But every time she played, Su Chen would get closer to her.

This also made Song Qian experience something strange.

"Are you still sitting?"

"Don't sit down anymore, don't sit down anymore, let's play something else."

If you sit down again, either you will make a fool of yourself, or something will happen to me.

632: Couples feed each other normally

Su Chen shook his body.

Then I got off the merry-go-round.

"Where should we go next?"

Su Chen thought for a while and took Song Qian to take a pirate ship.

Although this project is more exciting, it pales in comparison to those of the big pendulum.

After you go up, close your eyes the whole time and just feel the weightlessness with your heart.

Follow Su Chen's method.

After Song Qian went up, she hugged Su Chen's arm tightly and closed her eyes tightly.

It felt like he was about to pull Su Chen's arm into his body.

But even so, she still didn't feel safe.

After going down, I was still sweating.

"Su Chen, let's not play this kind of project. It's too scary."

When Song Qian said this, her two arms were still holding his arms.

It's like being coquettish.

The tone is also soft and soft.

Yesterday I wiped her sweat and nodded in agreement.

I just wanted to experience it, and I didn’t say I had to play it all the time.

Su Chen glanced at the time.

I took Song Qian to go shopping in the snack street. There was actually not much to eat here.

And also very expensive.

Generally speaking, you will bring some food with you to avoid buying it here.

But Su Chen has money.

Song Qian also bought a lot of snacks along the way, but these things were more sophisticated.

Like grilled corn.


pumpkin pie.

They are all things where one can clearly see the craftsmanship of the other party.

This made Su Chen feel a little funny, even though he had relaxed his requirements on food.

But also pay attention to your health.

Song Qian went shopping all the way, and Su Chen paid the bills all the way.

Several critical attacks were triggered in the middle, but Su Chen didn't pay attention. They were all small amounts of money anyway.

It doesn't matter.

After shopping, the two of them found a place to sit down and put the things on the table.

Song Qian regretted a little: "Did I buy too many things? It would be nice if Miaomiao was here."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, it's the same when I'm here." Su Chen ate and watched Song Qian take small bites.

Suddenly I thought of something I always wanted to do but never had the chance to do.

"Sister Song, I want you to feed me."


Hearing Su Chen's words, Song Qian first trembled, and then looked around nervously.

"Not so good."

"What's wrong is that no one here knows us. When they look at us, they just think it's a couple showing off their affection."

Su Chen couldn't help but move the chair next to Song Qian.

took her hand.

"If you don't feed them, the things you bought will be a waste."

"You are too domineering."

When she said this, her voice became a little soft.

Seeing that Su Chen looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, Song Qian carefully picked up a pumpkin pie and brought it to Su Chen's mouth.

like that.

Don't think the people who steal landmines are any better.

Seeing that she was taking too long to deliver it, Su Chen went over and ate the pumpkin pie in one bite.

"See, it's easy and no one is paying attention around you."

Su Chen naturally lowered his sense of existence, so low that it was even lower than ordinary people.

Basically only the people sitting next to you will notice.

Song Qian took a careful look, and it was exactly what Su Chen said.

Completely unnoticed.

She became more courageous.

The two fed each other like lovers, and Song Qian also experienced the feeling of love at this time.

This feeling has not occurred for many years.


It also happened when I first met this little bastard.

But it wasn't as strong at that time as it is now.

It’s really nostalgic.


Everything on the table was eaten clean.

633: Diversion of attention on the Ferris wheel, very exciting

Song Qian leaned on the chair holding her belly, and said with some worry: "I ate too much today, and I might gain weight again when I go back."

"It doesn't matter, even if it turns into fat, it will only be where it should be." Su Chen said, "Besides, we often exercise, and sooner or later these things will be turned into energy and consumed."

Song Qian rolled her eyes at him and blushed.

"Where is the next stop?"

It was still early, and Qiao Yingzi didn't call, so Song Qian wanted to take advantage of this time to play a few more projects.

Su Chen looked at the Ferris wheel next to him and suddenly thought that he could play on it.

"Why don't we go ride the Ferris wheel? It's spacious and high."

“What’s so big about space is that it’s also high.”

She looked like she didn't understand what Su Chen was saying, but it was of no use to Su Chen.

Pull her directly under the Ferris wheel.

The two people lined up leaning against each other just like ordinary lovers.

After half an hour.

The two people slowly took off into the sky.

Looking at the gradually smaller scenery around her, Song Qian closed her eyes nervously.

But I still take a look secretly.

This cute look made Su Chen grab her hand and put it somewhere.

"As long as you put your attention elsewhere, the scenery around you won't scare you. Now change your attention."

Song Qian: "..."


Qiao Yingzi felt a little hungry after playing all the way and bought a lot of things in the snack street.

But when she wanted to find Su Chen and Song Qian, she couldn't find them.

Just make a phone call.

"Hey, Mom, where are you and Suchen?"

"Hmm~ We are on the Ferris wheel now..."

"Ferris wheel? I didn't expect that Su Chen actually took you to play all the projects he came to play at that time. Are you scared on it?" Qiao Yingzi looked up while holding her mobile phone.

The Ferris wheel is still turning slowly, and I don't know where my mother is.

"Well...I'm not scared anymore, I'm just a little tired~"

"As long as you're not afraid, we rode the Ferris wheel together and it cured Su Chen's fear of heights. Can you see me on top?"

Qiao Yingzi waved her hands excitedly towards the Ferris wheel.

"Mom, can you see?"

"Hmm... I see it, I see it, stop screaming~ It's so embarrassing~"

"Haha, no one can see above you anyway, so it's okay to be embarrassed..."


The ferris wheel stopped.

Su Chen helped Song Qian come out, and Qiao Yingzi ran over from the crowd excitedly.

"Mom, how does it feel to ride the Ferris wheel? Do you feel that your fear of heights has been cured?" Qiao Yingzi hugged Song Qian's arm happily.

"Well, I'm not afraid of heights, but my legs are a little weak."

"Haha, it's so normal. Su Chen was in the same state as you when he rode the Ferris wheel last time."

Song Qian didn't want to talk more about this topic: "Why don't we leave? By the way, Yingzi, have you eaten enough?"

"I've already eaten. I've been waiting for you for so long and I won't starve to death if I don't eat something."

"Then let's go back to the hotel. Mom is a little tired."

The three people helped each other to the hotel.

Qiao Yingzi took her ID card and said, "Two rooms."

"Three rooms." x2

Song Qian and Su Chen said in unison, Qiao Yingzi looked at them strangely: "Why three rooms?".

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