Worshiped Guanyin.

He even went to the countryside to help needy families push their cars.

Very happy to play.

But just when they were happy, a man named Qiao Weidong came to disturb their happy life.

How could Xiao Meng endure such a thing?

Then he must go back quickly. His trip here is not over yet.

I haven't even finished the last meal I wanted to eat.

How can this go?

Even with the ice cream in hand, Xiaomeng still wants to drive Qiao Weidong away.

In response, Su Chen just touched her face happily.

It seems that the time of this trip can be extended again.

Able to explore more scenery.

Come back at the end of the evening.

While eating at Song Qian's house, Song Qian suddenly asked.

"Did Qiao Weidong go to see Xiaomeng this afternoon?"

Before Su Chen spoke, Qiao Yingzi almost choked on her words.

"Ahem, mom, don't you have feelings for my dad?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Song Qian didn't quite understand why Qiao Yingzi asked this.

Qiao Yingzi breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought her mother was angry because Qiao Weidong came to Shuxiang Yayuan instead of looking for him.

As long as it's not.

Su Chen pretended to be dumbfounded: "Ah? He went to find Aunt Xiaomeng? I really don't know about this."

If you are pretending, don't pretend too hard for me.

Song Qian rolled her eyes at Su Chen, but she also knew from the side that Qiao Weidong did come to see her this afternoon.

But look at the current situation.

The ending should be what she thought, and she couldn't call Xiaomeng away.

It seems that Qiao Weidong really failed.

Finish a meal.

Song Qian went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Qiao Yingzi took a look and quickly returned to her room to talk to Zhao Weidong on the phone.

Su Chen naturally came to the kitchen to help wash the dishes.

Standing behind Song Qian.

Su Chen held the Ultraman transformer: "Sister Song, look, this is my new transformer and it still shines."

Song Qian hit it and said, "Only children play with this thing."


It turns out that is indeed the case.

Qiao Yingzi came out of the room after making the phone call, and when she wanted to talk to Song Qian about it, she found that Su Chen was the only one in the kitchen.

"Where's my mother?"

"Sister Song suddenly felt dizzy just now, so she went back to her room to rest."

Su Chen said expressionlessly to Qiao Yingzi outside the kitchen.

"...Oh, actually it was me who persuaded my dad to come to Shuxiang Yayuan this afternoon. Do you think my mother would be angry if I told her about this?"

"Why are you so angry? It has nothing to do with you two that he is here today. Doesn't he want to persuade Aunt Xiaomeng to return?" Su Chen asked calmly.

"That being said, I called and asked. My dad seemed to have met my mom this afternoon, and the conversation between the two didn't seem very pleasant."

After Su Chen washed the things in his hands, he turned to look at Qiao Yingzi outside: "This matter has nothing to do with you, and Sister Song is not that stingy. Don't worry."

With Su Chen's comfort, Qiao Yingzi felt a little happier.

"Then come out quickly and let's discuss where to go in the future."

Su Chen stood still and said, "Well, you just stand there and talk, and I'll listen."

Qiao Yingzi:? ? ? ? ? ?

"Why are you standing there motionless?".

646: Tong Wenjie: Su Chen’s massage skills are absolutely top-notch

Qiao Yingzi wanted to take two steps forward, but Su Chen refused.

"I just washed it for too long, and now my legs are a little numb. Just tell me without delay."

Qiao Yingzi curled her lips, feeling that there were too many loopholes in Su Chen's words.

But I really want her to tell me what's wrong.

I can't tell.

Qiao Yingzi really stood there, discussing with Su Chen what to do in the next few days.

The main thing is that they, the younger generation, have only had dinner together once after being back for a few days.

I still feel like I should go out and have some fun.

Su Chen agreed with this, and he could also imagine how excited Lin Miaomiao would be after knowing the news.

I can finally escape the prison of family babysitting.

I guess I will come back even after flying.

Let 337 Qiao Yingzi prepare for this matter. She immediately went back to the room to tell everyone the news.

Su Chen also left the kitchen at this time and said goodbye to Song Qian.

"I told you that transformers like to play with them no matter their age."


Lixiang Yayuan.

Tong Wenjie came back from get off work and found Liu Jing.

She was wandering aimlessly on the street at the moment, feeling very lonely.

"Isn't this Ji Yangyang's mother? What is going on? Why do I feel so low?"

Previously, Liu Jing asked Tong Wenjie and the others to get acquainted with each other again because she had to fight against the disease.

I feel like this woman is very strong.

And through his continuous efforts, his child recovered before the college entrance examination.

It can be said that she is a very respectable mother.

this half year.

In order to prevent Liu Jing's body from undergoing too many changes, she did not choose to leave Shuxiang Yayuan.

But they haven't met outside for a long time.

Tong Wenjie went up and said hello: "Liu Jing, what are you doing outside so late? Why don't you go home? It's so cold outside."

Liu Jing raised her head and looked at Tong Wenjie who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Embarrassed smile.

"I just feel a little bored at home alone, so I came out to relax."

Tong Wenjie came closer and looked at her face: "You don't seem a little bored. You seemed to have something on your mind just now. I wonder if I can be your listener?"

"No need to go to such trouble, I'll just stay by myself for a while." Liu Jing finally chose not to reveal what was on her mind.

Tong Wenjie also saw her dilemma and did not urge her. Instead, she said, "Actually, we have a miracle doctor here. If you have any physical problems, you can go to him."

"Miracle doctor? Who is it?" Liu Jing's eyes flashed with light, but her tone remained calm.

You are truly worthy of being a leader.

"That's Su Chen." Tong Wenjie introduced: "Have you not seen that Song Qian is glowing every day, just like a girl? This is not something that can be solved by drinking Chinese medicine. It is all thanks to Su Chen's skills. Excellent massage.”

"Trust me, it's absolutely fine."

Tong Wenjie stopped and left after saying this.

Liu Jing muttered Su Chen's name and looked towards the fourth floor.

In my impression, this top scorer in the college entrance examination does have a good image, and he is very kind to those around him.

But let’s talk about miracle doctors.

Liu Jing was still a little worried.

"Why don't you check with him tomorrow?"

Liu Jing walked around, as if there was a kitten scratching her in her heart.

After she knew she had a goal, she wanted to try it.

What's more, I know this person.

If you talk carefully, you probably won't tell anyone about his recurring condition.

"It's better to go look for him now to avoid trouble tomorrow."

647: Doctors are like parents, don’t think too much

While Liu Jing was undergoing treatment, her illness was indeed cured.

It's just that when she had the surgery, she was still lucky.

Let the doctor leave the non-diseased areas.

As a result, the condition has now relapsed.

It was very uncomfortable.

This is why she has been so upset recently that she can't sleep, so she can only go out for a walk to numb her nerves.

That is to say, Tong Wenjie suddenly got a job these days and had to work overtime, otherwise they might not have met each other.

He wouldn't tell her about Su Chen either.

Arrive at the door of Su Cheng's house.

Liu Jing thought again and again.

What if Su Chen can't treat it?

Or perhaps treating this disease requires paying a considerable price. What should we do?

Can she pay this price?

Liu Jing thought for a while, and finally knocked on the door resolutely.

She must cure this disease.

Wait until the door to 402 opens.

The determined expression on Liu Jing's face suddenly disappeared.

It turned into a very kind face.

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