back to the KTV where Fang Yifan was, but returned to Shuxiang Yayuan.

It's hard to come back.

How can you go out with that little brat every day? You must go home and do serious business.

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