It can be said that among the three of them, except Su Chen at this moment.

No one cares about whether this Trojan ride is fun or not.

until the end.

Qiao Yingzi's face never calmed down and was always red.

"Yingzi, why don't we take a break and go do something else?" Song Qian suggested after this trip.

Qiao Yingzi was about to nod. 317

Su Chen said: "We don't have much time, and there is nothing else to play with, so I will just take another round. I haven't sat on the merry-go-round with Sister Song yet."

Qiao Yingzi looked up at him after hearing this: "I think you have bad intentions. You must have been prepared. Mom, this guy will sit behind you in a while. If he says anything to you, just pinch him."

Su Chen deliberately took a few steps back and looked at her in shock: "You are too cruel."

"Hmph, you just used provocation to provoke me." Qiao Yingzi raised her chin and lined up again.

Su Chen stretched out a hand to Song Qian: "Come on, beauty."

Song Qian blushed and put her hand up shyly.

I didn’t expect that the preparation for this took so long just for this moment.

I'm really looking forward to it.

Mount again.

This time Su Chen could be very generous and hug Song Qian's waist naturally.

Song Qian also leaned in her arms comfortably.

Qiao Yingzi couldn't see anything strange from behind.

After coming down.

Everyone looked at Su Chen with great envy.

This is what makes a winner in life.

Although the next time is not enough to play the projects, it is enough for them to take a tour of the amusement park.

Bought some more snacks.

Of course, Song Qian's nagging was indispensable along the way. After all, in her opinion, there were many things in it that were unclean.

But his nagging is now just lip service.

Even if Qiao Yingzi and Su Chen really buy it, she will not be as angry as before.

He just kept whispering next to the two people.

That is, thoughts.

Wanting to make both of them feel guilty.

But Su Chen and Qiao Yingzi looked at each other and smiled. They just found Song Qian's appearance very interesting.

They even buy more on purpose.

When she was discovered later, Song Qian just waited for them to look at each other and stopped talking.

The two of them stopped buying it.

Then comes the shooting game.

In front of you is a target, circle after circle.

In the middle are ten rings.

Others decrease in sequence.

And this bullseye is surrounded by dolls.

There are various types.

And at the top of these cabinets, there is a huge bear.

It looks like it has to be two meters.

And on the bear's ears hang the required number of rings.

"1000 rings."

In other words, if you want to redeem that doll, even if you hit ten rings every time, you still have to shoot 100 times.

And here it’s 5 yuan a shot.

Even if it’s a gun with 10 rings, it still costs 500 yuan.

But not everyone has that much time and energy.

To put it simply, it means making steady profits without losing money.

Except for the big bear with 1000 rings, the other rag dolls also have corresponding ring numbers on their ears.

What’s even better is that the rings on these dolls are cumulative.

In other words.

If you can hit 100 rings, you may be able to get back 3 to 4 dolls.

With Su Chen's skill of hitting every target, almost all the dolls in the store were wrapped up by Su Chen.

Song Qian was like a little girl in love, constantly cheering for Su Chen.

Qiao Yingzi didn't know whether to shout or not.

637: I’ll give you 100 yuan and harm the store opposite.

Just after Su Chen shot more than 50 times, all of which were ten rings, he still wanted to continue playing.

The boss suddenly handed over 100 yuan and a dozen dolls.

"Brother, have you seen the guy throwing darts next to you? You go to him, I'm just a small business here, so don't embarrass me~"

"Pfft!~" Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi felt very amused when they saw their boss trying to please him.

This is the first time they have seen someone who can make them so scared.

The eyes looking at Su Chen became gentle.

Su Chen smiled.

He handed over the 100 yuan and the little dolls.

"How about replacing these things with the big doll on top?"

"If you had told me earlier, I would have given you the doll directly." The boss was also very polite. In fact, he had known for a long time that Su Chen was so good and he must be chasing the big prize.

The boss took the bamboo pole and took down the big doll on top.

He didn't give it to Su Chen either.

Instead, he gave it directly to Song Qian.

"Your boyfriend is so awesome. This is the first time someone has made me feel scared."

"No no no... no."

Song Qian was very happy after getting the doll, but she was very nervous after what her boss said.

He quickly waved his hand and wanted to explain the relationship between the two people.

But the store owner didn't care at all.

I just wanted to let Su Chen leave quickly.

Su Chen didn't explain to Song Qian, so she took him and Qiao Yingzi to the opposite side.

Song Qian was a little annoyed: "Why don't you let me explain it clearly to him."

"Did you explain it clearly to him?" Su Chen pointed to the boss behind him: "Look at how happy he is smiling now. Do you think he will listen to you?"

Song Qian looked over.

After seeing Su Chen leave, the boss smiled like a flower.

Seeing Song Qian looking over, she waved specifically.

Song Qian sighed.

It seems that there is really no need to explain.

Opposite the check-in store is a coin-operated store. The rules of the game here are very simple.

There was a very large board in front of him, on which the boss had carefully painted countless small squares.

Most are white.

There are a few patches of black.

There is also a very small red in it, just drop the coin on top of the red.

You'll get the grand prize.

Su Chen confirmed again: "As long as the head is red, the top doll is mine?"

The boss nodded.

Su Chen did not vote immediately, but looked at Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi.

"You don't think I will succeed many times?"

Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi said in unison: "Once."

"You have quite a lot of confidence in me, so I'll give you a show."

The boss stood aside, saying nothing, with a smile on his face.

If only once every time someone actually said it.

Then his store has been closed long ago.

But well.

It's natural to like to show off when you go out with your girlfriend.

... .. 0

Su Chen pointed the coin at the red square and threw it casually.



The boss looked at the coin sitting on the yellow square in surprise.

This is gone again? ? ?

If you want to know why he chose the cube instead of playing with a gun like the opponent, it is because anyone who plays with a gun can hit a few casually.

And this kind of grid throwing is very difficult to complete if you don't have real skills.

Even if you throw it casually, the chance of hitting it is not high.

He has been holding the first prize here for several years without giving it away.

I didn't expect to plant it today.

The boss was also very knowledgeable about current affairs and reported the first prize to Su Chen.

Then put the other bear on top.

Su Chen took a look and said, "Boss, can I still continue playing?"

638: Suchen: Buy it for my girlfriend

The boss looked at Su Chen in surprise.

Su Chen smiled and said, "I think the bear you brought out first is pretty good. How about I play with it again?"

"Then come." The boss is naturally not afraid of anyone coming to play.

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