[Su Chen: I’ll wait until the winter break of my sophomore year. But I heard that it’s hard to book a hotel there. Don’t let me sleep on the streets then. 】

[Cheng Miao: Don’t worry, even if I don’t have a place to sleep, I won’t let you sleep on the street. 】

Su Chen had a little doubt about Cheng Miao's words, and felt that if there was still a chance, it would be better to go back with Cheng Shu or Cheng Man.

At least I'll have a place to sleep then.

Then there were some private photos sent by Gao Baojing.

Since Gao Baojing gave up everything, he no longer had so much restraint when taking these photos.

Basically you can see wherever you want to see.

Su Chen also sent him a message.

[Su Chen: Good boy, where is Lin Youyou?Take some photos of the two of you together. 】

Gao Baojing felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the news.

In the past, she only needed her side, but now she needs two people.

But no way.

She still called Lin Youyou over, and the two of them made a few moves in front of the phone together.

This made Su Chen satisfied.

After putting down the phone, Lin Youyou looked at Gao Baojing: "Are you planning to live here this year?"

"This is a villa area, and it's warm. There's everything to eat and wear. Where else should I go?" Gao Baojing asked.

Lin Youyou: "If I remember correctly, you are still a student now. Don't you plan to go home and take a look during the Chinese New Year?"

"Go home?" Gao Baojing thought of his younger brother who would only cause trouble for him.

And those two parents who only kidnap her morally.

Shake his head.

"I'm planning to spend the New Year here, what about you?"

Gao Baojing asked back.

"My reasons are the same as yours. It feels good to live here. That guy just returned to the Imperial Capital. Isn't it just pure enjoyment to be here?"

Gao Baojing: "..."


Su Chen chatted with a few people for a while and then started playing games.

Played until late at night.

When everyone went to sleep, Su Chen quietly went out again.

Just when he was about to use his traditional skills to unlock the door.

Su Chen twisted.

The door opened.

Su Chen looked at the crack in the door in front of him in surprise, and suddenly felt that his career was being despised.

"...Bah, bah, bah, what kind of career? I'm just a freshman now, and I'm just like a thief who has been doing it for many years."

But now Su Chen has become more and more skilled at this kind of door-picking and lock-picking behavior.

No wonder he has a wrong understanding of his profession.

"Is this a door just for me? That's great."

Day 2 morning.

Su Chen and the other three were carrying their luggage, each holding a huge teddy bear in their hands.

Sit on the observation car.

Each of the three of them has to play two positions.

The people around them looked at them with only envy in their eyes.

"Look at her boyfriend, and then look at you. Apart from a keychain, what else have you won?"

The boy scratched his head in embarrassment: "I also got you a keychain. Look at them, they don't have anything in their hands."

Other boys: "..."

Thank you so much.

641: Song Qian: So many beauties, you will be exhausted

Back to Shuxiang Yayuan.

Song Qian parked the car and happened to meet Tong Wenjie coming back from outside.

"Where are you three going?" Tong Wenjie asked confused when she realized that the three of them were going out together.

Song Qian was holding the big bear that Su Chen had won, feeling embarrassed.

Qiao Yingzi on the side didn't think too much and said with a smile: "My mother has been too tired from work recently. Today I took her to the amusement park to relax. These two bears were won by Su Chen for us."

"Su Chen helped you win." Tong Wenjie glanced at Su Chen: "I have never had a teddy bear like this in my life."

Listening to Tong Wenjie's tone, Su Chen handed over the bear in his hand: "Beautiful lady, since you still have a childish heart, I will give this to you."

"Thank you." Tong Wenjie did not refuse and hugged her with a thank you.

He even waved it in front of Song Qian.

Song Qian: "..."

"What are you doing? Why are you back now?"

Song Qian looked at the time and it was not yet noon when they came back.

If we go by normal working hours, Tong Wenjie should still be in the company now.

Tong Wenjie hugged the big bear: "There is nothing going on in the company recently, so I will leave early."

Seeing Tong Wenjie's child-like expression, Song Qian smiled.

Everyone’s mentality is really getting younger and younger.

back home.

Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi looked at the big bears in their hands.

Song Qian blushed and pushed the big bear to Qiao Yingzi: "What about that? It's not appropriate for you to keep this big bear. It's better to put it in your room."

Qiao Yingzi looked at Song Qian's shy face and thought she was embarrassed to put such little girl's things in the room.

Qiao Yingzi pushed back with a smile: "I already have one here. The bear is so big that my bed can't accommodate two. You'd better keep the one in your room by yourself."

As she spoke, Qiao Yingzi hugged her bear and ran back to the room and closed the door.

Song Qian stood there a little lost.

He returned to the room with the bear in his arms and looked at the giant bear on his lap.

Recalling the scenes of the past few days in my mind, a happy smile appeared on my face.

Onion-like fingers pointed at the giant bear's face.

"You stinky guy, you have so many confidantes, now it's winter vacation, let me see how you allocate your time."


Su Chen went home and simply took a shower.


Just when he was about to cook and go to stay next door, his cell phone rang.

It's Boss Yang's phone number.

"Hey, what's the matter with Boss Yang?"

"Have you read the V blog these days? You don't have anything to say about the adaptation of your novel? For example, come to a press conference."

Boss Yang's soft and waxy voice makes you feel particularly comfortable whenever you listen to it.

It would be so cool if he could be called daddy at this time.

Resist the urge.

Su Chen said: "I don't understand anything about the entertainment industry. Just leave it all to Boss Yang. I believe you."

On the other side of the phone, Yang Mi trembled after hearing Su Chen's words.

He almost didn't let himself slip under the stool.

"Why did this stinky guy suddenly say that? I don't know what it means?" A red cloud floated on Yang Mi's face, and she sat back down on the stool.

"What about your next drama? The next drama is Gui Chuu Leng. You don't plan to participate in any promotion or adaptation."

"If this is ruined by your leader, you will be blamed for it."

Su Chen was surprised: "Hasn't Wei Chui Deng been adapted yet?"

Yang Mi: "..."

You are the author, what about me? .

642: Su Chen: Call dad and I’ll go take the photo

"Boss, how's it going? Is there no way to talk at all?" Qiao Jingjing stood next to Yang Mi. She was very uncomfortable seeing her boss, so she probably knew what the other person said.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at her and said to the phone: "I don't care, this TV series also uses actors from our company, and as the author, I hope you should shoulder your responsibility."

"Ah? What responsibility?" Su Chen looked at the phone strangely. As an author, he only needs to finish the novel, right?

Yang Mi: "The leading role in it is given to you. When the time comes, you must perform well."

"What protagonist? Wait a minute! Hello???"

Hearing Su Chen's anxious shouting from the opposite side, Yang Mi pulled the phone away: "Hey, I can't hear what you are saying~~~"

"..." Su Chen wanted to refuse when he heard this, but Boss Yang pretended to be so shameless.

Su Chen said directly: "Don't hang up yet. I know you can hear me. It's easy to ask me to act. During the filming, you must call me dad every time we meet, otherwise I won't go."

"You! Okay, if you dare to hear me scream, then you must obey me in everything on the set!" Yang Mi gritted her teeth and said fiercely.

But his voice sounded completely harmless, and even a little cute.

Qiao Jingjing's eyes widened instantly as she listened to the content on the phone.

A hand over his mouth.

She never expected that her boss would make such a big sacrifice just to let him play a role.

"Boss, you are really great." Qiao Jingjing sighed with emotion.

Yang Mi blushed and glanced sideways at her: "Use your cell phone when the time comes, and you use the voice changer to speak to him."

Qiao Jingjing, who was being moved, was stunned by these words.

"Why did you become me again?!"

Su Chen said on the phone: "Okay, now let's collect the interest and call me to hear it."

Yang Mi's face turned redder.

If there is no one around, just call. Now Qiao Jingjing is by your side.

How can I say this?

Yang Mi raised the phone to Qiao Jingjing's mouth: "Shout."

"I...well, hey." Seeing the serious expressions of these bosses, Qiao Jingjing helplessly called her dad into her phone.

Su Chen: "Have you changed someone? It's not okay to change someone."

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