"It seems that mom really needs a boyfriend." Qiao Yingzi thought to herself.

Su Chen carried Song Qian on his back and supported Qiao Yingzi, and the three of them quickly reached the top of the mountain.

Last time, Su Chen didn't go to the side to see the scenery because he was afraid of heights. Naturally, the situation wouldn't happen again this time.

But this time the person who is afraid seems to have changed.

Su Chen and Qiao Yingzi stood on the fence and looked into the distance.

at this time.

It really makes people feel very small and refreshing.

Shout a few times toward the other side of the mountain.

Listen to your own echo.

It feels very interesting.

It's just that the two of them feel like something is missing.

"Mom, come and see the scenery here." Qiao Yingzi turned around and found Song Qian sitting at the top of the stairs, patting her thighs with both hands.

"No, I'm a little tired, just take a rest here." Song Qian said awkwardly.

"Mom, you are not afraid of heights like the last time Su Chen came here."

Qiao 303 Yingzi was really surprised. She had never heard her mother say that she was afraid of heights before.

Song Qian blushed and said nothing, just looking at her legs.

As a result, he was pulled up in the next second.

"What are you doing?!" Song Qian looked at Su Chen angrily, but what awaited her was her feet flying into the air.

Su Chen was forced to carry her to the fence.

"Don't, don't, don't be like this, I'm really scared." Song Qian quickly closed her eyes tightly, feeling the cold wind in her ears. She really wanted to open her eyes and take a look.

But I also know that as soon as I open my eyes, my legs will definitely become weak.

"It's okay. Just close your eyes and feel it. I'll describe the scenery in the distance to you. Just listen."

630: Looking for a hotel or an amusement park~

Feeling the trembling of the delicate body in her arms, Su Chen understood that she was really scared.

Nature will not force it.

He even put his hand in front of Song Qian's eyes and spoke slowly in his calm voice.

"In front of you is a beautiful scenery composed of several mountain peaks. Their arrangement is like an ink painting, one after another, below..."

As Su Chen narrated sentence by sentence, those around who were looking at the scenery closed their eyes one after another when they heard Su Chen's voice.

Song Qian stopped trembling.

A beautiful scenery, green mountains and green waters really came to mind.

Birds and flowers.

It's as if all this is really happening right in front of you.

The breeze in her ears always reminded her that she was really on the top of a mountain.

The view of it all is really right in front of you.

Even Qiao Yingzi couldn't help but close her eyes and feel the scene described by Su Chen.

Really great.

Su Chen found that everyone was immersed in his story, but he stopped.

Looking at the person in his arms, his eyes were slightly closed, his nose twitched, and he pursed his lips slightly.

Posted it.

"Su Chen, why didn't you say...uh huh 々‖~"

Song Qian only felt that her mind went blank until she woke up again.

Everyone around is awake.

And she even forgot that she was still at the fence.

Qiao Yingzi on the side pulled Su Chen: "Su Chen, you are so amazing. When I close my eyes and listen to what you say, I feel that the scenery in front of me is in my mind. It's amazing."

In fact, the picture just appears in my mind and is not as good as what I see directly.

But it is conceivable.

Human imagination is endless, and he will always add elements he likes to these scenery.

For example, there is a person rafting on green mountains and green water. The poetic and picturesque feeling makes people yearn for it.

The people around me are all the same.

"This young man is so awesome. I wonder what his job is. Could he be a voice actor?"

"What about the voice actor? I feel like he is someone who specializes in narrating movies to blind people. He is so noble."

"He's so handsome. I really want to take a photo with him."

"Why don't you take a photo with me? You didn't notice that there are two beauties next to me, and you are still hugging them. Why did you take a photo with them in the past?"

Only then did Song Qian realize that Su Chen had been holding her in his arms and never let go.

He quickly turned around and said, "Let me go."

Su Chen lay next to her ear and asked, "Are you afraid of heights now?"

Song Qian glanced forward and then softened back into Su Chen's arms.

Now that I have brought her here, I will naturally find a way to prevent her from leaving.

The two of them cuddled up against each other like lovers.

Qiao Yingzi felt like a light bulb standing next to her.

But she didn't have the slightest awareness.

Still chattering, he was describing the scenery he had just imagined to the two of them.

But no matter what she said.

None of them can reach the level that Su Chen just did.

After watching it for more than 20 minutes, more and more people around me looked at her.

Song Qian couldn't bear it anymore and pulled on Suchen's clothes.

"...Let's go, I've seen enough."

Su Chen whispered: "Are you looking for a hotel or going to the amusement park?"

The playground is not at the top of the mountain.

Su Chen supported Song Qian, and the three of them went all the way down to the amusement park.

"I didn't play much last time. This time I want to play a roller coaster! Big pendulum!!!" Exciting things always attract Qiao Yingzi's attention.

Especially after Song Qian relaxed.

Qiao Yingzi likes this kind of amusement ride that can fly in the sky even more.

631: Take Song Qian to ride the merry-go-round

Qiao Yingzi liked it, but Song Qian didn't dare to sit down.

This is really similar to Su Chen last time.

"Mom, I'm here to relax with you today. How about you see what you want to play and I'll play with you." Qiao Yingzi didn't focus on what she wanted to play.

Today I mainly spend time with my mother, and of course Song Qian is the main one.

Song Qian touched her hair.

"I'm very happy that you have this intention, but if you stay with me all the time, then there is no point in coming here. You can play whatever you want, and I can rest here."

Su Chen: "How about this, Yingzi, you can play the more exciting projects, and I will take Sister Song to do some of the things we played together in 303 last time. It can also be regarded as relaxing."

Qiao Yingzi thought for a while and looked at Song Qian: "Mom, what do you think?"

"I think..." Song Qian met Su Chen's gaze and turned to look at Qiao Yingzi: "It's better for you two to go together. It's awkward to stay here with me."

"Then Su Chen should stay with my mother." Qiao Yingzi refused to listen and even said to Su Chen: "My mother is so stubborn."

Su Chen nodded seriously: "I think so too, but it should change back."

Song Qian's face turned red.

He really speaks without hesitation.

Watching Qiao Yingzi go to queue, Su Chen took Song Qian to another place.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We'll know when we get there."

The two people came to the carousel and saw the amusement equipment for the first time.

Song Qian burst into laughter.

"Take me to ride the merry-go-round, childish or not."

He said this, but the smile in the corners of his eyes could no longer be hidden.

He even stood at the end of the line first.

"Call me naive for running so fast." Su Chen followed.

Song Qian said forcefully: "This is what I am. Even though I'm here, I can't stop playing."

Most people who come to the amusement park go to the more exciting projects.

For things like the carousel, there weren't many people lining up.

Most of them are couples.

Su Chen saw several teams, all with two people riding on one horse.

After he put Song Qian on a horse, he sat on the back.

"What are you doing? Why are you up here? Get off quickly." Song Qian looked around very embarrassed.

I don't want them to be the focus of everyone, but I find it seems like they are the only ones.

There are also many people sitting like this.

The strength in his hand couldn't help but weaken a lot, and Su Chen caught him easily.

Su Chen asked her to sit down and held her waist behind him.

As the Trojan starts.

The two people just started spinning around.

Song Qian had a great time, pointing at the surrounding scenery and smiling at Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded accordingly.

It came down after a while.

"So fast." Song Qian muttered in a low voice. This was her first time doing a merry-go-round. The plots she had seen on TV before felt like they were scripted by idol dramas. She didn't expect that these scenes would actually happen to her today. .

It feels quite interesting.

"How about we play again?"



Of course the two of them played it more than once.

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