634: The figure who came in late at night

Su Chen: "Then why do you want two more rooms? Do you want to share a room with me?"

"It's a beautiful idea. I definitely want to sleep in the same room as my mother, and we can chat at night."

Qiao Yingzi blushed, spat at Su Chen, and glanced at Song Qian secretly.

Even if I say this as a joke, I can't say it in front of my mother. It's not a serious joke.

But I felt a little excited for no reason, what was going on.

Song Qian was also beautiful and rolled her eyes at Su Chen. What on earth was going on in this guy's mind?

Why are those things happening all day long?

Song Qian hugged Qiao Yingzi's shoulders: "I will sleep with my daughter tonight, and no one can disturb our mother-daughter night chat."

"OK then."

Suchen accepted this suggestion.



Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi finished washing and sat on the bed to dry their hair.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Song Qian's exquisite figure and couldn't help but move closer.

"Mom, you are so beautiful, I don't know who will fall into the hands of you in the future."

"Why do you ask?" Song Qian was a little strange. She felt that Qiao Yingzi seemed to be a little too concerned about his personal life when he came back this time.


Song Qian finally understood why Qiao Yingzi was depressed during her senior year of high school.

No matter what you do, you have to do it under the instructions of others. This feeling is like a pair of eyes constantly staring at you.

Feeling particularly uncomfortable.

I really wanted to be free of him.

Qiao Yingzi didn't feel this way at all, and put her face on Song Qian's back: "It just feels like after coming back this time, my mother seems to have become more feminine, and she is getting more and more beautiful."

"Our roommates all said that this is a change that only occurs after a woman falls in love."

Hearing Qiao Yingzi's words, Song Qian laughed: "Do you little girls know what love is? So the changes in women are all due to love. Just listen to these words, but don't follow them."

When Song Qian said this, the scene of feeding each other with Su Chen in the afternoon suddenly came to mind.

A sweet smile appeared on his face.

late at night.

The door opened.

A figure came in.

Day 2 morning.

Qiao Yingzi rubbed her confused eyes and found that her mother was still sleeping.

"I'm really exhausted. It's really worth relaxing today."

10 points

Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian just finished washing.

"Mom, I think you should relax more, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sleep for so long."

"I must be exhausted these past six months."

Song Qian blushed and nodded.

At the same time, he pinched Su Chen with his fingers. Did anyone notice this little move?

The three of them finished breakfast and lunch.

There is still an afternoon.

Su Chen originally planned to let Qiao Yingzi play again, while he and Song Qian walked around in the amusement park. 307

However, Qiao Yingzi had already played all the projects she wanted to play yesterday.

And the queue there is also very long.

Qiao Yingzi didn't plan to go again today. She planned to go shopping with Song Qian today.

This made Song Qian a little embarrassed.

But seeing Su Chen's aggrieved expression, Song Qian smiled proudly.

Still a few projects from yesterday.


This is also a must-visit place for couples, and many people ride two at a time.

"There are only two left in the end. Why don't you wait for the next trip?"

"It would be too miserable to wait for the next trip."

Qiao Yingzi was a little helpless: "How about my mother and I go up there and you wait below?"

Su Chen: "Okay then.".

635: Holding Qiao Yingzi while riding the merry-go-round

Hearing what Su Chen said, Song Qian trembled.

What does it mean to think beautifully?

Did he want to continue here like yesterday, sitting on a horse with himself?

But Yingzi is still there.

Wouldn't that be a bad idea?

Although she thought so, Song Qian really hoped that Su Chen would do this.

Hug each other like yesterday.

Just when she was thinking wildly, she suddenly felt light and was carried to the merry-go-round.

"Su Chen, don't be like this." Song Qian was nervous and excited, but mostly she didn't want Qiao Yingzi to find out.

Su Chen touched her hair: "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

Then Su Chen turned around and hugged Qiao Yingzi behind the horse.

Got on another horse himself.

The combined weight of the two beauties must be much lighter than those couples riding together.

And it’s also pleasing to the eye.

Naturally, no one will say anything.

While Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little disappointed, but she felt very heartwarming about Su Chen's last words.

I was really thinking about her.

Qiao Yingzi hugged Song Qian's waist: "Mom, this is how it feels to hug your waist outside."

"Hug her, hug her, don't move around, your mother is ticklish." Song Qian ordered.

The main reason is that he is afraid that if he moves around and accidentally arouses some emotions, it will not be good if Qiao Yingzi notices something strange.

Qiao Yingzi is also very obedient.

If you say you won't move around, you won't move around.

As the carousel started, Qiao Yingzi hugged Song Qian's back happily.

Qiao Yingzi really never dreamed that one day she would hold her mother in the amusement park and do the decisive battle on the wooden horse.

If this was the beginning of the third year of high school, it would definitely be delusional.

But now it's really happening.

Feeling Qiao Yingzi's concern, Song Qian gradually started to laugh.

Su Chen watched from behind, and the two of them were very happy with their movements.

At least my efforts over the past year have not been in vain.

First time over.

Qiao Yingzi suggested: "How about we sit there a few more times?"

"Okay." Song Qian said with a smile.

"I don't agree." Su Chen said with a serious expression: "You two have been practicing for me while you were playing, and I have always been myself. This is unfair."

"Yo yo yo, you have wronged yourself, what? You still want to sit back and hug us?" Qiao Yingzi asked: "Even if I want to, do you dare?"

Su Chen: "You are all willing, why don't I dare?"

Song Qian: "..."

Qiao Yingzi: "..."

Qiao Yingzi also felt that what he said was a bit too much, just when he was about to explain it again.

The three of them stood at the door chatting for too long, and the people behind them began to rush.

In a hurry, the three people lined up again.

Stand in the queue.

Qiao Yingzi felt as if she could no longer say these words.

Wait until they are in line.

Song Qian consciously sat on one.

Qiao Yingzi's ears were red, and she looked at the many empty seats behind her.

She planned to sit in the back.

Su Chen took the lead in sitting on the horse behind and stretched out his hand to her: "...Do you dare to come?"

"Why don't you dare?!"

Qiao Yingzi was aroused by Su Chen, grabbed his hand, kicked her feet, and got on the horse.

Feeling Su Chen's heat.

Qiao Yingzi's mind went blank.

It turns out that this is how it feels to sit in a boy's arms. It seems to be different from what my roommate said.

They are talking about happiness.

Why do I feel a little dizzy?

Is it a problem with the merry-go-round?

As the carousel started, Qiao Yingzi's attention was gradually abducted by the people coming closer and closer behind her.

"No, I feel so confused.".

636: Qiao Yingzi: Mom, if he is dishonest, pinch him

Song Qian's current mood is best described as a mess.

There is absolutely no way to have fun.

All attention is behind.

Qiao Yingzi is similar.

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