Qiao Yingzi smiled and stretched her penis inside.

Suddenly he touched a leg.

616: Qiao Yingzi: I suspect my mother has found a young man

Smooth to the touch.

And very warm.

It doesn't even feel like a man's leg.

"Su Chen, I didn't expect your skin to be so good. You feel like a woman."

"..." Su Chen didn't dare to move, and the quilt didn't dare to move, so he could only nod awkwardly.

Mainly because he never thought about Qiao Yingzi's kick.

In order to prevent Qiao Yingzi from focusing on the quilt, he could only say: "Actually, have you ever thought about what you would do if Song Jie really found a boyfriend?"

"Then I...must bless her." Qiao Yingzi thought for a while and said: "280 When my father was caring for Aunt Xiaomeng, I was like this. I felt that since they were separated, they must look for themselves. The full force of happiness.”

Song Qian was very moved when she heard this sentence, but when she saw Su Chen's expression, she felt that something was not right.

Before she could stop him.

Su Chen asked another question.

"Then what if the boyfriend your mother finds is very young?"

"Very small? How small can it be? Could it be as big as you?" Qiao Yingzi asked with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true. Sister Song now has a good figure and good skin. She looks like a girl in her 20s. It's normal to find a man like me."

Su Chen endured the severe pain and said these words.

"That only proves that my mother's charm is pretty good, so I must be happy." Qiao Yingzi suddenly looked at Su Chen: "You said so much, are you trying to trick my mother?"

Song Qian was still making trouble, but after hearing this, she quickly covered her mouth and nose to prevent Qiao Yingzi from discovering her existence.

Su Chen asked calmly: "Why do you ask that?"

"If not, why are you asking so many questions on my mother's behalf? It feels like you want to read my mouth."

"What if it is? Do you want to call me daddy?" Su Chen teased.

Hearing what Su Chen said, Qiao Yingzi suddenly remembered the first time the two met.

When he opened the door, he seemed to have accidentally called his father.

It's quite shameful to think about it now.

"You guys are so boring, you always want to be someone else's father."

"That's necessary. Don't you think the relationship will become closer this way?"

Su Chen said casually: "I am Fang Yifan's father, and I am also Qian Sanyi's father. I may be your father."

"My dear daughter, call me daddy, okay~~~"

Su Chen's last nasal sound made Qiao Yingzi blush.

What is he doing?

Covered with a quilt.

Qiao Yingzi suddenly remembered her night chat with the girls in the university.

Some boys will do some very harmful things to their health when they are alone.

It shouldn't be the case for Su Chen.

Does he have a girlfriend?

Even though Deng Xiaoqi and Wang Yidi are not here, Tao Zi is still there.

Could it be that you saw me?

After Qiao Yingzi went to college, the people in their dormitory also took him to learn how to put on makeup.

It's just that Qiao Yingzi doesn't like thick eyebrows and puts on light makeup every time she goes out.

At this time, Qiao Yingzi even wondered if it was today's makeup that made Su Chen feel beautiful.

If so, be sure to remember it when you go back.

"Just say this in front of me. If my mother hears it, you will be dead."

"Yeah, I almost died..."

Su Chen lay down on the sofa relaxedly, and then said seriously: "But some of what I said are true. What if Sister Song really finds a boy who is similar to me, what will you do?"

617: If it’s true, you call him brother and he calls you daughter.

"You call him brother, he calls you daughter, and you two have different opinions?"

"Everyone is talking about it. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible." Qiao Yingzi had a headache from Su Chen's nonsense.

It even felt for a moment that Song Qian really found Su Chen as her boyfriend.

Suddenly I felt a little upset.

Two feet stepped on the quilt twice.


The sudden sound made Qiao Yingzi stunned.

After Su Chen saw it, he hurriedly wailed: "What are you doing? I just told you my guess. You don't have to kick me like this."

"is it?"

Just when Qiao Yingzi was about to kick twice again to see the situation.

She suddenly felt a tightness in her feet.

Someone grabbed my foot!

Qiao Yingzi's body stiffened. Over the years, except for being touched by Qiao Weidong on her ankle when she was a child.

I have never been touched by any boy.

The sudden feeling of touch made Qiao Yingzi feel very panicked and didn't know what to do.

Looking at Qiao Yingzi who suddenly became quiet, Su Chen didn't know why.

He didn't dare to speak either.

She could only look at Song Qian quietly.

Song Qian pointed to her right hand.

"You touched your feet?" Su Chen was speechless. Wasn't he looking for trouble for himself?

Seeing Su Chen's speechless expression.

Song Qian seemed to be taking revenge, teasing Qiao Yingzi's little feet.

Qiao Yingzi trembled.

Su Chen: "Yingzi, are you cold now?"

Don’t you know better than me whether it’s cold or not?

Qiao Yingzi shook his head.

But the sudden feeling made Qiao Yingzi afraid to stay here any longer.

I feel like I might fall if I stay any longer.

Just as he was busy freeing his hand, Su Chen's phone rang.

Qiao Yingzi paused.

After Su Chen answered the phone, Qiao Yingzi asked, "Who called?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't realize that her tone was a bit beyond the scope of ordinary friends.

Su Chen said: "It's Qian Sanyi. It seems that he wants to invite me to his house tomorrow. He said that Aunt Pei Yin wants to ask me to teach him some more dishes."

Qiao Yingzi nodded.

Taking this opportunity to break free from the hand, he put on his shoes and ran to the door.

"The day after tomorrow, I plan to ask in the community if you want to come with me?"

Su Chen calculated the time and said, "That's okay. Call me when the time comes."

Qiao Yingzi left very happily.

Song Qian came out angrily and slapped Su Chen.

"You are so courageous. You dare to say anything. Are you not afraid of what Qiao Yingzi will find out from these words?"

"If I find something, I'm just giving him a reminder and a vaccination so that she can be prepared if something happens in the future."

Su Chen looked to the side and said with a smile: "Sister Tong, don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up. You can start now."

...... 0

Qiao Yingzi calmed down after leaving Su Chen's house, feeling a little strange just now.

"Did Su Chen just grab the phone with both hands? If so, who was grabbing my feet???"

Qiao Yingzi shuddered at the thought of this.

"It shouldn't be so scary, no, I have to go home quickly!!!!"


Day 2 morning.

Su Chen came to Qian Sanyi's home alone.

"Why are you alone? Where is Lin Miaomiao?"

Qian Sanyi asked suspiciously when Su Chen was introduced.

Su Chen was helpless: "He is now the exclusive nanny of the family and needs to take care of the children. He cannot come out every day."

Even if Lin Miaomiao went out last night, she still gave excuses to her family.

618: Teach Aunt Pei Yin to cook

The kids in the house are like new toys.

The novelty only lasts a few days.

Once they know that they are responsible for him later, very few people can persist.

But she didn't want to persist, so her parents helped her persist.

After Qian Sanyi knew the cause and effect, he couldn't help but laugh.

Pei Yin came out of the kitchen at this time: "What are you two laughing at?"

"Miaomiao has been taking care of his brother at home these days. He probably won't be able to come out. Only Su Chen can come over today." Qian Sanyi explained.

Pei Yin's eyes lit up, but he said it was a pity.

"Sanyi, you sit in the living room and watch TV first. I'll ask Su Chen to help me in the kitchen."

Qian Sanyi looked at Su Chen: "You are very busy today. My mother bought a lot of vegetables. It seems that she plans to let you teach a lot of things today."

"Don't worry, I'll give you whatever you want."

Su Chen followed Pei Yin towards the kitchen.

Although it is winter.

But there is heating in the room and the temperature is not bad.

Pei Yin was wearing a thin cashmere sweater, so thin that Su Chen could see the mark on it on the back.

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