Open the door when you get home.

The scene in front of him almost made Su Chen bleed.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie were messing around on the sofa, and they didn't know what shape their clothes were in.

Anyway, Su Chen was full.

Holding the pipa and half-covering your face is the most charming, just like now...


When they heard someone coming in, the two of them turned around. When they found Su Chen, they immediately separated.

"You're back. Is Yingzi back too?" Song Qian quickly packed her clothes and planned to leave after seeing Su Chen.

When Su Chen passed by, he grabbed him.

"Don't worry, Yingzi and the others are going to sing karaoke now, I'm back early."

Hearing what Su Chen said, Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked at Su Chen strangely: "Why did you come back early?"

Su Chen: "What do you think?"

Tong Wenjie screamed strangely at this time and prepared to run away, but was discovered.

"Don't run, I'm just playing a game with you. The name of the game is, guess what it is."



"Yellow 3.9 melon."



Qiao Yingzi was singing karaoke with Fang Yifan and the others when her cell phone suddenly rang.

Fang Yifan: "No way, Aunt Song Qian asked you to go back to sleep."

"Probably not. During this time, my mother would chat with me until late into the night on the phone. Why would she let me go back to bed at this time?".

614: Qiao Yingzi: The voices of Su Chen’s family sound so familiar.

Qiao Yingzi clicked on her phone and found the message sent by Song Qian.

[Lovely Mom: Yingzi, Mom has something to do tonight and may not be able to go back. If you come back, there is still food in the refrigerator. Remember to heat it up. If you don’t come back, don’t play too late. 】

If it were the former Qiao Yingzi, she would definitely be very happy to see this news.

But after experiencing Song Qian's changes, Qiao Yingzi became a little sad after seeing the news.

I feel like my mother's love has really been divided.

"Is it her boyfriend who is accompanying her?"

"Yingzi, what are you doing? This song belongs to you. Sing it quickly." Fang Yifan handed over the microphone.

Qiao Yingzi put down her phone and looked at him: "You are playing so crazy outside11, aren't you afraid that Aunt Tong will find out and make noises to you?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm a college student now, and my mother is on a business trip recently, so I can't control it even if I want to."

Fang Yifan is extremely talented.

I don't know.

Tong Wenjie is also singing in another place at this moment.

The singing is much better than his.


No one sang to the end.

Only then did Fang Yifan realize that Su Chen didn't seem to come back after sending Teacher Li off.

Huang Zhitao called and found out that Su Chen had gone home.

But she seemed to hear some voices on the phone.

"What are you doing over there?" Huang Zhitao understood in her heart and asked in a low voice.

"I'm a little bored at home, I'm watching a movie~" Su Chen said calmly.

Huang Zhitao said nervously: "Actually, you can ask me to go back together..."

It felt a little wrong when he said this, and then he said: "I heard from people in our class that it is not good for the boys' health to watch such movies."

Su Chen: "It's not time yet, I will go find you when the time comes."

Huang Zhitao: "..."

Why does this sound so strange?

Would you rather watch a movie than find me?

After singing, there was nowhere to go, so everyone went back to their homes.

When Qian Sanyi returned home, he found that his mother was still awake.

"Mom, why haven't you rested yet? I didn't mean to go out to play with Qiao Yingzi and the others today. I might come back very late."

Pei Yin looked up at him and asked a little at a loss: "Um, are Su Chen and Miaomiao back too?"

Qian Sanyi had no doubts as to why his mother would ask the two of them.

Instead, nod.

Pei Yin breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, you wash up, mom will go to bed now."

Walking to the door of the room, Pei Yin said, "Why don't you ask them if they want to come and sit at home? Mom has a few more dishes that she would like to learn from."

"Okay, but I'm not sure if I can invite you over."

"Don't worry, just say it."

Pei Yin returned to the room happily.

Qian Sanyi's head was filled with questions.

Mom, how did he know that he would definitely come by car?

Have the two of you agreed?


Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao went home after separation.

to the door.

Suddenly I remembered that there was no one at home. It would be a bit boring to go back like this.

And it’s deserted.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yingzi came to the door of Su Chen's house.

dong dong dong.

"Su Chen, open the door and chat with me for a while."


A sudden scream startled Qiao Yingzi.

"Why did the voice just now sound so familiar?" Qiao Yingzi was confused and knocked on the door a few more times.

Then the door was opened.

Su Chen stood at the door with his upper body bare: "What's wrong?".

615: Qiao Yingzi touched a leg

"Oh, my mom said she might not be able to come back tonight because she has something to do. I feel like I can't sleep even if I go home now, so I just wanted to come over and chat with you for a while."

"Why are you just standing there shaking?"

Qiao Yingzi suddenly noticed that Su Chen was standing there sideways, swaying back and forth.

It feels like I have hyperthyroidism.

"Oh, I feel a little itchy." Su Chen said calmly: "Then do you know why Sister Song can't come back at night?"

"I guess my mother seems to have found a boyfriend recently, but I don't know who it is. I can just chat with you and ask you to ask my mother about her situation."

Qiao Yingzi was about to go in, but was blocked by Su Chen: "Wait for me."


The door is closed.

Qiao Yingzi:? ? ? ? ? ?

inside the door.

Su Chen looked at Song Qian.

"When did you have a boyfriend?"

"This is not yesterday. I came home a little late, but Yingzi found out. It was all her own guess."

Song Qian rolled her eyes: "In this situation, do you still dare to let her in?"

Song Qian glanced at the sofa.

Tong Wenjie was lying there resting. If Qiao Yingzi saw this, it would definitely be the end.

"It's okay, just block it."


When Qiao Yingzi walked in, she found Su Chen already lying on the sofa.

Wrap yourself very tightly in quilt.

This scene made Qiao Yingzi feel quite funny.

"What's going on with you? Even though it's winter, this is too exaggerated."

The sofa in Su Chen's house is a little longer than an ordinary sofa. This is the main reason why he and Lin Miaomiao could lie on it and watch TV together when they were in their senior year of high school.

Later, because of Song Qian, Xiao Meng and Tong Wenjie, Su Chen had no intention of replacing the sofa after going to college.

It's nice to lie on it like this.

Qiao Yingzi lay down and put one foot on Su Chen's quilt.

"Ahem, put your legs back, but don't move them." Su Chen coughed, covering his hands with the quilt.

"Don't worry, I'm not Lin Miaomiao."

Qiao Yingzi kept her eyes fixed on Su Chen: "Tell me, when did my mother find someone? Why was there no news at all after she came back, and Aunt Tong didn't tell me."

"Well..." Su Chen coughed twice and patted his stomach twice with his hand through the quilt: "This may be just your guess and has no basis in reality."

"Why not? My mother has never gone back that late except for work. Moreover, this is winter, and we were still sweating when we went back. This must be because she rushed back in a hurry after receiving my call."

"...Maybe, his boyfriend is in our community, maybe."

The more Qiao Yingzi spoke, the more she spoke, and her logic became clearer: "Yes, I can ask other people in the community to see if we have done anything strange in the past six months."

When Su Chen heard this, he felt a pain in his stomach, which made him take a breath.

Qiao Yingzi felt relieved when she saw Su Chen, and thought he was amazed by his intelligence.

He smiled and put his feet into the quilt.


Before Su Chen could stop him, Qiao Yingzi's foot had already reached in.

It even moved down.

"Don't be so stingy. We have been friends for such a long time. You won't even want to cover yourself with a quilt, right?"

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