Below is a long gray skirt that reaches to her ankles.

But it’s similar to the situation with tops.

You can occasionally see it when walking.

Come to the kitchen.

This place is no different from when Su Chen came here before.

There are things lying around here.

The road in between seemed to be getting narrower.

And most of these things are vegetables, and they look very fresh.

It's like it was memorized specifically today.

"Su Chen, look, there are several dishes here that I don't quite understand."

Pei Yin came to the stove with ease. Su Chen closed the door and squeezed past.

If you want to see her movements clearly, you can only stand at the back.

This scene suddenly reminded Su Chen of buses, mainly because they felt very similar.

Su Chen naturally knew how to teach the fastest.

Grab her hand from behind.

"Aunt Pei has taken good care of herself in the past six months."


"Look at this green onion, we should first peel off the outer layer of green onions that he likes to eat, and then we have to remove the white green ones on top that are in the way, and the green green ones below that are in the way."

Su Chen didn't teach once or twice, and he was very detailed.

The teaching is also very detailed.

Pei Yin followed suit.

After a while...

The kitchen fire was lit.

Qian Sanyi heard the sound of the stove in the kitchen and didn't pay much attention.

After a while, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, Lin Miaomiao, if you're not working as a nanny at home, why do you still have time to call me?" Qian Sanyi smiled into the phone.

"What do you mean, mom and the others don't care about giving birth to the baby. They just wait for me to come back and help them take care of it. They really have enough."

Lin Miaomiao finished complaining on the phone and then continued: "Please help me say sorry to your mother. I can't go there today. It seems that I can't eat the delicious food she made."

"Don't worry, Su Chen already told her when she came." Qian Sanyi told her not to worry.

Lin Miaomiao said: "How can this be done? To say sorry, of course I have to do it myself. Give the phone 3.9 to Aunt Pei Yin and I will tell her."

Qian Sanyi glanced at the kitchen.

"My mother is cooking in the kitchen with Su Chen right now. Even if she takes the phone over, I'm afraid she won't be able to hear what you say."

"Well... how about you put your phone in the doorway and turn the call volume to the maximum, and I'll do the talking."

"Are you sure? The volume on your phone is probably not as loud as the sound I conveyed to you."

"Do not worry.".

619: Why does the kitchen smell fishy?

Qian Sanyi had no choice but to come to the kitchen door with his mobile phone.

Haven't spoken yet.

You can vaguely hear the sound of excitement coming from inside, as well as the sounds of men and women talking.

"Mom, Lin Miaomiao called you to say sorry, but he can't make it today."

"Yeah, I know, got it."

Qian Sanyi heard intermittent sounds and didn't know if Pei Yin heard them clearly.

He put his hand on the doorknob, planning to go in and take a look.

The door just opened a crack.

At this moment, a muffled sound was heard from behind the door, and the kitchen door was closed again.


"No, come in, here, there is a lot of oil smoke and it will damage the skin." Pei Yin's voice came again, this time it was much clearer than before.

It seemed that Su Chen was in charge and asked her mother to come over and listen.

Qian Sanyi put the phone on the door: "Okay, Miaomiao, we can talk now."

"Aunt Pei Yin, I originally planned to try your cooking today, but my parents really failed to live up to expectations and asked me to take care of a child. I'm really sorry. I will definitely go next time I have time!"

"Yeah, okay, Miaomiao, I understand. I'll call you in advance next time you come and I'll prepare delicious food for you."

Pei Yin's voice sounded again: "If nothing is wrong, Sanyi, please go back to the sofa and sit for a while. The food here will wait for another...two hours."

"Two hours?"

Qian Sanyi glanced at his watch. It was now 10 o'clock, which was exactly 12 o'clock in two hours.

Mom's time to learn to cook is really accurate.

Actually he didn't know.

Maybe it's not his mother's time card that's accurate, but Su Chen's time card that's accurate.


Two and a half hours later.

Qian Sanyi was really hungry, so he planned to go to the kitchen to ask if there were any cooked dishes, and bring some to eat first.

Come to the kitchen door.

The moment he put his hand on the can handle, the sound of cooking in the kitchen disappeared instantly.

Then there were the sounds of two people talking.

Click! ~

Before Qian San opened the door, the kitchen door opened by itself.


Pei Yin was carrying the dishes and saw Qian Sanyi standing at the door as soon as he went out.

She almost dropped the food from her hand.

"Sanyi, why are you standing here? Scaring mom." Pei Yin made a pun.

The main thing is to hear how long he has been standing here. He couldn't have been standing here listening since he made the phone call just now.

That would be so embarrassing.

Qian Sanyi looked at the nervous Pei Yin and thought she had just been frightened.

I didn't think much of it.

"Well, it's already half past twelve, and you just said you'd be out in two hours. I feel like if I don't come over to call you, lunch will be over."

"Well, isn't this ready? Hurry up and take it over to eat."

When Team Qian Sanyi left with the dishes, he suddenly smelled the smell of the kitchen.

"Mom, do you smell a fishy smell?"

"Um... Mom was cooking fish just now. It should taste like fish. Okay, stop standing at the door and get out quickly."

Pei Yin pushed Qian Sanyi and limped outside.

while eating.

Qian Sanyi asked: "Mom, these dishes taste good today. Are they made by you or Su Chen?"

"Su Chen made it." Pei Yin said, "He is mainly cooking today. I hold my phone next to me and record everything, and I will learn it later."

"How much did you teach today? Did you squeeze out all of Su Chenhui's skills?"

620: Qian Sanyi: Mom, it’s time to wash your clothes.

Qian San was half joking.

Su Chen can do too many things, and he also knows that it is impossible to learn them all.

It's enough to learn a little bit from him.

Pei Yin blushed with embarrassment.

Su Chen nodded seriously: "I handed over a lot, it should be enough to digest for a few days. As for digesting all my things, it is unlikely. After all, I am still growing."

Qian Sanyi smiled.

But today’s meal is really delicious.

It tastes very good.

After finishing the meal, Qian Sanyi took the plates, bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen.

Suddenly I realized that the space in the kitchen is very narrow.

"Mom, don't you put these things away properly? The kitchen is too small. It must be very frustrating when cooking."

"Ah, we think it's okay."

Su Chen: "As long as you squeeze in, it's pretty good."

"By the way, Aunt Pei, I know the owner of an entertainment company in Shanghai. Do you want to try and ask him to find a school for you to learn music?"

Su Chen had never forgotten Pei Yin's dream, or he just remembered it.

But that doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that he has a way to help Pei Yin realize this dream.

I am willing to call her to the magic city.

Although there are so many hairy people nowadays, it’s like a pot of porridge.

But Su Chen will always find a way to get even the rain and dew.

Pei Yin hesitated.

The Demon City was his dream, and Su Chen was there.

But the imperial capital is her root.

Not too willing to go out.

Qian Sanyi came out of the kitchen at this time: "Mom, if you think about me, there is no need. I am a college student now and can take care of myself."

"I..." Pei Yin was still a little hesitant: "I'll think about it again."

Su Chen didn't force it either.

After a brief chat, Su Chen was ready to go home.

Send Su Chen out.

Pei Yin was about to go back to her room to rest. At this moment, Qian Sanyi suddenly asked: "Mom, there is water on your skirt, it's even wet."

Pei Yin said in a panic: "It's okay. Maybe I accidentally splashed it when I was washing things in the kitchen. You should go back to your room and rest quickly."

Boom! ~

Qian Sanyi scratched his head in confusion.

"It's really strange. It seems to be on Su Chen's pants too."

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