Qiao Jingjing whispered: "My ears are pretty good."

"Okay, anyway, I called you, and you think something is wrong. It's just your hearing problem that has nothing to do with me. Remember to find me when you come back, otherwise, you are dead!" Yang Mi did not dare to continue chatting with Su Chen.

She was afraid of being taken to the ditch again.

"Boss, do you really plan to let him film in the future?" Qiao Jingjing was confused.

Yang Mi nodded: "Of course, don't you think his image is very good for acting? The most important thing is that he is the original author of the novel, so it is definitely enough for him to play the original protagonist."


Qiao Jingjing: "The gimmick is enough, but if you have to call him daddy every day when you see him, isn't it a bit of a loss? And if other paparazzi take photos of it, your reputation..."

What celebrities are most afraid of now is the paparazzi. If Boss Yang is photographed calling Su Chen daddy.

I don’t know how the entertainment news society writes about it.

"This is simple~" Yang Mi held up a script, which was written by someone in their company and was called Little Daddy.

When the time comes, can’t we just talk about our own scenes?

If it really gets photographed.

Maybe Su Chen can be cast in another TV series.

It seems to taste good too.

643: Su Chen took out the transformer

Su Chen came to 403 with his things.

Song Qian opened the door.

Su Chen looked around the room and found that there was no sign of Xiao Yingzi.

"Where's Yingzi?"

"Yingzi has had so much fun these two days and is catching up on her sleep inside."

"Aren't you going to eat the meal?"

"Just leave some for her after we finish eating."

After Su Chen sat down, he kept staring at Song Qian with his eyes. He felt a little embarrassed to see Song Qian who was eating.

Dodge subconsciously.

"What are you looking at?" Song Qian asked in a low voice, blushing.

"Look at the beauty." Su Chen smiled: "I feel like you have changed a lot this year. If it were Song Qian a year ago, she would have to wake Yingzi up first."

"Who would have thought that so much could change in one year."

Song Qian rolled her eyes at him.

Isn't it you who has changed the main thing here?

But he would never say this voluntarily before, even if he said it, his tail would still be raised to the sky.

Su Chen: "By the way, Qiao Jingjing called me today and said that his boss wants me to star in a TV series. I'm still considering whether to accept it. Please give me your opinion."


Sometimes she just wants you to share your feelings with her.

Su Chen looked at Song Qian's face very calmly, not realizing that he had just agreed to Yang Mi's request.

Song Qian was indeed thinking seriously, but when he looked at Su Chen's expression, there was panic on his face.

"You asked me why. If you want to act, then act. If you don't want to act, just refuse." Song Qian kept mashing the bowl with her chopsticks.

I was very nervous.

At this moment, her hand was suddenly wrapped in warmth.

"I want to ask your opinion, please tell me." Su Chen grabbed her hand and said softly.

Song Qian struggled away for a moment, but she couldn't. She could only blush and let Su Chen hold her.

"Actually, I think there's nothing wrong with you acting in a TV series. This way..."

Song Qian took a deep breath: "This way, even if you are not with us, at least you can let us know that you did not mess around when you went out, and it can also give us comfort when you are not around."

"But if you don't want to, just refuse. You don't have to think about us."

At this time, Su Chen had already reached Song Qian's side.

"Don't worry, your thoughts are my thoughts, I'll go with it."

Song Qian's heart trembled.

Nod gently...

At this time, Su Chen used a voice changer to transform into Ultraman and work hard for world peace.


Qiao Yingzi and Qiao Weidong were eating in a hot pot restaurant.

Qiao Weidong asked: "How is your mother doing now? Is she not forcing you?"

"No, my mother has recovered a long time ago. Now it doesn't matter how late I sleep at home. She is really happy."

Qiao Yingzi said with a smile: "What about you? Didn't I hear that Aunt Xiaomeng wants a child before? Why haven't I heard anything from you during this time?"

"Hey, it's all your dad's fault for this. He's so helpless." Qiao Weidong didn't want to say it clearly.

The more this time comes, the more he wants to go back to the past, when he was strong and strong.

3.9 I should have listened more to Song Qian and gone out less to socialize, otherwise I wouldn't have eaten my body like this.

It's too late to regret now.

Although Qiao Yingzi didn't know exactly what her father meant, she also knew that there might be no way to get it.

"No wonder Aunt Xiaomeng has been living in Shuxiang Yayuan recently. It seems that there is a real conflict between the two of you."

Qiao Yingzi said: "Aren't you going to try to chase Aunt Xiaomeng back?".

644: Qiao Weidong: Why are you gasping for breath when you speak?

Qiao Weidong listened to Qiao Yingzi's opinion.

Xiao Meng has been with him for so long, no matter what problems arise.

You should also try to persuade her to go back.

Let’s talk about whether it succeeds or not.

Qiao Weidong put on a handsome suit and came to Shuxiang Yayuan with a bouquet of roses.

When she was downstairs, she happened to meet Song Qian who was about to go out.

Qiao Weidong hurriedly hid the flowers behind his back: "Song Qian, you are going to work."

"Yes, you are..." Song Qian glanced behind 11 Qiao Weidong and said with a crooked mouth: "Stop hiding, those big red flowers are placed there, where can you hide them. "

"Did you remember that Xiao Meng was still in Shuxiang Yayuan? I thought you had forgotten about her."

She has returned to work mode these days, and so has Tong Wenjie.

When Su Chen had something to do, he would go to Xiao Meng's place to chat.

Song Qian thought Qiao Weidong had forgotten Xiaomeng, but she didn't expect that he still remembered it.

Qiao Weidong smiled awkwardly: "Look what you said, there was a little conflict before, let's find a way to make up for it now."

"I won't tell you anymore, I'll go up first."

Qiao Weidong fled into the elevator as if running away and quickly closed the elevator.

Going to find your current girlfriend in front of your ex-wife is a weird feeling no matter how you think about it.

Song Qian shook her head.

In Qiao Weidong's current state, let alone wanting to chase Xiao Meng back.

I'm afraid it's hard to even see her.

But this has little to do with her, so she goes to work quickly.


Qiao Weidong came all the way to the door of his new home.

Adjusted his tie.

Knock on the door.

"Xiaomeng, are you at home? I think the two of us should have a good chat."

Knocked twice on the door.

Qiao Weidong hasn't opened it yet.

"Xiaomeng, are you awake?" I wanted to put my ear on it and listen to see if the other person was awake.

As a result, my ears just started to hear.

The thud almost scared him back.


"The dream is me, Qiao Weidong." Qiao Weidong grinned and picked his ears with his fingers.

The blow just now did not deafen his ears.

Xiao Meng inside felt still angry, and her voice was still trembling.

"You...what are you doing here now? I don't have time to talk to you."

"Xiaomeng used to be my fault. You always thought that I had feelings for Song Qian. But now that you have lived here for so long, you should know that he has no thoughts about me at all."

"If you are still worried about us, can you get married now when you go back?"

Qiao Weidong held flowers in his hands and looked at the door with a prayerful face.

He hoped that there was a pair of eyes in the cat's eyes that could see his current sincerity.

There are indeed people watching at the cat's eye.

But whether it was sincere or not, no one noticed. The main thing they paid attention to was his current state.

Xiao Meng was still angry and said tremblingly: "Last year I asked you to have a baby with me, but you didn't. Now you regret it? Don't you think it's a bit late?"

Qiao Weidong: "It is indeed a bit late, but I 330 think this kind of thing can be forgiven if it is delayed. After all, we still love each other, don't we?"


When Qiao Weidong heard the word "disconnect", he didn't know whether the other party said yes or no.

"Um... I don't have time to talk to you that much now. I have something else to do. Let's talk on the phone. I'll go back when I figure it out, but I have to have children."


Qiao Weidong didn't force it, after all, he knew how bad he was last year.

Since he was not capable, he could only find various excuses, and this is where he ended up.

The disease was not cured.

My girlfriend is about to leave too, which is really unlucky.

645: The transformer will glow

Xiaomeng has been having a dream these days. She dreamed that after she came back yesterday, the two of them went traveling every day.

Trek through mountains and rivers.

I climbed all the mountains around the imperial capital and swam in all the water.

They looked at old trees.

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